View Full Version : What the f*** did we do??

04-Jun-2007, 05:17 PM

This is getting insane! What the hell did Europe ever f***ing do to Russia! Just because Bush and Putin can't see eye to f***ing eye, everyone else has to deal with the consequences...

Why can't they just shut the hell up and put it behind them by doing this:

1) Russia aims it's weapon somewhere else and not at Europe
2) Bush scraps plans for a Missle Shield
3) NATO get off their fat asses and doing something about them!!!!

For f***'s sake, what is going on with the world!

and yes... I'm annoyed

04-Jun-2007, 05:25 PM
Because the US and Russia like to compare dicks, that's why. (Psst! Russia's is bigger!)

Anyway, so what if Russia are aiming their missiles at us. I mean, they were probably doing that already. Even if they weren't, it wouldn't be very hard for them to "re-target" us.

04-Jun-2007, 05:28 PM
Anyway, so what if Russia are aiming their missiles at us.

Well, call me crazy, but if the crap hits the fan, I have this funny little tendancy of not wanting to die!

04-Jun-2007, 06:19 PM
remember, russia cant do anything right........chernobyl anyone? they think they're right no matter what. the sky could be clear and sunny and they'd tell you it was overcast with a chance of storms. there's people over there without food at all but they have money to build rockets and spaceships. nuclear war should be the last of their concerns. they wouldnt even have the strength to mash the Got damn button so they might wanna eat first.

04-Jun-2007, 10:24 PM
aye it's just russia being silly buggers. the situation has a been a lot graver in the past and they havent done anything

darth los
04-Jun-2007, 11:14 PM
remember, russia cant do anything right........chernobyl anyone? they think they're right no matter what. the sky could be clear and sunny and they'd tell you it was overcast with a chance of storms. there's people over there without food at all but they have money to build rockets and spaceships. nuclear war should be the last of their concerns. they wouldnt even have the strength to mash the Got damn button so they might wanna eat first.

You know it's funny. You replace the word Russia with United States and Chernobyl with Katrina and that statement could very well apply to this country as well.

04-Jun-2007, 11:22 PM
If you're from outside the States, it's really easy to spot exactly how expansionist both Russia and the US were. The US stood for peace and democracy. But they never really spread this to any countries during the 70's or 80's. They just ****ed countries up and installed puppet dictators. The same with Soviet. Both were power-hungry sons of bitches motivated by money mostly.

But this isn't a perfect world. And if I had to choose between the US and Russia (or China for that matter), I choose the US even though I really wish they would just SHUT THE **** UP AND STOP INVADING COUNTRIES.

Oh and don't give me the "But we also provide aid!". Lots of countries provide aid. That doesn't give them the right to invade other countries. That goes for Russia, that goes for the US that goes for everyone.

04-Jun-2007, 11:38 PM
i was aware it was nukes or anything though, though to be fair no matter how pissed youd be at another country youd have to be pretty thick to use a bigass yeild of nuke, 'specially since it would damage the whole planet, once again look at chernobyl. im of the opinion that i cant change it so i dont worry, though i know a fair few who would get all touchy about england being called part of europe.

04-Jun-2007, 11:43 PM
England is definetly part of Europe geographically and culturally. Anything else is just wacko-talk my friend. I challenge whomever defies this notion to a duel! With quarterstaffs!

04-Jun-2007, 11:49 PM
aye it's just russia being silly buggers. the situation has a been a lot graver in the past and they havent done anything

The only problem is the possibility of mistakes, which have cropped up in the past and almost caused a nuclear exchange. To offset this, I assume (read: hope to god) Putin will be at least willing to throw money at the systems that monitor such things. So maybe there's an upside, in a weird, perverse sense :rockbrow:

06-Jun-2007, 05:25 PM
We must stop the killing or lose the war....

darth los
06-Jun-2007, 06:02 PM
Classic first post. lol Way to start off!! :D

06-Jun-2007, 06:07 PM
Putin was once director of the KGB during the Cold War. One of many hard line ex-Communists who would like nothing better than to return to the authoritarian good old days.

06-Jun-2007, 09:44 PM
England is part of Britain, not feckin' "Ear-uup" (as Clarkson once mockingly said :D)...anyway...I blame 24 season 6 as it showed the Russian prez standing up to the Americans over weapons technology! :eek:


hahaha :lol:

Of course I don't, feckin' 'ell...

I bet Russia are whipping their dick out because they're offended that we know that they blatantly assassinated that Litvinyenko (sp?) chap...it's BLATANT, geez! :rolleyes:

darth los
06-Jun-2007, 10:04 PM
England is part of Britain, not feckin' "Ear-uup" (as Clarkson once mockingly said :D)...anyway...I blame 24 season 6 as it showed the Russian prez standing up to the Americans over weapons technology! :eek:


hahaha :lol:

Of course I don't, feckin' 'ell...

I bet Russia are whipping their dick out because they're offended that we know that they blatantly assassinated that Litvinyenko (sp?) chap...it's BLATANT, geez! :rolleyes:

This is why MZ is my where I exclusively go for all my inside political info. :D

07-Jun-2007, 06:28 AM
This is why MZ is my where I exclusively go for all my inside political info. :D

Better than Jeremy Paxman! :) I've got fingers in all sorts of secret pies. :lol:

darth los
07-Jun-2007, 12:56 PM

I've got fingers in all sorts of secret pies. :lol:

I've frequently got my fingers in pies as well. :p Although yeast is a dealbreaker.:D