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View Full Version : Zombie games??? I was expecting something different

31-Mar-2006, 04:11 AM
Is thier any of you not tied to the flickering lights of a screen that want to discuss a zombie board game or roleplaying? Video games are a nice distraction but after a while it gets old.

31-Mar-2006, 12:01 PM
doubtful i havent heard of anybody 'roleplaying' since 1994.

31-Mar-2006, 01:02 PM
There's this:


I don't know much about it but a couple of friends are on staff there. If you have the time to throughly check it out, you should, and then report back! :)

31-Mar-2006, 03:32 PM
thanx for the link! Hmm I know Im being dificult, but thats not really what Im looking for. Im trying to figure out how to do this sort of roleplaying, but in a different way. Ill get back to anyone interested if I ever do figure it out.

Here are some of the games I have seen/played....
-Dawn of the Dead boardgame, I saw it online once a long time ago. Iirc you could dload the pdf to print it.

-All flesh must be eaten, a rpg text. I have it, but its the normal run of the mill D+D style.

-Zombies!!!, A tile and figure game with a deck of cards. It has several expansions, I have the first one. Its ok, but needs more to it imo.

I would like to make a tile based zombie game something like Zombies!!! and Carcasonne. The tiles of Zombies!!! are a bit too big, and the carcassone tiles are too small for what I would like to do.

31-Mar-2006, 03:55 PM
Dressing up as a cheerleader with pigtails-- bent over in a cornfield with the football team...

oh wait,

Did I say that outload?
