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22-May-2007, 08:49 PM
:( basicly is there anyway to restore things you deleted from the harddrive?

22-May-2007, 08:58 PM
nope, sucks huh?, i deleted all the stuff that wa spre written on it songs, vids ect the day i got it, granted i didnt lose much but still bugs me that i did.

22-May-2007, 09:14 PM
nope, sucks huh?, i deleted all the stuff that wa spre written on it songs, vids ect the day i got it, granted i didnt lose much but still bugs me that i did.

There are songs and videos already on it?:eek:

Where, when, how, what, and who? I know of the three demo's but I didn't see any songs or videos.

22-May-2007, 09:33 PM
then your hard drive must not have been brand new, my 360 was new, even the box was sealed in plasitc with a microsoft stamp so the store couldnt have switched any components, there were movies, about 2 dozen warner bros. label songs and about 10 different themes on my 360, i deleted the vids but i think they were about the 360 and how it was made, the songs include the likes of drive away, brother and punk rock super star, still got the themes though. oh and a load of gamerpicks.
and no demos on mine but the game hexic hd was on the hard drive allready.
didnt yours have that?, if not maybe the sotre you bought it from, if it was a new one switched the hard drive for a pre-owned one, since you can restore it to fcotry settings from the control panel slide.

-though mine was a premium not a core, maybe microsoft added a few extras the harddrive as a selling insentive or something?

22-May-2007, 09:38 PM
Mine was new. Maybe i just didn't look at the right place seeing as how I'm not a hardcore gamer and know basically nothing on the subject....

22-May-2007, 09:43 PM
try the section on the screen that says videos:p

22-May-2007, 09:47 PM
FLUCK -L now I cant play dead rising at all

22-May-2007, 09:51 PM
huh. why?:rockbrow:

22-May-2007, 09:59 PM
well I beat the crap out of infinity mode and then I couldnt play storyline so im like wtf...so I deleted dead rising off my hard drive thinking corupt data was the problem. now I cant play dead rising at all!!!! I could play infinity mode and overtime. turns out the 360 ripped the disk a new one when having it on for a day or so.

22-May-2007, 10:12 PM
that sucks, have you tried going into the memory section on the settings slide..or blade or whatever its called and deleted the dead rising game saves and any downloads for the game as well?, if it still aint working your royally boned.

-and rather than start another thread since were on the topic of 360 help ive been told by numerous people i can stream videos and pics to my 360 from my regular home edition of windows xp not just media center by simply connecting the ehternet cable i got with my premium to the pc instead of the modem like i do for live, yet everywere online says its possible to, along with media player 11 AND a usb to usb cable, but i dont own a usb to usb cable, let alon one that will cover the distance of my house that speerates the two machines, anyone tried streamingvideo from a non media center xp pc?

darth los
29-May-2007, 01:04 AM
then your hard drive must not have been brand new, my 360 was new, even the box was sealed in plasitc with a microsoft stamp so the store couldnt have switched any components, there were movies, about 2 dozen warner bros. label songs and about 10 different themes on my 360, i deleted the vids but i think they were about the 360 and how it was made, the songs include the likes of drive away, brother and punk rock super star, still got the themes though. oh and a load of gamerpicks.
and no demos on mine but the game hexic hd was on the hard drive allready.
didnt yours have that?, if not maybe the sotre you bought it from, if it was a new one switched the hard drive for a pre-owned one, since you can restore it to fcotry settings from the control panel slide.

-though mine was a premium not a core, maybe microsoft added a few extras the harddrive as a selling insentive or something?

I had all that stuff on my hard drive as well. I bought mine in New York. Do you think it's a regional thing?:confused:

29-May-2007, 01:12 AM
actually i heard that whent one of the launch ones overheated they took the hard drives, which were fine and deleted the accounts on them and redistributed them with new 360's as new ones , hence why some are missing what others like myself deleted.