View Full Version : Should I invest in one of these?

29-May-2007, 04:51 PM

Has anyone ever used one and if so, are they worth spending £40 on or should I just keep my normal keyboard?

29-May-2007, 05:30 PM
i guess it depends on how much you like you pc games. ive seen em in a big pile of warcraft stuff in my local gamestation though most people i know who are pc gaemrs prefer to stick to your typical keyboard.

29-May-2007, 05:50 PM
That's for PC?!


I wouldn't touch that with a 10ft barge pole! I prefer the classic keyboard myself, although I'm whoring myself out on the side with the SexBox369 joypad these days, hehe...

29-May-2007, 06:08 PM
theres an idea, gamestation sell s 360 controllers for pc's now, you could try one of them.

04-Jun-2007, 08:14 AM
I'm whoring myself out on the side with the SexBox369 joypad these days
Lovesly aint's they? :sneaky:

04-Jun-2007, 09:47 AM
Lovesly aint's they? :sneaky:
For certain games...Saints Row is still a bitch to handle at times when a keyboard & mouse would be so much better (one prime example is being driven in a car and you've got to shoot at people, it'd be so much more accurate with a mouse, and I wouldn't have to replay those missions (usually) around 4 damn times).

It's ideal for racing games, and I got to grips with it for Dead Rising (although, again, a mouse would have been far more accurate and quick to work with)...shooters it's not ideal...but skatin'/racin'/beatin' - those sort of games it's best for.

Still though, I'm about 21% through it now, robbing stores is hilarious, kicking a door open as the alarm rings out, taking a hostage in a car and driving them fast until they pay up (ideal for respect and cash).

Really fun game with a lot of nice little touches though, pedestrian character animations (such as stopping to tie up their shoes, stopping to yank their riding up pants out their arse cracks)...there's plenty of sex references/modest sights in the game too, like when you invade that club or whatever and you kick open doors and there's dudes doing it doggy with some slag, or getting sucked off or whatever...hilarious in a videogame, I'm shocked there hasn't been any stooshy about the sex in the game...but whatever, ha.

Also, nice lighting/water/fire effects, same goes for the damage with bits falling off your car (I saw a wing mirror fall off yesterday specifically :D), so aye, loads of fun, haven't played any other SexBox game since getting SRow on the 29th.

04-Jun-2007, 10:09 AM
so how would you rte saints row, as apposed to the genre grandaddy vice city?:rockbrow:

04-Jun-2007, 10:20 AM
Saints Row is a pile of wank compared to Vice City, which is - as you say - the feckin' daddy of the genre...

However, when judged on it's own, which is best, it's a hell of a lot of fun, I'll bullet point my thoughts:

1) Don't really know wtf is going on with the story, bunch of gang bangers fightin' with each other when they should be watching TV instead, but oh well...I never understand these sort of stories...

2) Light/Water/Fire effects are roasty alright, noiiice...as is car destruction - very nice.

3) Variety of "activities" is cool, like insurance fraud.

4) Would be a lot better to control with a mouse though.

5) Visually it looks great, there's a few bits where it feels a bit barron, but as a first glimpse at next-gen-GTA, it's lovely jubbly, mate.

6) Music selection isn't anywhere near as good as for GTA, doi...but the radio station WMD is pretty funny, and there are some good tracks.

7) Taking hostages in cars you've jacked - nice touch.

8) Robbing stores, either by force or by cracking the safe (which is a bit tricky to control to be honest), then kicking open the doors to get away in the getaway car you specifically parked 'round back' to make a quick 'sharp harp' exit. :cool:

9) The peds say some rather funny things, also, not many cars about at night - realism/slightly annoying when looking for some hostage action.

10) There's plenty of sex in the game, so it feels more adult...plus the boobies wiggle, which is funny. :D

11) Gang warfare - well played, Clerks...

So aye, I'm addicted to it, it's a lot of fun, GTA is still the daddy, but Saints Row - considered on it's own - gets a good 7 or 8 out of 10 easily.

Is there anyway to pick up prozzies walking the streets though? :lol: