View Full Version : I Hate you Guys

02-Jun-2007, 03:09 PM
Not really, but in another thread about Zombie dreams I posted that I had not dreamt about slow moving zombies since I saw Dawn04. And that Zombie dreams in general wernt that scary to me anymore. Well I guess the jokes on me. Last night I had one, and it had slow zombies, and it was horrifying.

The dream started out during the outbreak. I was in Savannah Ga,(my home town, though I now claim Atlanta as a residence), and it was blissfully unaffected by the outbreak. There were a few cases popping up, and of course they revolved around me, Sgrosse..center of the Zombie universe.
I was in some underground tunnel, running with a few other friends of mine(friends in the dream, dont really know who they were) we were not running, but walking at a steady pace. There was something chasing us very slowly. We arrived at a preordained safe point, at which I was introduced to my wife(again, in the dream). We talked about useless stuff and oddly enough, Zombies never came up. Myself, and some others decided that we were going to make a break out of the city and go to the surrounding countryside. I would go out, fill the car up with gas, and return for my wife and the rest. We set off.
While moving through the tunnels, one of the men I was with made a comment, and even now it still seems strange. The people that were surviving, at least the people around us and the ones we met on the way, were all in good shape. There were no cripples, sick people, or people in just plain bad shape(note: I am what you might call a sick person, having epilepsy, so I find it odd that I was in that situation). And all of the people were being herded into one area. We decided to break the herd up by our departure. We emerged out of the tunnels and got to street level. People were walking around, none of them undead, and going about there business. I got to my car, and drove it to the gas station. As I was filling up the car, I overheard the gas station attendent yelling to someone that a Horde was approaching via the Townage bridge.(The Townage bridge is an enormous bridge connecting South Carolina to Georgia connecting over the Savannah river). I looked around and nothing seemed out of place. I turned to the attendent and said, "I seems that this is all a dream, I look around and wish that it was, none of it makes any sence" the attendent looked at me and said "This is no Dream" (the lying bastard) So I get in my car and drive a little down the road until the Townage bridge was in view. I stopped the car, and at this point, the people I was traveling with had disappeared and so had the idea of rescuing my wife, and got out. I looked up at the bridge in time to see a flood of people walking across it. At first it look like regular people, refugees from South Carolina. Then it became apparent that they were not people, and they were slowly closing in on savannah. There were thousands of them. Moving in a slow noiseless cadence. For reasons known only to the people that head up the dream dept. I ran from my car and sprinted down the road. The fear, which untill now had resided only in the background had steped forward to take a bow, was real. I felt it, a cold ice ball churning in my gut. I ran past a car parked on the side of the road, I ran up to it and yelled at the occupants in a near hysterical voise that the dead were hear. Terror had gripped me and I ran back into the city. I ran without purpose. I ran because it was the only thing to do. The dead had reached the base of the bridge, and against all reason, I had only moved a couple of feet away from the bridge. The ground had turned to mush. I turned and faced the onslaught, screaming to whatever god happened to be listening. The horde approached me and things went quiet. I stopped screaming, the wind stopped blowing, it was as if the entire universe stopped to witness this comunion of the damned. I tried to turn but was rooted. I tried to scream but was muted. They reached for me and all I could do was allow it, and watch, outside the ring, floating above the horde, in horror and the dead devoured me. I woke up nearly screaming, but caught myself before I woke up my roommates.

There was more to this dream, little fragments that are disjointed now because of the time lapse between the dream and me writing this. But I hope that this dream is not indicitive of visiting this site. But then again...Maybe it was.;)

02-Jun-2007, 04:29 PM
I've been having a LOT of zombie dreams lately, all because of Dead Rising.

It's as if I'm in the game, but it isn't anything in the actual game, but somewhere that purports to be the game...my friends crop up from various times in my life, there's zombies everywhere of course - and they're slow movers, there is no other kind for me. :lol::D

I don't really remember them much now, but there was one when I dreamt that I went to the entrance plaza in Dead Rising (even though I haven't yet been there in the actual game) and found the corridor (with other rooms linked to it) at the end of which is the door that is welded shut (no idea if you can find the other side of that door in the actual game though)...anyway, it ended up being a farce of me being chased by zombies going in and out of doors in this corridor - like you see on things like Benny Hill perhaps, was quite daft, but actually kinda tense.

Last night I had a dream that I was Colin Farrell in Miami Vice, and I just yomped around in a car takin' a whizz on people's carpets instead of doing proper crime solving, haha, it was my subconscious' (successful) attempt to wake me up for a real-life whizz. :lol:

04-Jun-2007, 06:51 AM
i keep hearing cartman from the simpsons laugh ...

04-Jun-2007, 09:45 AM
^oh thats just wrong.:lol:

04-Jun-2007, 06:05 PM
The dream started out during the outbreak. I was in Savannah Ga,(my home town, though I now claim Atlanta as a residence), and it was blissfully unaffected by the outbreak. There were a few cases popping up, and of course they revolved around me, Sgrosse..center of the Zombie universe.
I was in some underground tunnel, running with a few other friends of mine(friends in the dream, dont really know who they were) we were not running, but walking at a steady pace. There was something chasing us very slowly. We arrived at a preordained safe point, at which I was introduced to my wife(again, in the dream). We talked about useless stuff and oddly enough, Zombies never came up. Myself, and some others decided that we were going to make a break out of the city and go to the surrounding countryside. I would go out, fill the car up with gas, and return for my wife and the rest. We set off.
While moving through the tunnels, one of the men I was with made a comment, and even now it still seems strange. The people that were surviving, at least the people around us and the ones we met on the way, were all in good shape. There were no cripples, sick people, or people in just plain bad shape(note: I am what you might call a sick person, having epilepsy, so I find it odd that I was in that situation). And all of the people were being herded into one area. We decided to break the herd up by our departure. We emerged out of the tunnels and got to street level. People were walking around, none of them undead, and going about there business. I got to my car, and drove it to the gas station. As I was filling up the car, I overheard the gas station attendent yelling to someone that a Horde was approaching via the Townage bridge.(The Townage bridge is an enormous bridge connecting South Carolina to Georgia connecting over the Savannah river). I looked around and nothing seemed out of place. I turned to the attendent and said, "I seems that this is all a dream, I look around and wish that it was, none of it makes any sence" the attendent looked at me and said "This is no Dream" (the lying bastard) So I get in my car and drive a little down the road until the Townage bridge was in view. I stopped the car, and at this point, the people I was traveling with had disappeared and so had the idea of rescuing my wife, and got out. I looked up at the bridge in time to see a flood of people walking across it. At first it look like regular people, refugees from South Carolina. Then it became apparent that they were not people, and they were slowly closing in on savannah. There were thousands of them. Moving in a slow noiseless cadence. For reasons known only to the people that head up the dream dept. I ran from my car and sprinted down the road. The fear, which untill now had resided only in the background had steped forward to take a bow, was real. I felt it, a cold ice ball churning in my gut. I ran past a car parked on the side of the road, I ran up to it and yelled at the occupants in a near hysterical voise that the dead were hear. Terror had gripped me and I ran back into the city. I ran without purpose. I ran because it was the only thing to do. The dead had reached the base of the bridge, and against all reason, I had only moved a couple of feet away from the bridge. The ground had turned to mush. I turned and faced the onslaught, screaming to whatever god happened to be listening. The horde approached me and things went quiet. I stopped screaming, the wind stopped blowing, it was as if the entire universe stopped to witness this comunion of the damned. I tried to turn but was rooted. I tried to scream but was muted. They reached for me and all I could do was allow it, and watch, outside the ring, floating above the horde, in horror and the dead devoured me. I woke up nearly screaming, but caught myself before I woke up my roommates.

There was more to this dream, little fragments that are disjointed now because of the time lapse between the dream and me writing this. But I hope that this dream is not indicitive of visiting this site. But then again...Maybe it was.;)

Hey, another Savannah native on the board! I was born and raised in Savannah too. I live in Pittsburgh now. The Talmadge Bridge(correct spelling) leading into Savannah, and the cobblestones of River Street would be great locations for a zombie movie. Lots of spooky areas to shoot in.

04-Jun-2007, 06:25 PM
yea, savannah would not be the most ideal place for a Zombie outbreak. Lots of tiny roads major congestion. But outside of savannah would be perfect for it. Lots of farm land that goes on for miles.

How long ago did you live in savannah?

05-Jun-2007, 03:44 AM
It would be a good place to flee a zombie infection because there's a ton of backroads and tiny gas stations all around there... plus there's a ton of waterways you could travel by as well

triste realtà
05-Jun-2007, 04:25 AM
Hey, another Savannah native on the board! I was born and raised in Savannah too. I live in Pittsburgh now. The Talmadge Bridge(correct spelling) leading into Savannah, and the cobblestones of River Street would be great locations for a zombie movie. Lots of spooky areas to shoot in.

I think that's where Fulci shot City of the Living Dead.:|

05-Jun-2007, 04:28 AM
it was

triste realtà
05-Jun-2007, 04:31 AM
I had a dream not long ago where I was in some type of school and I knew when the living dead were going to show up so I went into a room with two doors and a glass wall facing the hallway. I decided whoever came in and the people who were already there could stay and live but the doors would be locked a few minutes before the attack. There were around ten of us and the doors were supposedly locked but when the dead showed up, I noticed somebody had forgot to lock one of the doors. That was one sinking feeling of dread I got but then all of a sudden we were in a field with a fence like in Day and they were coming in and then I woke up.

05-Jun-2007, 04:49 AM
I think that's where Fulci shot City of the Living Dead.:|

Yes, that was filmed in Savannah. I don't remember hearing anything about it at the time though. I was about 10 years old.
Sam Raimi shot "The Gift" in Savannah in 2000. I got the chance to work on that as an extra for 4 days and was able to meet Mr. Raimi. He was incredibly nice and that was a huge thrill for me. "Forrest Gump" was filmed in Savannah as well. The opening shot with the feather floating down from the sky is over Chippewa Square and you can see the top of the old Savannah Theatre. I saw "Star Wars" in that theatre when I was 6. Great memories. :)