View Full Version : blair witch debate.

23-May-2007, 10:08 PM
So many people have said this movie sucked. So many people have sid this movie was good. I think it was an excellent movie.

Look at it on an economic view

This film was in the Guinness Book Of World Records for "Top Budget:Box Office Ratio" (for a mainstream feature film). The film cost $22,000 to make and made back $240.5 million, a ratio of $1 spent for every $10,931 made.

One of the video cameras used by the actors was bought at Circuit City. After filming was completed, the producers returned the camera for a refund, making their budget money go even further.Because it took a mere 8 days to shoot this film.

Other interesting facts:

In a scene where the main actors are sleeping in a tent at night, the tent suddenly shakes violently and they all get scared. This was unscripted and the director shook the tent; they were really scared.

To promote discord between actors, the directors deliberately gave them less food each day of shooting.

I dont know I think this movie is genius.

23-May-2007, 10:37 PM
In a scene where the main actors are sleeping in a tent at night, the tent suddenly shakes violently and they all get scared. This was unscripted and the director shook the tent; they were really scared.

The majority of the film is unscripted, the actors were given basic directions and supplies and that is it.. all the dialogue is made up on the spot :p

I Thought it was a very good film, i really enjoyed it and still have it on DVD, i still watch it occassionaly.

23-May-2007, 11:01 PM
For what it was and how it was created, produced and finally marketed, it's great. Certainly, it's an awesome premise; very much like a CoC plotline with the film being found afterwards and is the last testament to what the trio went through.

I dug it.

23-May-2007, 11:50 PM
in my opinion one of the best movies of all time, easily in the top 100, the idea was origional, it played out in such a believable way and the ending was just ambiguos enough to make you unsure if it WAS witch craft or just a pycho killer from burketsville.
in almost all my arguments in the discussions in film class i always find myself bringing this movie up, dont know why but its really stuck with me as one of may fav's.
that said its that rare thing , a film that actually lived up to the hipe and my expectations, too bad ive lost the dvd, have the case, but the disc is missing.:mad:

and funny you post this cus jsut today i found 5 blair witch books and a survival horror game in poundland and bought the stock, im gonna ebay them beyotches.

24-May-2007, 12:17 AM
But, we all agree blair witch 2 suck, right?

24-May-2007, 01:23 AM
The whole hold a flashlight under your chin and say your scared of the dark bit? LAME Those kids were morons. If your lost in the woods walk in one direction until you find water or a road. Either will point the way back to civilization.

24-May-2007, 02:19 AM
The whole hold a flashlight under your chin and say your scared of the dark bit? LAME Those kids were morons. If your lost in the woods walk in one direction until you find water or a road. Either will point the way back to civilization.

:rolleyes: :confused:

24-May-2007, 06:58 AM
But, we all agree blair witch 2 suck, right?

oh yeah "book of shadows" gobbled goats balls.:dead:

24-May-2007, 08:10 AM
The whole hold a flashlight under your chin and say your scared of the dark bit? LAME Those kids were morons. If your lost in the woods walk in one direction until you find water or a road. Either will point the way back to civilization.

They did that,they walked all day in one direction but still found themselves back at the same point ;)

I thought it was very good,and it was genuinely scary!i used to camp in the woods with mates as a teenager,and the film brought back memories of how spooky it used to be,& how every noise was "something out there" etc!i remember after seeing it at the cinema loads of people going "thats crap cos you dont see the witch" (or whatever it was) but that was the idea,you can conjure up anything in your imagination,far scarier than could be shown on screen!the last part in the old house had my heart pounding & when heather goes into the cellar & the other guy is just stood facing the wall,like in the story about the child killer earlier in the film,it really creeped me out!and when josh is screaming out in the woods,what the hell was that about??:eek:

24-May-2007, 10:42 AM
I love the film, especially from an indie movie standpoint, they got a good idea, they marketed it superbly and in such an intriguing, and (at that time) new way, the way it was filmed as well was rather cool too.

The bit that always sh*ts me up is when they get to that house, that always freaks me the f*ck out, especially when you see the guy standing in the corner, shat me right up.

I wouldn't half mind making a really low budget flick and making millions off it! :)

24-May-2007, 12:46 PM
niether would i, funny that.:D

you know what ruinsthe films reputation, THE ****ING PARODIES!, there everywere, case in point.


that said i was out filming with the guys and gals for my latest project adn as they were filming a section i was off in the deeper woods for a piss, and on a whim i just yelled out "jjjoooossssh!", and a frikkin perfectly good practice take was ruined by that, i trunled on back into the pathway walk up and wonder why everyones pissed and lo and behold they show me the partice recording of a guy and a girl in the short doing a perfectly serious monologue about moving on in life and out of the forest comes a clear ,albiet a bit girly soudning yell from "mr.director" that clearly says "jooossshh!" on the tape, and i had to stop shooting for 30 mins cus they couldnt start again without laughing:D

24-May-2007, 01:09 PM
Oooooh, you un-professional! :lol::D

You've gotta upload that clip.

Mind you, I crack "gheay jokes" during takes, usually stuff revolving around wanking or dicks or boobies or something childish, haha, for example getting Knox to look worried as he strangles himself in "my NIGHTMARE", saying "you're not going to get to BONE anymore!!" didn't help his acting, haha...funny out-take though.

24-May-2007, 01:12 PM
Good flick. Original and entertaining. We don't get many of those these days.:confused:

24-May-2007, 08:45 PM
I've told this story a million times but I'll tell it again anyway.

When I first came across The Blair Witch Project it was on a s**ty bootleg tape, the quality was absolutely appalling. However, it was just about watchable so I got a few beers in and had a ganders; the movie scared the piss out of me! So off I go telling my mates about this awesome film and how they should see it at the theater, etc. When they got back to me after they were like, "the movie f**king sucked, the whole cinema was laughing out loud. You said it was a horror movie not a comedy..."

Well, when I finally owned it on DVD I gave it another spin and was deeply disappointed. It's okay, I can dig it but I think the reason why I liked it so much when I first saw it was because of the bootleg quality of the movie. The picture looked exactly how a bunch of tapes would look after being lost in the forest and exposed to the elements. I have since spoken to a couple of others who also saw it on s**tcam and they agree that it definitely worked better.

What happened to the guys that made Blair Witch anyway? Man, they dropped off the radar quicker than the characters in their own movie. :D

24-May-2007, 09:11 PM
I love(d) it. Saw it in theaters on an early theatrical showing about a month before the movie came out.

I think it's more of a film that only people who make films, or know what goes into making a film, can appreciate.

I liked the promotional stuff they did (which, I have a feeling, is where most of their budget went) such as having the Sci-Fi channel put out that fake documentary on the lives of the characters and the "real" footage before the movie came out, making a lot of people think it was something that really happened.

24-May-2007, 09:11 PM
What happened to the guys that made Blair Witch anyway? Man, they dropped off the radar quicker than the characters in their own movie. :D

They made a sequel that sucked and subsequently bombed, then dissapeared never to make a movie again.

darth los
24-May-2007, 09:36 PM
They made a sequel that sucked and subsequently bombed, then dissapeared never to make a movie again.

Perserverance is a lost art. That never Stopped GAR from continuing to churn them out.

25-May-2007, 12:05 AM
My dad step sister and brother-in-law walked out of the movie and snuck into another one. I enjoyed it though.

darth los
25-May-2007, 07:03 AM
Wow, doing that sure brings back memories. We used to be masters at "buy one get one free". First time I tried it was when I saw NOTLD 90 and then snuck upstairs and helped myself to a a showing of marked for death starring Steven "spray on hair" Segal. :barf:

Ah, good times !!

25-May-2007, 11:15 AM
i sneaked into so many movies when i was still in high school, id pay for one and see like 3 or 4, i even have the shame of sneaking into see the crocodile hunter movie and the screening was empty bar to elderly folks.:lol:

darth los
25-May-2007, 05:35 PM
3 or 4 !?! you truly were a master of stealth infiltration. ;) I'm terrible at that stuff. I know i'd get caught. I'm definitely no Sam Fisher or Solid Snake, that's for sure.:rolleyes:

25-May-2007, 06:46 PM
I've told this story a million times but I'll tell it again anyway.

When I first came across The Blair Witch Project it was on a s**ty bootleg tape, the quality was absolutely appalling. However, it was just about watchable so I got a few beers in and had a ganders; the movie scared the piss out of me! So off I go telling my mates about this awesome film and how they should see it at the theater, etc. When they got back to me after they were like, "the movie f**king sucked, the whole cinema was laughing out loud. You said it was a horror movie not a comedy..."

A case of nervous laughter maybe?

It happens from time to time to some audiences during unsettling scenes in horror and Sci Fi.

25-May-2007, 07:02 PM
Great film/concept, let down by the ending IMHO!

25-May-2007, 07:06 PM
Great film/concept, let down by the ending IMHO!
This is totally unfair on audiences but the twist is that the house they were in was burnt down in the forties. The backstory to the footage goes it was found preserved in a area untouched for over a century.

26-May-2007, 10:49 AM
yeah if you aint seen the codumentarys and the extras on the dvd and read the books ect. its really only half a story.

3 or 4 !?! you truly were a master of stealth infiltration. ;) I'm terrible at that stuff. I know i'd get caught. I'm definitely no Sam Fisher or Solid Snake, that's for sure.:rolleyes:

not really just head into the bathroom as the crowd pours out, whilst checking waht films are on on the signs above each screen adn the start times then wait in there till the movies been on for a minute or two of trailers then head in there if its getting full head to another one as you may have taken some paying customers seat if not sit back enjoy ,rinse repeat.

04-Jun-2007, 02:54 PM
i even have the shame of sneaking into see the crocodile hunter movie and the screening was empty bar to elderly folks. :lol:


"Crikey! Good choice there Hellz!" :lol: