View Full Version : Venom in spiderman 3

21-May-2007, 04:53 PM
does anybnody else feel that venom was wasted in SM3, i feel that we never got enough of him on screen ( 20 minutes out of 140 ) and the character was just not involved in the film enough. He should have got the sandmans screentime as he is a much better main villian.

21-May-2007, 04:54 PM
I just responded to the exact same post in another thread, dude. Why create another one?:rockbrow:

21-May-2007, 05:04 PM
sorry for the doublepost, just deleted it so this thread still stands

21-May-2007, 11:26 PM
does anybnody else feel that venom was wasted in SM3, i feel that we never got enough of him on screen ( 20 minutes out of 140 ) and the character was just not involved in the film enough. He should have got the sandmans screentime as he is a much better main villian.

Yes, plus they used a whiny metrosexual sissypants like Eric Forman.

21-May-2007, 11:36 PM
I liked it. I didn't have much expectations on Sandman, but he turned out to be a far more interesting villain than Venom and I'm glad they used him as the main bad guy.

21-May-2007, 11:40 PM
I thought it was fine, but I never thought Venom was that good of a Spiderman villain, anyway. And don't get me started on Carnage!

22-May-2007, 12:47 AM
i agree....if raimi didn't want to make venom a part of sm3, then maybe he should have left it to someone else later on instead of just teasing us with a fifteen minute bit. i wish they'd just left the whole symbiote/eddie brock/venom story until the fourth film.:|

22-May-2007, 01:29 AM
dammit i wouldve liked to have seen venom in more of the movie... although how is he supposed to come back in a fourth movie when if venom died??? in the the 3rd?

22-May-2007, 07:24 AM
The sample that Conners had could become a new symbiote.
They should have just kept the black suit in this one and had Venom turn up in the next in his usual comic role as a anti hero.

22-May-2007, 12:19 PM
dammit i wouldve liked to have seen venom in more of the movie... although how is he supposed to come back in a fourth movie when if venom died??? in the the 3rd?

i thought that at the end and if you watch it makes it deliberatly shot that you only see the explosion from one side, a large portion of the suit could have just webbed away from the explosion on the other side of it, thus giving rise to venom or carnage in a sequel, cheap trick but the shot was a bit to "look at that" but the music wasnt like "oh its the end of the big bad guy".:sneaky:

22-May-2007, 06:08 PM
Eric Forman is in the movie? dang

22-May-2007, 08:42 PM
SPOILERS!!! (Spider-man wins in the end)

When Venom dies, you see Eddie Brocks skeleton in the explosion so that's a villain we probably won't be seeing again. The symbiote might create Carnage, tho.


22-May-2007, 09:07 PM
Dude....spoiler tags.

22-May-2007, 09:15 PM
yeah cus people might not know about something that happened in the comics years ago.
well okay they might not but saying the hero beats the bad guy isnt really a spoiler is it?, honestly what else could someone have expected?:sneaky:

22-May-2007, 09:16 PM
Like people who haven't seen Spider-man are gonna check this thread out? If they do, they should almost be spanked...

Anyway, I added them just in case.

22-May-2007, 09:24 PM
yeah cus people might not know about something that happened in the comics years ago.
well okay they might not but saying the hero beats the bad guy isnt really a spoiler is it?, honestly what else could someone have expected?:sneaky:

He didn't really beat/kill Sandman, now did he?:p

And I didn't know of Venom's fate in the comics, anyway. As I'm sure there are other people that see the films and weren't into the comics.

I know that it would've sucked for me if I had read that prior to seeing the movie.....just trying help others out