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23-May-2007, 01:17 AM
So I just got direct tv and I was programing in what stations I mainly view and the station called "chiller" appeared, I looked at the guide for it and it wa mostly tales from the crypt keeper on all day.....is good channel for horror is what Im asking

23-May-2007, 07:17 AM
In Canada we had Star satellite service and they had this channel called "Scream" and it was basically all horror all day long and it didn't repeat the same films over and over and over like other channels. It was bloody fantastic... and at like 11pm every nite I think they had two different hosts... Martina Gale and Edo Van Belkan who did brief descriptions of movies and talked trivia for a few secs kinda like Joe Bob Briggs did (God I miss him)... it was a sweet channel and honestly one of my favorite things about Canada... not sure if thats avail for Direct TV I figure Satellites all get access to the same things? Maybe? I dunno I'm too cheap to pay for Tivo and can't have one attached to my apartment here in the states. Grrr...

Chiller sounds like a cool channel tho I loved TFTC!