View Full Version : It's official, Uwe Boll has lost it

darth los
30-May-2007, 12:49 AM
this guy is just too funny. If not now, when do you think he did lose it, if he ever in fact had it. He's really beating them away with a stick these days, huh? Anybody have Hollywood dreams? Go for it. !! I'm ready for my close up MR. Boll !! :D


30-May-2007, 12:56 AM

what a frigg faced ****tard!, speaking as someone who dreams of making movies for the public i cannot believe he keeps getting work let, alone that people got in his films up till now.

hes a disgrace to the industry, even george "12th special edition" lucas still has more integrity.

darth los
30-May-2007, 01:06 AM
You said a mouthfull. Ewe Boll?:barf: Ex NBA player Manute Bol could make a better film. :p

30-May-2007, 02:40 AM
only bad actors lol...

darth los
30-May-2007, 02:44 AM
That is definitely a classic excuse. Another is, "they wouldn't let me implement the script i intended therefore my vision sucked, it's the studio's fault". Ah, one of my favs.:D

30-May-2007, 03:21 AM
ewe eww

30-May-2007, 03:37 AM
ugh, it gets wors boys and girls

"Boll planning Alone in the Dark 2

If bad films were crimes, Uwe Boll would be public enemy #1. The filmmaker has outraged critics, gamers, and paying moviegoers with his string of horrendously reviewed and low-grossing game adaptations. Among his "credits" are BloodRayne and the forthcoming Postal, which tastefully spoofs the 9/11 attacks.

Now, Boll has announced his intention to offend again. According to film news site Screendaily, Boll is readying a sequel for Alone in the Dark. Based on the classic horror-survival game, which Atari is remaking for next-gen consoles, the 2004 film bears a subterranean average rating of 9 out of 100 on Metacritic. The sequel, tentatively titled Alone in the Dark 2, will have a bare-bones budget of $7.5 million, and will begin shooting in the summer in New York City. "

i seriously hate this guy, theres tons of great film makers out there with so much potential, and they dont get the funding for films while this travety to the name "director" makes these friggin' heaps of crap, it jsut pisses me off beyond belief.

30-May-2007, 09:48 AM
i seriously hate this guy, theres tons of great film makers out there with so much potential, and they dont get the funding for films while this travety to the name "director" makes these friggin' heaps of crap, it jsut pisses me off beyond belief.

Couldn't agree more, mate.

Folk would make more money out of pimping out new, untested talent rather than continuing to make bollocks with that douche...hell, I could make a sh*t film and I'd do it for half of what Boll gets paid! :eek:

Mind you, I don't think I'd want the poo stain on my career, ha!

30-May-2007, 11:12 AM
But didn't you hear? or Read? Supposedly Postal doesn't suck. :lol:

And if you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya.

30-May-2007, 12:21 PM
im listening.:sneaky:

seriously though, if a film is a "9/11 spoof" then i doubt its gonna be very popular, especially in the u.s.
i wonder if some families sued him for it the judge could put some kind of no filmmaking whammy of a law on him, that'd rule:)

30-May-2007, 06:02 PM
Part of the film has a 9/11 "spoof" (part of which I saw online), yes very tasteless indeed...but still...apparently the movie doesn't suck...so I'm intrigued, but as a big fan of the Postal games, I need to check it out anyway...it'll whet my appetite at least for Postal III. :sneaky:

darth los
30-May-2007, 06:38 PM
I'll believe it when i see it.:rolleyes:

30-May-2007, 06:40 PM
i agree, waht was this reputable source that everyone trusts that said its good?
cus if its aint it cool, id think again, there currently saying how great the dead or alive movie adaption looks.

no you arent confused, it hasnt even been released in the states yet it was such a turd.

30-May-2007, 06:45 PM
uwe boll has to have some sort of faustian deal in place. there is no way that his movies could be this consistently bad but yet he still manages to get a hold of funding.

maybe he should've read the fineprint on his deal. perhaps the devil only promised to turn him into a film maker and said nothing about making him into a good one.

house of the dead is without a doubt one of the worst crapfests ever committed before a camera. i would rather be sentenced to watching fulci movies for a week straight than sit through that thing even once more.

30-May-2007, 07:04 PM
uwe boll has to have some sort of faustian deal in place. there is no way that his movies could be this consistently bad but yet he still manages to get a hold of funding.

i swear to god ive said the exact same thing, possibly on here no less, and yes i can think of no other explanation for his travestys.

30-May-2007, 10:04 PM
I was reading about the Postal movie not just on AICN, there were some other movie/game sites who were all reporting different previewers impressions who were all rather surprised.

I can't remember the links now, but I definitely recall reading the good/shocked press preview stuff ... it's not something you easily forget afterall, an Ewww Boll-ock flick getting positive feedback?! :stunned:

04-Jun-2007, 05:07 PM
Far Cry? Alone In The Dark? Is the man actually capable of making a non-game related movie? What a pleb. :dead:

darth los
04-Jun-2007, 07:47 PM
I could even see if they were blockbusters and he just kept making them, that would be smart, stick with what works. However, that's not the case. He continues to butcher these films and continues to get work. Some things int the universe are unexplainable.:rolleyes: The truth is out there !!!:confused:

04-Jun-2007, 10:22 PM
It wouldn't be so bad if the films were still being made, and still being sh*t, but newbie directors (and no, not dicks like McG or music video nobs) instead who were getting a shot at the pie...better in the end really, give some folk a chance, that's how you find the next big thing...just letting Boll-ock suck the life out of everything does squat.

Still, fingers crossed for Postal being at least a fleeting bit of sicko-tainment.

darth los
04-Jun-2007, 11:11 PM
Considering his track record, that's probably all it has a chance to be.:rolleyes: