View Full Version : best place to film a zombie flick?

28-May-2007, 06:53 AM
City? Country? Above-Ground? Underground? At sea?

I'd really like to see a zombie flick on the ocean but I mean something tells me it would be too much like Jason Takes Manhattan and just seem silly because frankly there's only so many places you can hide. But I would like to see them explore zombies underwater a bit more.

Personally I think the best place for a zombie outbreak would be Laguna Beach. I know it would be way too expensive for any movie to film there just because I can't imagine they would let them close down PCH for that long but when ya think about it during any hour of the day (save for like 3am to 6am) the place is packed and most people can't move. I dont know how anyone paralell parks their car there. So if say... an outbreak happened at the hospital there it would be a matter of seconds before total mayhem because there's only two ways outta town... through the canyon thats usually burning on fire... or north/south via PCH... what are survivors to do?

Hmmm... maybe they could go ala ocean!

Where do you suggest the next zombifilm take place?

28-May-2007, 07:06 AM
City? Country? Above-Ground? Underground? At sea?

I'd really like to see a zombie flick on the ocean but I mean something tells me it would be too much like Jason Takes Manhattan and just seem silly because frankly there's only so many places you can hide. But I would like to see them explore zombies underwater a bit more.

Personally I think the best place for a zombie outbreak would be Laguna Beach. I know it would be way too expensive for any movie to film there just because I can't imagine they would let them close down PCH for that long but when ya think about it during any hour of the day (save for like 3am to 6am) the place is packed and most people can't move. I dont know how anyone paralell parks their car there. So if say... an outbreak happened at the hospital there it would be a matter of seconds before total mayhem because there's only two ways outta town... through the canyon thats usually burning on fire... or north/south via PCH... what are survivors to do?

Hmmm... maybe they could go ala ocean!

Where do you suggest the next zombifilm take place?

City, I really enjoy seeing zombie films in places of mass populace. My favorite parts of Dawn of the Dead (original) were the Projects and the News room. It realy made me feel like I was right there, all claustrophobic with them. When they got to the mall the feeling dissipated.

28-May-2007, 07:08 AM
that makes me remember... i'd like to see a high rise zombie attack... since you're either going to have to jump off or make it down to the main entry i'd like to see a zombie outbreak there... a bit of it in fiddlers green but left wanting more of course

28-May-2007, 07:21 AM
that makes me remember... i'd like to see a high rise zombie attack... since you're either going to have to jump off or make it down to the main entry i'd like to see a zombie outbreak there... a bit of it in fiddlers green but left wanting more of course

Oh man, that would be weird... i think it would remind me too much of 9/11 when all the people were jumping out of the windows to escape the fire.

28-May-2007, 07:28 AM
I'm willing to work around that and have no one jump to their deaths ...perhaps not a high rise ... that was that high maybe something high with buildings to jump to ...like vault from one to the next only of course to realize... hah! they're infested with zombies too...

and not a lot of people in zombie flicks kill themselves...

28-May-2007, 07:31 AM
City. I too like to see it in mass population.

At sea on a ship might be a little boring..even on a big military boat / sub

28-May-2007, 07:59 AM
I'm willing to work around that and have no one jump to their deaths...

if everyone were to avoid recreating certain actions that were reminiscent of a horrible traumatic event, there would be no more movies made ever.

Personally, I would take a dive and spend the last seconds of my life flying like a bird...sort of... rather than being eviscerated. But i would try and fight til the bitter end.

28-May-2007, 01:46 PM
the city, the best part of resi 2 was the opening as the virus took over racoon city, seeing it from the chopper as hundreds of zombies flooded the streets and police blockades was awesome.

28-May-2007, 03:06 PM
The Best place to film a zombie flick? Without a doubt (and with the right safety procedures...) the area around Chernobyl

28-May-2007, 04:15 PM
"the shooting whent great till the crew started glowing in the dark":lol:

28-May-2007, 05:56 PM
Damn you Cyk, I was just about to say Chernobyl and the surrounding area! :p

Terrible tragedy indeed, but that whole area, damn man...take away the tragedy and add in an army of the undead and you'd have a spot-on setting!

Perhaps someone will pimp out a mod for STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl that replaces everyone else with just zombies, now that's make a scary game downright sh*t-squirtin'...:eek:

28-May-2007, 07:16 PM
Part of Return of the Living Dead 4 was done at Chernobyl. However, I would like to film a land of the dead type film in the vacated and empty city surrounding Chernobyl. The pictures make the place look so spooky and creepy. Awesome spot for a zombie film.

28-May-2007, 07:53 PM
i allways thought it had a more silent hill vibe myself.

28-May-2007, 08:43 PM
Return 4 had some filmed there? I thought it was 5...hmm...which part of 4?

I watched 4...man alive was it atrocious, such a pile of shiite.

The bit you're on about is Pripyat - ideal for a zombie film, just imagine fortifying one of those old apartment buildings in the centre of the town and seeing the streets packed with zombies for as far as the eye could see...damn, now that'd be a freakin' movie right there!

One day...one day...

28-May-2007, 09:08 PM
Centralia, Pennsylvania which inspired the movie Silent Hill. Its mostly abandoned and there's underground fires. Scaaaaaaaaaaaaary

28-May-2007, 09:43 PM
try & do it somewhere that the others haven't gone, even if its just a simple city change

28-May-2007, 11:52 PM
Provided you dont mention the underground fires in the script Centralia is the perfect filming spot and the Silent Hill movie wasn't even filmed there. Its just pre-abandoned and waiting for someone to infest it with flesh eaters...

darth los
21-Jul-2007, 01:51 AM
I think that if you're looking for an epic large scale feel to the film it should be above ground and/or outdoors. If a more claustrophobic, tense situatinal feel is what you're going for then idoor/underground is the way to go imo.

21-Jul-2007, 02:09 AM
id love to see zombies invade laguna beach and whipe out all those spoiled 16 year old girls

darth los
21-Jul-2007, 02:36 AM
id love to see zombies invade laguna beach and whipe out all those spoiled 16 year old girls

I guess you're going for the epic feel. lol :lol:

21-Jul-2007, 04:20 AM
A movie focusing on an urban outbreak would be nice. For rural scenes, they could always use the area around the Greerbrier Hotel in West Virigina. Not only is the area surrounded by mountains, rivers and god know's what else, the hotel also has beneath it a former Cold-War era "government relocation" bunker for U.S. Congressmen. The bunker is now open to the public for tours.


Would have been a great location for a REAL remake of Day (not a pathetic, half-ass, piece of worthless sh*t). But, what the hell do those guys know anyway?

darth los
21-Jul-2007, 04:39 AM
A movie focusing on an urban outbreak would be nice.

When i read that it reminded me of the project scene from dwan. A whole movie that had that type of feel and pacing would kick ass.

21-Jul-2007, 10:56 PM
City? Country? Above-Ground? Underground? At sea?

I'd really like to see a zombie flick on the ocean but I mean something tells me it would be too much like Jason Takes Manhattan and just seem silly because frankly there's only so many places you can hide. But I would like to see them explore zombies underwater a bit more.

Personally I think the best place for a zombie outbreak would be Laguna Beach. I know it would be way too expensive for any movie to film there just because I can't imagine they would let them close down PCH for that long but when ya think about it during any hour of the day (save for like 3am to 6am) the place is packed and most people can't move. I dont know how anyone paralell parks their car there. So if say... an outbreak happened at the hospital there it would be a matter of seconds before total mayhem because there's only two ways outta town... through the canyon thats usually burning on fire... or north/south via PCH... what are survivors to do?

Hmmm... maybe they could go ala ocean!

Where do you suggest the next zombifilm take place?

city: barricades, panic, caos, SWAT, paramedics...

21-Jul-2007, 11:37 PM
chaos even! ;)

23-Jul-2007, 09:47 PM
A small, intense location? A cemetary.

An epic, urban location? St Pancras Cemetary, the largest cemetary in London.

23-Jul-2007, 10:01 PM
City? Country? Above-Ground? Underground? At sea?

I'd really like to see a zombie flick on the ocean but I mean something tells me it would be too much like Jason Takes Manhattan and just seem silly because frankly there's only so many places you can hide. But I would like to see them explore zombies underwater a bit more.

Personally I think the best place for a zombie outbreak would be Laguna Beach. I know it would be way too expensive for any movie to film there just because I can't imagine they would let them close down PCH for that long but when ya think about it during any hour of the day (save for like 3am to 6am) the place is packed and most people can't move. I dont know how anyone paralell parks their car there. So if say... an outbreak happened at the hospital there it would be a matter of seconds before total mayhem because there's only two ways outta town... through the canyon thats usually burning on fire... or north/south via PCH... what are survivors to do?

Hmmm... maybe they could go ala ocean!

Where do you suggest the next zombifilm take place?

I'd say a city

like my avatar?

15-Aug-2007, 09:40 PM
The city's always cool. Best venue to show the disintigration of order and government.

However, for creepy: I used to live in northern Nevada. I'd hike around the old turn of the century abandoned mining camps many miles in the desert out of Crescent Valley. Camped there a few times too. Spooky as hell, be sort of a neat setting.

16-Aug-2007, 06:28 PM
I would say Imperial Beach, CA.

I dont know Butchie instead.

16-Aug-2007, 07:50 PM
A nursery :dead::eek:

17-Aug-2007, 04:26 AM
Detroit is the best place to film a zombie movie. The city is already dead and our wonderful state of Michigan is dying since the auto industry is failing. Combine that with all the outsourcing going on and we are pretty much Zombies here already.

So my vote goes to Detroit, Zombie City.

17-Aug-2007, 04:43 AM
The city's always cool. Best venue to show the disintigration of order and government.

However, for creepy: I used to live in northern Nevada. I'd hike around the old turn of the century abandoned mining camps many miles in the desert out of Crescent Valley. Camped there a few times too. Spooky as hell, be sort of a neat setting.

Man, if one was set in Northern Nevada, I doubt it'd actually be set here. It'd probably be somewhere in Ne-vah-duh, and I really have no clue where that is, but apparently that's where CSI takes place. And there's a Las Vegas there too, funny coincidence.

17-Aug-2007, 04:55 PM
Man, if one was set in Northern Nevada, I doubt it'd actually be set here. It'd probably be somewhere in Ne-vah-duh, and I really have no clue where that is, but apparently that's where CSI takes place. And there's a Las Vegas there too, funny coincidence.

For some city shots, go to New Orleans. I drove over last summer, the outskirts looked like zombies had already been through there. You could easily get the remaining crackheads to howl and stumble in the streets once the camera is turned on.

17-Aug-2007, 09:49 PM
Man, if one was set in Northern Nevada, I doubt it'd actually be set here. It'd probably be somewhere in Ne-vah-duh, and I really have no clue where that is, but apparently that's where CSI takes place. And there's a Las Vegas there too, funny coincidence.

:lol::lol: And no one who didn't live there gets the joke!:thumbsup:

19-Aug-2007, 10:22 PM
England I would say but hey the zombie diaries aswell as the 28 movies have really covered that and zd is preordered..I cant wait for that film. Everything hits alot harder when its on youre own front doorstep.

For epic I think the first return of the living dead had some amazing moments like the police blockade with the dead in the headlights then the lights getting more and more full. I hate the return series but that was pure brilliant, you think fine its 10 stragglers...30..50..holy hell!

I think a great film setting would be in a rural area, I wrote a short story on the idea. Basically imagine if in the first couple weeks a couple campers grabbed as much rations and campign gear as they could find and hiked to the top of a small mountain. They wait and monitor everything, maybe try building some small fortifications. The seclusion would offer safety but eventually as the living fall the corpses would go out into the countryside looking for fresh meat as seen with the stragglers in dawn of the dead..

The ideal zed location? Would be to follow a bunch of looter mercenaries and so you would get every location you could think of..Aswell as the cities and the rescue stations also the countryside and the changing face of a country.

Gah maybe not, on second thoughts Ill go for a plane. I know before anyone says it "Im done with this muthfu*in zombies on this muthafu*in plane" and I know there is already a film..plane dead if memory serves. But Im talkin less cheese more civillian flight to newyork in the middle of the dead wars and on the way to New York and the pilot announcing that "New York is now a comprimised area until further notice from the authorities". Maybe not a great setting but would make for some intresting points..Cant go back not enough fuel and to land would be to put everyone at risk.Jus an idea to ponder.