View Full Version : Nintendo sticks it to MS and Sony!

03-Jun-2007, 11:15 PM
"For last year's E3, at the last minute, Sony rushed out their Sixaxis controller as an effort to respond to the Wii remote. We saw Microsoft roll out Viva Pinata as their killer app for the Pokemon set. And neither of those worked really well", said Nintendo's senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications George Harrison. "Part of it is, I think it's not in their DNA".

The above comments were made by George Harrison in a recent interview on Wired Blog Network. In the interview Harrison said that he is confident that Wii will secure 40% to 45% but it can also get well beyond 50% of market share, depending on the actions of their competitors. "If they only focus on the Grand Theft Autos and the Halos and things of that nature, they're focusing on a very tiny part of the market. The overall market is growing so dramatically that they're going to miss out on the opportunities that we're seeing in the expanded audience", he said.

Harrison also commented on the ongoing Wii supply shortage. "the supply situation is improving. What we don't know is when the demand is going to be reached. So we've actually shipped quite a bit more product in the first five or six months of our launch than any other console did in the last couple of generations. But it's still shocking to us that we've gone from being out of stock after one day a week, to now we're out of stock after three days a week. It's not clear yet when we'll be in stock on a regular basis every day of the week; all we can do is slowly increase production and find out", he stated and didn't forget to gloat: Part of our challenge is that we're being successful not just in one territory but in every territory. So decisions are being made weekly about in which markets we'll try to balance the demand in those markets with our competitive position and our supply.

03-Jun-2007, 11:34 PM
all that money we pumped into them in the 80's and theres still a "shortage"? looks more like a controlled shortage to me. same with PS1, "shortage" but they(son) do way more than just make systems. record label,video games, movies. but shortages rule..........my @ss!!!

darth los
04-Jun-2007, 12:33 AM
"For last year's E3, at the last minute, Sony rushed out their Sixaxis controller as an effort to respond to the Wii remote. We saw Microsoft roll out Viva Pinata as their killer app for the Pokemon set. And neither of those worked really well", said Nintendo's senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications George Harrison. "Part of it is, I think it's not in their DNA".

The above comments were made by George Harrison in a recent interview on Wired Blog Network. In the interview Harrison said that he is confident that Wii will secure 40% to 45% but it can also get well beyond 50% of market share, depending on the actions of their competitors. "If they only focus on the Grand Theft Autos and the Halos and things of that nature, they're focusing on a very tiny part of the market. The overall market is growing so dramatically that they're going to miss out on the opportunities that we're seeing in the expanded audience", he said.

Harrison also commented on the ongoing Wii supply shortage. "the supply situation is improving. What we don't know is when the demand is going to be reached. So we've actually shipped quite a bit more product in the first five or six months of our launch than any other console did in the last couple of generations. But it's still shocking to us that we've gone from being out of stock after one day a week, to now we're out of stock after three days a week. It's not clear yet when we'll be in stock on a regular basis every day of the week; all we can do is slowly increase production and find out", he stated and didn't forget to gloat: Part of our challenge is that we're being successful not just in one territory but in every territory. So decisions are being made weekly about in which markets we'll try to balance the demand in those markets with our competitive position and our supply.

I tend to think that the speculation of Nintendo having atleast a 40% market share this generation is valid. Considering that the 360 has a pretty good foothold also that seems to leave Sony as the odd man out, for now. However given their track record it would be foolish to count them out completely.

Nintendo does have it right by appealing to the largest possible audience. If they decided to take on Sony and microsoft in a traditional console war they'd get crushed and they know it. I think the innovations they implemented with the wii was more out of nescesity rather than " hey let's be different". It was pretty evident early on in the last gen that they were the definitive losers and they knew that they couldn't compete. So they decided not to compete with them but go in a whole new direction, which by the way is genius. DS, imo, was actually a "feeler" to see if there was a market out there to play video games like this. Do you really think if the DS bombed that there would be a Wii? I for one don't think so. I have to admit, you have to be some bad mamma jammas to create a whole new genre. :elol: So to compare the consoles to the wii would be foolish. I have to say this though. Whatever you think of the wii the fact remains that the titles on the wii consistently score much lower ratings than their counterparts on the 360 and PS3. Why that is , is up for debate, but imo Nintendo needs to start making better first party titles because these ports are not good. People are going to get tired of playing brain games and games that aren't any deeper than point and click. This is just my opinion,guys.:rolleyes:

04-Jun-2007, 01:04 AM
well ninteys got 120-odd games coming out by september, and such a large amount are first party that e.a's being a whiny little bitch about not being let in on the action as much.:rolleyes:

darth los
04-Jun-2007, 01:50 AM
it's in their own best interest to do it that way. It seems that every title developed by them is a more quality title. I highly doubt that developers Like EA have the wii in mind when making a game. Nintendo can make games that are tailor made especially for their console. Watch, a very high percentage of future games, and present ones for that mater, that Nintendo develops themselves for the wii won't even come out for the PS3 and 360.