View Full Version : woah.

06-Jun-2007, 07:55 AM
on monday my dog got a twitch, and on tuesday he was walking in circles and banging into stuff, i get up today adn hes a vegetable, we rushed him to the vets at 4 am.
he was dead by 6.

im really gonna miss him, i do already i had to hold back tears for my mom, who was in pieces, and i didnt even cry when my grandad died.

its terrifying that what was a perfectly healthy german shepperd could suffer from mental and nervous system degeneration of such ferocity in such a short time.

06-Jun-2007, 08:48 AM
Hellsing, that's horrible news! I'm sorry for your loss, man. I've had pets linger in pain and I've had them go quickly on me, I can only hope he wasn't in too much pain for that day or so and that you guys get to the point eventually where you can remember the really cool times you had with him.

06-Jun-2007, 09:03 AM
yknow i still have picks but only on bloody sunday did i tape over the only minidv with footage of him to film my cat licking a stain of a freinds shoe soul:rolleyes: :lol:

yeah ill miss him but life goes on i guess, was a great dog though, allready got about4 calls from freinds and family, guess it just shows dogs realyl are mans best freind.

06-Jun-2007, 09:10 AM
Dogs rock. Too bad I don't have the proper time or patience for one right now.

06-Jun-2007, 09:33 AM
Sorry to hear about your dog, hellsing. :(

06-Jun-2007, 10:41 AM
I know exactly how you feel man. My last dog died of old age but seemed perfectly okay (if a tiny bit slow) right up until 2 weeks before she died. Due to a dog's rapid life cycle, the deterioration process is really quick and the shock factor of such a sudden death is what hits so hard.

Chin up son. :)

06-Jun-2007, 10:52 AM
I have a dog and a cat and they mean a lot to me so I know how you feel Hellsing. Sorry to hear about your dog. They are one of the greatest animals in the world.

06-Jun-2007, 12:04 PM
very true, though i prefer big dogs i think when im ready to get a new one ill probably get another german shepperd, that kinda been the family breed since the 1700's when my 6 or 7 greats grandad raised em. that or an akita those things look bad-ass:lol:

06-Jun-2007, 03:12 PM
dogs are a big part of the family and its devastating when we lose them. I feel for you man

07-Jun-2007, 08:40 PM
Sorry about your dog hells... if you ever get another one you should look into an Akita... not sure if they're allowed over there (they outlawed having them in OC) they're large and beautiful and strong like oxes. After my dog Shiika died I couldn't bear to own another and still can't. But they are amazing a friend of mine breeds them and has actually trained them to scale chain link fences and do all kinds of amazing stuff. They were once used to hunt in Japan and they also use them as babysitters. They're IMO exceptionally intelligent, I kept her in my house and if she had to go between walks she would let me know. Also one time with my car I got stuck in the mud and it being a hot day I tied her to my trailor hitch (its the only thing she couldn't rip off the car she was so strong) and she actually pulled it onto firm ground lol... imagine my suprise. They're amazingly protective and from all the pets i've had (and in my family we had everything from maccaw birds to possums to pomeraneans to mutts to labs to cats to hamsters that didnt live long) they're the best.

Again sorry for your loss losing a pet is hard =(

07-Jun-2007, 09:12 PM
I'm sorry for your loss, man. My grandparents had to put down their Rottweiler just a couple weeks ago. The dog was like my own.

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 05:24 AM
on monday my dog got a twitch, and on tuesday he was walking in circles and banging into stuff, i get up today adn hes a vegetable, we rushed him to the vets at 4 am.
he was dead by 6.

im really gonna miss him, i do already i had to hold back tears for my mom, who was in pieces, and i didnt even cry when my grandad died.

its terrifying that what was a perfectly healthy german shepperd could suffer from mental and nervous system degeneration of such ferocity in such a short time.

it's crazy how a pet can become like part of the family. I know when my last dog died i was inconsolable. I cried like a baby. i still get shaken up to this day. I'm sorry man.

23-Jun-2007, 07:53 AM
sorry to hear about your dog. i have an old black lab thats not muuch longer for this world and i will be trully shaken up when he passes. a dog is loyal to the end.

23-Jun-2007, 02:23 PM
were honestyl worried about getting another incase its a little bastard that tears up the sofa cushions when your out or something, but guess thats the risk you allways gotta take with a new dog huh?

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 03:30 PM
you're brave. After what i went through when my dog died i swore off any new pets. I can't go through that again. Good luck with the new dog. How's it working out for ya?

24-Jun-2007, 04:58 PM
on monday my dog got a twitch, and on tuesday he was walking in circles and banging into stuff, i get up today adn hes a vegetable, we rushed him to the vets at 4 am.
he was dead by 6.

im really gonna miss him, i do already i had to hold back tears for my mom, who was in pieces, and i didnt even cry when my grandad died.

its terrifying that what was a perfectly healthy german shepperd could suffer from mental and nervous system degeneration of such ferocity in such a short time.

hellsing im sorry to hear that man, i really am.i can feel for you because my dog is on its way out, its blind and deaf. did the vet tell u wat was wrong with him?? and as to why he died?? and are you going to burry him in your garden?:(

25-Jun-2007, 02:33 AM
nah our gardens dead small adn eh was a bigass german shepperd so we signed for him to be cremated, funny thing is when my mom was crying as he was given the injection the vet had a really bizaare look on his face that simply ,and obviously said "i have no idea what killed this dog, what if its new adn contagious?", he was really worried so he thought it "might be a good idea" to have him sent to cambridge for the creamation so they can do an autopsy to find out what did it, since there was no visible signs of ...well anything just over the course of 36 hours his entire bioloigcal system shut down for no apparent reason.
wierd huh?
and los we aint got a new dog were gonna get one though ventually, my moms been leaveing magazines with huskies on the front around:sneaky: , but i tell ya waht i aint in no hurry, no matter what itll never repalce max (my dog) but i dont look forward to training a new dog to crap on the lawn, not tear 'fook' outta the furniture and fart on command.

cus let me tell you german sheppars fart like holy hell:lol: