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View Full Version : what wouldn't you do/who wouldn't you kill to survive?

23-May-2007, 11:44 PM
I was watching the Descent... not a zombie movie but certainly a survival flick... and was wondering is there anything you wouldn't do or anyone you wouldn't kill to survive?

I can't imagine there's anything I wouldn't do to survive and as for people i'd never kill thats basically anyone who can't keep up should be put out of their misery and of course i'd certainly knock the knees outta anyone I didn't like so the zombies would slow down to munch on them before continuing towards me. I have no kids and well yeah I think I'm just someone out for myself so I'd be willing to do and hurt anyone.

23-May-2007, 11:53 PM
I wouldnt kill my close family members or my woman... but I would certainly kill a cousin or a friend to survive. Everyone else too.

24-May-2007, 12:01 AM
well when it comes to real life situations im a fialry chivalrous son of a bitch and would probably die trying to help a freind or family member, or possibly a stranger if they werent y'know a nutjob with a shotgun, cus if you could save a few lives but risk getting killed in the process i dont know about you, id be scared but i think id probably do that if the situation was dire enough.

24-May-2007, 12:03 AM
I would rather die a hero then die a coward.

Btw the descent is a bad ass flick, barely any penis in that movie, chicks running around sweating in tank tops. brilliant.

24-May-2007, 12:07 AM
I would not kill anyone unless I thought they were an imminent threat to me or my... "Party" of survivors.

24-May-2007, 12:23 AM
Philly thats cool how you have arcade master under your name and debbie has chat moderator under hers.

I cant wait till I get 8000 posts to put hpotd blowjob guy under my name.

24-May-2007, 12:42 AM
But when you save people they tend to become dependant on you for thier safety which only reduces your safety by surrounding yourself with dependants

24-May-2007, 02:12 AM
I can't answer this question in a real and meaningful way, having not been in any life and death situations where I had the chance to stick my neck out for others. I'd like to think I could step up and help out and I'd like to think I could be able to kill, when push came to shove, but I don't honestly know. I doubt I would be a reaver of sorts plundering and murdering others for their supplies in a world gone mad, but pressure, stress, circumstance and necessity do weird things to people.

24-May-2007, 10:53 AM
I'm with Acesand. This is the kind of question that's impossible to answer on a message board. I honestly don't know until I'm there.

I'd imagine if someone kept dragging our party into dangers due to their recklessness, I'd leave them behind. But I wouldn't kill them.

24-May-2007, 02:08 PM
In a situation, like zeds, if anyone in close proximity to me including my...sheesh I am realizing what I am writing here...Its one thing to imagine it , but another to actually write it. A whole different ballgame to have to put one in the head of someone dear to you if they have been bitten.
I have seen what a well placed round can do to a human head & body, so ...

Would I want to survive knowing I let my family down, allowed them to get bitten/attacked.Would I want to end their misery?If so, end mine...?

I know my wife can fire a .38, I would want her to take me out if got bitten.
But the reverse would be, well, lets just say, very hard to do.
I would be smooth steady, as accurate as possible w/ my mp in single short controlled bursts to their heads, but when it comes to my family, its a tie between releasing their soul and the memory of them.

If you kick a male zed in the nurts, would it hurt him?
NO.They feel no pain, in this hypothesis , I lean twards releasing them from turning.
Keeping the memory of how great wonderful they are in life : would I be able to live with that?This is interesting & disturbing at the same time.
As far as helping others, I would do whatever is neccesary to help my family, including give my life for them, but I would want them to be safe after I die, more than anything in that theoretical situation.
Great thread Miss Jack.

24-May-2007, 02:38 PM

nurts. i dont care if its a spelling mistake or not im using that one from now on.:lol:

25-May-2007, 03:52 AM

nurts. i dont care if its a spelling mistake or not im using that one from now on.:lol:

Stole it from a bass player friend of mine over at HomeRecording.com...:skull:

25-May-2007, 04:23 AM
I guess its really easy for me to ask a question like that of others because I dont consider myself as having family anymore and the odds of crossing paths with them ever are slim to none. And if I did the vinegar in my veins is just bitter enough to not consider whether they're zombies yet before offing them.

I'd prolly risk my safety for others in any other situation but not with zombies simply because you save someone and they glom onto you. My one exception would be children of course. I dont care for them but no child should have to survive that. I can't imagine killing my boyfriend unless he was bitten and even then I'd have to do it before he looks me in the eye with that 'im gonna be one of them' look.

But in any event in the end I think every group of survivors would have to weigh each persons individual stength and survival ability. If you had kids you'd want them to be with the strongest and smartest not with the weaklings that everyone has to save. So as someone at my peak right now I'd sacrifice others to be that leader to lead the group and expect those who aren't to either challenge my authority or die for the sake of their young.

darth los
25-May-2007, 04:26 AM
A whole different ballgame to have to put one in the head of someone dear to you if they have been bitten.

But the reverse would be, well, lets just say, very hard to do.

When everybody talks about different outbreak scenarios and wonders why the situation got so out of control in the progression of GAR'S films, that's one of the main reasons why. In the European cut of Dawn Stephen ponders the same question and Peter bluntly asks him "what if the "lady" gets bitten... do you think you can cut her head off ?" Deep stuff. But i also agree that you never know how you're going to react untill you're in a certain situation. I know there have been countless times when i played a situation over and over in my head and how i was going to react to it, only to have it go right down the toilet when push came to shove. So you never know. We're only human after all.

28-May-2007, 03:10 PM
any mofo who got in the way of me and my loved ones survival...