View Full Version : Doctor Who Question: Gridlock

23-May-2007, 06:43 PM
So, I've been watching this episode again on TV Links and I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that it's maybe the best episode of series 3. But I have a question that I'm gonna steal from the Outpost Galifrey website....

Am I the only one who cried at the end of the episode? Even now, I'll admit, I still get choked up at that scene.

This is the scene I'm talking about (about 57 seconds in):


and another thing...

Take a look at this clip when the Face of Boe tells the doctor that he is not alone. Watch the reaction on the doctor's face (at 1:40)...

what does that look tell you!

23-May-2007, 09:33 PM
Aye I thought it was a good moment in the episode, well played.

As for the Doc's look, I reckon it's fear and confusion - I'm thinking The Master (the Master was another Time Lord right? ... I'm rusty on my Doc).

Saxon's gotta be The Master, gotta be...that'd explain the personal vendetta...

23-May-2007, 11:46 PM
yeah gridlocks probably one of the best new who episodes in my opinion and in the whole dr who canon its still pretty good.
and yeah saxons blatantly the master:D

24-May-2007, 05:05 AM
Why does everyone think that Saxon is the Master!? seriously, where is the proof?

and yes minon, the master was a timelord

24-May-2007, 06:57 AM
Why does everyone think that Saxon is the Master!? seriously, where is the proof?

and yes minon, the master was a timelord

Well, he did just warn Marthas mother that the Doctor is dangerous so there's a good chance he's a enemy he knows. Saxon could be a analgram for Axon.

24-May-2007, 10:03 AM
the axon evidence has already been proven to be false... it's NOT the axons...

24-May-2007, 08:08 PM
Why does everyone think that Saxon is the Master!? seriously, where is the proof?
Well, at first I thought he might be somebody who works for The Master in some fashion but now I don't know. Almost every newspaper and magazine have named John Simm as The Master, even if he does deny it himself. Those reports can't be be shrugged off, when it comes to TV news the tabloids are generally bang on.