View Full Version : Is anyone else concerned about this?

30-May-2007, 10:12 PM

It only got a paragraph in the national papers (because big brother & david beckham are more important :rolleyes: ) but i find it quite worrying that russia is trying to assert its nuclear power again! :shifty:

30-May-2007, 11:03 PM

It only got a paragraph in the national papers (because big brother & david beckham are more important :rolleyes: ) but i find it quite worrying that russia is trying to assert its nuclear power again! :shifty:

The Russian government probably feels equally worried about the US defense shields being put into positions in other countries that would nullify their retaliatory abilities thus incapacitating their entire military....

I mean it doesn’t seem surprising at all...If the tables were turned and Russians were deploying missile shields in foreign countries to protect themselves from possible missile strikes wouldn’t the United States and the UK also seek to develop missiles to evade such systems.....

31-May-2007, 01:57 AM
The Russian government probably feels equally worried about the US defense shields being put into positions in other countries that would nullify their retaliatory abilities thus incapacitating their entire military....

I mean it doesn’t seem surprising at all...If the tables were turned and Russians were deploying missile shields in foreign countries to protect themselves from possible missile strikes wouldn’t the United States and the UK also seek to develop missiles to evade such systems.....

Very true ...Mutually assured destruction seems to evaded our leaders memory.

31-May-2007, 02:15 AM
every country wants defense.

31-May-2007, 04:05 AM
now where's that bottle of stoli...

31-May-2007, 02:32 PM
to be honest russia needs something right now, cus that countrys in a bad way, i think the last time i saw a show in russia, the visual metaphor for the country was a bear in a snow field with broken legs dragging itself towards bearraps. whilst it aint good news another nation is trying to set up nukes, which no-one should have that kind of destructive power, you cant blame them really can you?

31-May-2007, 05:32 PM
M.A.D. was a way to ensure peace in a twisted sort of way. If one of the powers can protect itself, then it becomes the dominant power on this planet and can bully everyone around as much as it wants. Personally, I'm against both the US and Russia having nukes. But if ONE of them is going to have them, then I want BOTH to have them.

31-May-2007, 05:38 PM
dont listen to ned, he's a red spy :lol:

31-May-2007, 06:27 PM
Thing is the US side are building defensive capability,while russia is building offensive missiles & whether its intentional or not it makes it look like russia is the aggressor!the RAF had to chase a russian spy plane off recently as well,although we probably spy on them just as much.It just seems like a delicate situation really

31-May-2007, 09:53 PM
dont listen to ned, he's a red spy :lol:

That's a lie!!!

*reads from paper*

Oh, I say can you see...

01-Jun-2007, 01:30 AM
Thing is the US side are building defensive capability,while russia is building offensive missiles

Well the "defensive" capability could mean anything.....
One can argue that the nuclear missles themselves are defensive...because being able to hit someone back is a deterent to someone initiating a strike..... So they in effect serve a defensive purpose in this sense....

In the same way a missle shield can be offensive.....making oneselves invunerable to a missle attack implies that one is situating themselves to strike and are insuring in advance that they wont get hit back....

The missle shield was made before the evasive nukes were....so if an aggressor acts first than the missle shield can easily be seen as an aggressive action and the evasive nukes as a defensive action....


01-Jun-2007, 01:35 AM
To be honest, to me it looks like the US is the aggressor. It's pretty obvious what country they're protecting themselves against, and it ain't Al Qaida terrorists. If I were Russia (and I wish I was), I'd be worried to.

01-Jun-2007, 01:38 AM
You wish you were a country?.....

Thats pretty wierd....

01-Jun-2007, 01:55 AM
Very true ...Mutually assured destruction seems to evaded our leaders memory.

Why would WE want mutual destruction when we can assure personal safety and their destruction? Wanting mutual destruction is the most absurd and ridiculous thing anyone could want.

M.A.D. was a way to ensure peace in a twisted sort of way. If one of the powers can protect itself, then it becomes the dominant power on this planet and can bully everyone around as much as it wants. Personally, I'm against both the US and Russia having nukes. But if ONE of them is going to have them, then I want BOTH to have them.

Thats retarded.

01-Jun-2007, 01:57 AM
^ retarded to you, but not to someone who lives outside the u.s maybe.

01-Jun-2007, 01:58 AM
To be honest, to me it looks like the US is the aggressor. It's pretty obvious what country they're protecting themselves against, and it ain't Al Qaida terrorists. If I were Russia (and I wish I was), I'd be worried to.

Of course you think that, you hate the United States. I wonder, would you love to live in a soviet hellhole devoid of freedom and rights? If so, please turn off your computer and stop expressing retarded opinions.

01-Jun-2007, 02:04 PM
Of course you think that, you hate the United States. I wonder, would you love to live in a soviet hellhole devoid of freedom and rights? If so, please turn off your computer and stop expressing retarded opinions.

No I don't hate the US. Damnit, I just reduced your entire argument into cinders right there. I'm sorry, Khardis, it's not my fault you're such a Manifest Destiny dickhead.

01-Jun-2007, 02:43 PM
can we just steer this back to the topic of the thread without it being another thread closed due to flameing?

01-Jun-2007, 02:49 PM
Of course you think that, you hate the United States. I wonder, would you love to live in a soviet hellhole devoid of freedom and rights? If so, please turn off your computer and stop expressing retarded opinions.

This was a 'nice' discussion before you stuck your awe in... Please calm down!

Why would WE want mutual destruction when we can assure personal safety and their destruction? Wanting mutual destruction is the most absurd and ridiculous thing anyone could want.Thats retarded.

To try and answer your 'rant'...

The issue is that by deploying anti-missile system, it means possible development of more radical systems to overcome it. Let's imagine for example the only way the Soviets could overcome the 'shield' - and of course they have every right to do so - is to constantly have faster missiles on standby to reach targets ASAP, to try and get past the anti-missile system before it can get upto speed.

Is being 10 minutes closer to MAD safer?

Let's imagine they also know that if in a time of crisis, if they can launch without warning, they stand a better chance of getting past the shield, than if they wait...

It just risks making trigger figgers all the more itchy...

However, I can guarentee the shield will be over come by bigger powers who have a little techonolical know-how to throw at the problem...