View Full Version : Will prisons be big business in our generation?

28-May-2007, 12:13 AM
I've seen all kinds of movies through the years about how someday prisons may show executions on Pay Per View and my personal favorite "No Escape" with Ray Liotta (IMO a man who should get an honorary oscar) where prisons are in a sense big business. I understand that the goverenment doesn't want to create new ways to kill death row inmates because of the whole 'cruel and unusual' thing but whats so funny is the lethal injection that took ten go-at-its. Electrocution is cruel AND unusual. Hanging is just plain odd and relatively curel is not done correctly. A firing squad is reasonable, I mean its cheap. And a lot of people die by gunshot woundage. But i'm thinking our country should turn prisons into big business. If you get on death row let people bid on who gets to kill them. And whoever buys them can kill them however they bloody well please. Or maybe we could televise it. We could turn prisons into hunting grounds that might be fun. I think a lot of people would be into it given that anyone touched by a violent crime wants vengeance. And generally any kind of revenge is sufficient so who cares how they die.

We have all kinds of shows that seem to want to raise the bar. Fear Factor started of with creepy crawlies and elevated feats of strength and turned into something really grody when they asked you to eat spiders that had actual pinchers and stuff. Then there's Dog Eat Dog where they're basically doing stunts that could seriously harm them. And all for money. But a TV show with convicts who get no money and get no freedom and only get tortured sounds pretty good. It seems people enjoy watching others suffer. Thats why I eat marshmallows and watch survivor. Or thats why I give a friend of mine a Snickers and talk him up in front of the gym with the plate glass window. I'm cruel and I can dig it.

Would you? Do you think prisons will be the 'next big thing' in TV? And/or that they'll become big biz?

28-May-2007, 01:19 AM
I doubt something like pay per view would have people being executed ever.

darth los
28-May-2007, 02:18 AM
Try going to prison yourself or having someone you love locked up and let's see if you talk about things like this so cavalierly.

28-May-2007, 02:55 AM
I had a good friend who was in prison for 7 years. I have 2 other friends in prison right now for various things. But I know a man who murdered my friend who's in there. I know another man who killed his wife and two daughters who were my friends in there. They deserve to die. All those on death row who have DNA and additional evidence to prove their guilt deserve their ultimate fate to be delivered early.

And BTW people in jail and prison get what they deserve. I have no pity for them whether I know them or not. You do a crime and you deserve what comes regardless of the circumstances. I've been arrested and nearly imprisoned and still feel that way. I'm not trying to be sanctimonious im' just saying... I think people would invest in this and that it would be one fair way of giving certain people on death row what they deserve.

darth los
28-May-2007, 03:03 AM
It's called having a conscience. No one has the right to afront the dignity of a human being. I don't think anyone has the right to deem what others "deserve" especially when they are not savvy as to the ways of the law. The law spells out the penalty and they get it. Time served , debt paid, end of story. You can't hope to intergrate people back into society one day and in the meantime dehumanize them and expect there to be no consequences to that. I'm sorry about what happened to you but the law is that way for a reason. All personal feelings aside, just black and white. Otherwise we'd have people bending the rules all over the place to help the people they care about.If you don't have kids i see how you could feel that way. If you do i can't imagine a parent in the world with their child locked up whio is callous and heartless enough to say , screw him he got what he deserved.

28-May-2007, 06:22 PM
prison is supposed to be a punishment... ( cant do the time, dont do the crime )

28-May-2007, 06:31 PM
I'm against the death penalty. But as long as we're doing it, why not do it with style? Bring back the gladiators! I want action! Bloodshed! Carnage! Swords!

28-May-2007, 06:42 PM
But a TV show with convicts who get no money and get no freedom and only get tortured sounds pretty good.


28-May-2007, 09:06 PM
i'd watch it ( but i watched dawn04 )

28-May-2007, 10:37 PM
i'd watch it ( but i watched dawn04 )

Somehow, I just found that comment very funny.

darth los
29-May-2007, 12:58 AM
That is a mouthful....:p

29-May-2007, 03:27 AM
i say killem all let god sortem out... i have done some pretty f'ed shiest to a child molester before... i say put the sick fudges on tv and let them fight for their life if they value it so... i hate twisted sick fudges:mad:

29-May-2007, 03:31 AM
I dont believe you can rehabilitate them. You can take away their anatomical parts but you can't take away their desire you can only reduce it if you're lucky. Prison is the perfect place for them as long as they're with the general population. At least there they'll find out what its like.

darth los
29-May-2007, 03:36 AM
I dont believe you can rehabilitate them. You can take away their anatomical parts but you can't take away their desire you can only reduce it if you're lucky. Prison is the perfect place for them as long as they're with the general population. At least there they'll find out what its like.

I'm in total agreement with you there. Child molesters are indeed in a class by themselves. All that stuff we about law we discussed goes right out the window. A perfect example of "gray" area, huh?

29-May-2007, 03:40 AM
My first boss had her two kids molested by another child who didn't know what she was doing... I never knew if charges were files because the two victims were 1st grade and under and the girl who did it was maybe in 3rd grade. How can you punish a child that didnt know what she was doing? I figured since her mother was a drug addict willing to do anything for money she was only doing what she saw her mother do. Unfortunately the trauma affects all the children and hopefully by now those kids can't remember anything. But it just goes to show not ever molester is some evil scary dude living under a bridge.

Its always the people you welcome into your life who betray you. That sounds horrible doesnt it? But hey last stats out there were like 1 outta 3 families have children who've been molested.