View Full Version : Jericho Lives - Read On

06-Jun-2007, 05:11 PM
It seems people literally went NUTS over the cancellation.


06-Jun-2007, 09:38 PM
It seems people literally went NUTS over the cancellation.

Nothing like a little direct action by fans.

06-Jun-2007, 09:59 PM
Hmmm, always good to see people pooling their discontent to make a difference by voicing, as one, their disappointment and demanding a change be made.

Now, please vote at your next major election :lol:

06-Jun-2007, 10:59 PM
great, and i missed the last 3 episodes cus i didnt see the point in watching anymore.:rolleyes:

so why wasnt invasion picked back up, that was better than lost in my opinion, though threshold and the 4400 seems to have fizzled without a trace we need more quality programming to replace the likes of buffy, star trek, taken and the z files and canelling them so early aint gonna do that.

06-Jun-2007, 11:03 PM
Eureka and the 4400 will be back later this summer.

06-Jun-2007, 11:04 PM
eureka i wasnt sure on but i grew to like it more as it whent on, still wouldve liked to have seen threshold come back the 4400 got kinda 'meh' wiht only 1 of every 4 eps having that "gotta watch this!" feeling.

07-Jun-2007, 12:14 PM
I'm actually pretty excited about Jericho's return. I really liked the show, especially the last few episodes. Hellsing, if you missed the last 3, it's no wonder you're not sure what you liked. I mean, the before-hiatus shows were about setup and (I think) the writing staff changed after hiatus. But the show really found its legs and got to sprinting.

Gerald McRaney (who I couldn't have cared less about as Major Dad or as the guy who gets up next to Delta Burke everyday) cemented himself as a great actor in my mind. First, on Deadwood, he was the most menacing SOB I've ever seen. I thought Oz was a badass show on HBO, but McRaney's George Hearst would have wound up owning the place. In Jericho, McRaney's character is less menacing, but even more effective. Somewhere along the way, he's become one of my favorite actors.

Last, as far as the Nuts campaign goes, the quote on the show is based on a story about General Anthony McAuliffe who, when presented with a request to surrender at Bastogne, replied 'Nuts' before launching a major offensive. On the show, the story is both told then shown. Then cancelled. So the fans sent the nuts. So here's my take. One of several things were possible:

CBS would decide that Jericho's fans were nuts (the 'nuts in charge' idea)
The network cut off the fan's nuts (call this the 'here they are' campaign)
The guy who sold all the nuts (here (http://www.nutsonline.com/jericho?sid=wQ8QNoWFHG326s5f)) came up with a brilliant marketing campaign watching the season finale of his favorite (now favorite) show