View Full Version : BSG over next season

01-Jun-2007, 12:37 PM
Well, Edward James Olmos' prediction that Season 4 would be BSG's last is now shown to be true. Ron Moore and David Eick issued a statement to that effect yesterday. Sucks, but man that show kicks my butt.

So, with BSG ending next year, Stargate SG1 ending this year, Painkiller Jane being completely HORRIBLE, Stargate Atlantis not being worth the time and the rumor that Dr. Who is ending next year, what in heck is SciFi going to broadcast? I haven't heard if Dresden Files has been renewed so that's about it for that network for me.

Anyone know if Torchwood's supposedly coming to US?

01-Jun-2007, 01:36 PM
So, with BSG ending next year, Stargate SG1 ending this year, Painkiller Jane being completely HORRIBLE, Stargate Atlantis not being worth the time and the rumor that Dr. Who is ending next year, what in heck is SciFi going to broadcast?

Hopefully they'll start airing Mystery Science Theater 3000 again.:)

01-Jun-2007, 01:51 PM
dr. who isnt being cancelled, least not production wise, maybe not enough americans watch it.
as for galactica, season 3 ended over here a month ro two back and its pretty much wrapping itself up, they know were earth is now, theres only one cylon left to be revealed, better for ti to wrap up nicely than to conitnue on and get stale.

01-Jun-2007, 08:29 PM
Any news about the the 'Caprica' prequel series?

darth los
02-Jun-2007, 02:17 AM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :( First no santa, now this?

02-Jun-2007, 02:31 AM
:( :( :( :( :( They always cancel my favorites.

02-Jun-2007, 03:26 AM
Not cancelled, concluding. Better to end on a high then to descend into something fans want cancelled.

02-Jun-2007, 04:41 AM
Not cancelled, concluding. Better to end on a high then to descend into something fans want cancelled.

I totally agree. I love the series, but it'll be nice to have a well planned ending to it all this time.

darth los
02-Jun-2007, 05:14 AM
That's exactly what I was thinking. I love the show but i'd rather have it end on a high note than jump the shark and we end up having " A very special Battle Star Christmas" episode:rockbrow: cause they ran out of ideas.

02-Jun-2007, 08:44 PM
*shuders*, err, you made me have a star wars christmas flashback, bad man.:dead:
i thought id blocked that particular memory out.

darth los
02-Jun-2007, 10:13 PM
And in turn that reminds me of the fraggle rock christmas special. I think we should stop this now..... :barf: Take this thread and burn it. Brings back too many bad 80's flashbacks. :p

02-Jun-2007, 10:20 PM
Maybe they'll give us another season of Space: Above and Beyond!

04-Jun-2007, 12:12 PM
According to Ron Moore, from his podcast (which I do listen to...along with a bunch of others. If you like podcasts, try Slice of Scifi...good podcast also) Caprica is shelved for the time being, probably forever.

Whoever mentioned it above, they're right. Dr. Who's still going forward. This is good news! Now about Torchwood...

As to 'concluding' versus cancelling...I agree that it is better to go out on a high than descend into dreck, but surely those are not the only choices, eh? Bring in another team, someone with an interesting vision. Maybe even go to Richard Hatch for some new ideas. He was after a new Battlestar Galactica for two decades. Now he settles for playing Tom Zarek.

All the good shows get cancelled, including Jericho. I made this comment on my Live Journal page. I can't decide the point of the Jericho nuts campaign. I saw the last episode and know why 'nuts.' But if I'm CBS I would suspect one of four things.

All Jericho fans are nuts
CBS had the Jericho fans by the nuts
Jericho only has 33,000 fans (not a big audience)
Someone who sells nuts came up with a brilliant bloody idea about how to sell some nuts watching the last episode of the show. (http://www.nutsonline.com/jericho?sid=wQ8QNoWFHG326s5f)

Do any of these ideas sound like they're going to get Jericho back on the air?

By the way, if anyone wants to read my LJ, the link is here (http://geophyrd.livejournal.com/)

05-Sep-2007, 08:03 PM
I was wriong, BSG WAS cancelled, I dont know how this works but I got it off various anti BSG Trek fans on forums. See the ratings were going down so Moore and Eick saw the end in sight and opted to end it. Apparently cancelation is no longer a network decision to terminate a show, it's now the producers decision to conclude one too. I'm an idiot.

To avoid confusion yes I am being sarcastic.

I got it all on DVD (region 2) and while I am disappointed theres no Resistance webisodes, commentaries or featurettes, I loved it purely for the show.
Theres loads of questions to answer for example, whos Cylons did these humanoid models ascend from, the Colonials or the thirteenth Tribe? That might be the twist to come, think about it, most religons say theres only one god and maybe these Cylons left their masters, purged their existance from their memories and eventually set in motion the Cylon uprising on the colonies, when deactivating the threes Cavil hints they dont know who built them.
Whos the final Cylon? Is it Roslin who appears to be childless, it might possibly be Tom Zarak.
Whats the truth behind the Virtual beings.

06-Sep-2007, 03:57 PM
The fifth Cylon is either Laura Roslin, Doc Cottle or Zarek.

Since they fought so hard to get to Hera, as a miracle, the only human/cylon hybrid, I'm guess it can't be either Adama as both have families they remember. Same goes for Starbuck. She knew her mother.

darth los
06-Sep-2007, 09:05 PM
Hopefully they'll start airing Mystery Science Theater 3000 again.:)

I second that !! :thumbsup:

That was the funniest show on t.v. for years.

09-Sep-2007, 06:26 PM
And things make sense. I read on TrekBBS forums that Sci Fi Channel once again intervened and asked new BSG have more standalone stories as well as other changes. I am guessing this happened halfway through season 2. Once I find a more credible source I will put up a link here.

10-Sep-2007, 01:25 PM
Well, Edward James Olmos' prediction that Season 4 would be BSG's last is now shown to be true. Ron Moore and David Eick issued a statement to that effect yesterday. Sucks, but man that show kicks my butt.

So, with BSG ending next year, Stargate SG1 ending this year, Painkiller Jane being completely HORRIBLE, Stargate Atlantis not being worth the time and the rumor that Dr. Who is ending next year, what in heck is SciFi going to broadcast? I haven't heard if Dresden Files has been renewed so that's about it for that network for me.

Anyone know if Torchwood's supposedly coming to US?

There's always Flash Gordon :)

That's been getting dire reviews :)

11-Sep-2007, 08:37 PM
Flash is pretty bad. Even the pilot was unwatchable. Not good...

Torchwood just started in US. Not a bad first episode..