View Full Version : Justice for Paris

09-Jun-2007, 02:15 AM
She is back in jail serving the full 45 days. Money helps except when a sheriff pisses off a judge.


darth los
09-Jun-2007, 02:30 AM
She is back in jail serving the full 45 days. Money helps except when a sheriff pisses off a judge.


The thing is that maybe she was suffering from a condition and mabe she wasn't. However one of the main things you learn in ethics is that, in law, you must avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Perhaps nothing under the table happened here, but that's not the point. It just looks really fishy and that's unacceptable. In any case, many other people have a hard time in prison and aren't let go. If it were you or me we'd be screwed.

09-Jun-2007, 04:41 AM
i was born and raised in l.a. and this is a sham. no one and i mean NO ONE goes to jail for having a suspended license which wasnt known previously by the driver. michelle rodriguez was busted for a DUI and served about TEN HOURS due to over crowding. this judge will lose his job because he's got a hard on for the hiltons. u cant let personal get in the way of business. he'll be shown the door shortly for wanting to get his name in the papers. he'll be lucky if he even gets his pension.

and plus....if someone dies in the states custody and they knew before hand there was a medical issue......everyone involved loses their job. judges,cops, EVERYONE.

09-Jun-2007, 09:06 AM
he'll be shown the door shortly for wanting to get his name in the papers. he'll be lucky if he even gets his pension.

After getting sacked, he'll probably wind up with an afternoon TV court show and make a ton of money.

09-Jun-2007, 10:44 AM
I think he did the right thing in throwing her back in jail!im sick of seeing celebs getting better treatment or more lenient sentences than us "little people",and anyway,whatever medical condition she claims to have wont be helped by all the coke she bungs up her nose.She'll have cracked up from anxiety at being brought down to everyone elses level,and thats all it will be

09-Jun-2007, 11:32 AM
Well as of right now she is getting it worse than any of us. They are making an example out of her.

09-Jun-2007, 01:04 PM
i was born and raised in l.a. and this is a sham. no one and i mean NO ONE goes to jail for having a suspended license which wasnt known previously by the driver. michelle rodriguez was busted for a DUI and served about TEN HOURS due to over crowding. this judge will lose his job because he's got a hard on for the hiltons. u cant let personal get in the way of business. he'll be shown the door shortly for wanting to get his name in the papers. he'll be lucky if he even gets his pension.

and plus....if someone dies in the states custody and they knew before hand there was a medical issue......everyone involved loses their job. judges,cops, EVERYONE.

She was on probation for a DUI when she got the suspended license, which is a probation violation. I've never heard of not going to jail for violating your probation. Her sentence was knocked down from 90 days to 45 days to 23 days. Plus she got her own private cell. So how exactly does the judge have a "hard on" for the Hiltons?

09-Jun-2007, 02:12 PM
Well as of right now she is getting it worse than any of us. They are making an example out of her.

Aye, and they should. My comrades and I fought against just this kind of injustice!

09-Jun-2007, 02:14 PM
whats wrong with making an example of someone?sometimes it has to be done & i cant think of another "celebrity" more worthy!(im sure theres plenty though)
Its about time it happened over here as well!soap stars & former big brother contesants etc let off speeding fines & blatantly showing off their drug use all over the papers while nothing is done about it :mad:

09-Jun-2007, 02:52 PM
She was on probation for a DUI when she got the suspended license, which is a probation violation. I've never heard of not going to jail for violating your probation. Her sentence was knocked down from 90 days to 45 days to 23 days. Plus she got her own private cell. So how exactly does the judge have a "hard on" for the Hiltons?

well for starters......no one has ever gone to jail for this(nicole ritchie isnt in jail). another reason is this could have been a private case. he could have sent her to house arrest to begin with. and uh.........yeah.......they're the HILTON family.
i grew up in l.a. and my family has been in law enforcement for decades and they even said no one goes to jail for that. the most you get is probation and even if you break probation by having your license mysteriously become revoked,you only get community service or house arrest. this idiot picked the wrong person to "make an example" out of. he must not know the rich and famous pay his salary so why piss them off? he's got a hard on for them because he decided to make her serve the full term for the CITY'S mistake of releasing her. thats like pittsburgh having money issues and taking it out on tax payers.

09-Jun-2007, 03:43 PM
well for starters......no one has ever gone to jail for this(nicole ritchie isnt in jail). another reason is this could have been a private case. he could have sent her to house arrest to begin with. and uh.........yeah.......they're the HILTON family.
i grew up in l.a. and my family has been in law enforcement for decades and they even said no one goes to jail for that. the most you get is probation and even if you break probation by having your license mysteriously become revoked,you only get community service or house arrest. this idiot picked the wrong person to "make an example" out of. he must not know the rich and famous pay his salary so why piss them off? he's got a hard on for them because he decided to make her serve the full term for the CITY'S mistake of releasing her. thats like pittsburgh having money issues and taking it out on tax payers.

Really? No one has ever gone to jail for violating their probation? That's news. Do you mean no one famous perhaps? I would think that if "no one has ever gone to jail for this" the media would be blasting that non-stop and lawyers would be coming out of the woodwork. And I think the judge probably knows the law and knows what he is doing.
And by the way, Pittsburgh does have money issues and they do take it out on taxpayers. Just ask anyone who lives here. LOL

09-Jun-2007, 04:07 PM
no one has ever gone to jail for violating probation on this kind of charge. my grandfather KILLED someone and got probation

09-Jun-2007, 04:36 PM
no one has ever gone to jail for violating probation on this kind of charge. my grandfather KILLED someone and got probation

Umm, okay. It's not even worth it.

09-Jun-2007, 05:20 PM
look, im just tellin u how it is since im actually in l.a. at the moment. prisoners outnumber guards something like 50 to 1. see why theres overcrowding?

09-Jun-2007, 05:22 PM
about half the people currently in California state prisons are parole violators.
So lots of people do time for parole violations

I believe I heard that she didnt even do the alcohol program that was supposed to be a part of parole...

And violated her parole on three occasions

09-Jun-2007, 05:25 PM
what so hilton should have been let off for being who she is just because you claim the rich & famous pay the judges salary?i imagine the whole state pays his salary unless everyone except the hiltons is a tax dodger.celebrities shouldnt be above the law and this case proves that they arent,im glad they jailed her,even if it does appear to be using a sledgehammer to crack a nut

09-Jun-2007, 10:48 PM
ok listen here, idk where ur from but in california,the richer u are the more taxes u pay which means the taxes go to public servants salaries(judges,police,fire,EMT). never said she should be let off. i say let the punishment fit the crime,not let the punishment be set as to how badly the judge can be angered by you. thats not "fair and impartial" like judges and juries are supposed to be. hello,hilton's aren't tax dodgers....they only own one of the biggest public hotel chains in the world. its a proven fact though, the more money u have the better you'll be treated in terms of jail time.

09-Jun-2007, 11:09 PM
Well she blatantly deserves getting banged up, she has gotten away with other driving offences as well as drug offences, so it's about time the birds came home to roost and other such phrases.

No celebrity should be able to weasle their way out of stuff, just on the principle. They can afford fancy lawyers and press agents, every other bugger on the planet has to make do with some state-appointed geezer and a woe-filled bank balance. :rolleyes::mad:

09-Jun-2007, 11:14 PM
ok so you'd rather run the risk of having a billionaire be killed in prison and have the california corrections dept. shut down over letting her off easy and having her pay enough money to fund the department for 2 years?

09-Jun-2007, 11:30 PM
She gets her own cell and shes in the special needs wing of the prison....only twenty inmates in that whole portion of the facility

Shes more likely to die outside randomly than she is where shes being held...she just cant handle it is all thats why her lawyers wouldnt tell the judge what the medical probelm was ...even in closed quarters....it was a smokescreen

10-Jun-2007, 02:01 AM
yea.but would u really throw someone who broke a traffic law in the same wing with people who've killed or injured people? realize,if she gets injured in jail,los angeles will have a black eye forever. much like when elvis went into the army,do u really think he even fired a gun?

10-Jun-2007, 02:44 AM
again...she wasnt thrown in jail for breaking a traffic law....she was thrown into jail for breaking probation...breaking probation numerous times...not just once

She doesnt have a roommate and does not appear to interact with the other inmates.....shes not going to get hurt....

Shes being kept in a "special needs unit" which is apparently where they seperate her from all the other inmates...

Theres only 12 cells in the unit where she is being held....and apparently she doesnt even have a roommate...

Shes still not even likely to serve the complete sentence.....

10-Jun-2007, 10:53 AM
Exactly Terran, she's in the "special needs" wing specifically set aside for celebrities and other high profile people, so in a sense she's 'among friends'. And when they do let them out of their cells, methinks the rest of the inmates will be kept under lock and key, to think anything else is daft.

She's had it coming, she's gotten away with other offences, including messing with drugs, so it just goes to show that celebs shouldn't be above the law when they treat it with utter contempt and idiocy.

10-Jun-2007, 11:09 AM
Money talks, MZ and when she comes out she'll get a big fat paycheck for her prison journals. It makes a mockery of the whole system to be honest, she should be getting it a lot harder (not that she didn't beforehand ;)).

Can't she just pretend it's a 45 day long shoot of the Simple Life...

10-Jun-2007, 12:40 PM
Can't she just pretend it's a 45 day long shoot of the Simple Life...

During Simple Life she can just **** things up, tho, since she's not dependent on other people's money.


Cry, bitch.

10-Jun-2007, 02:46 PM
ok so you'd rather run the risk of having a billionaire be killed in prison and have the california corrections dept. shut down over letting her off easy and having her pay enough money to fund the department for 2 years?

yes. becuase she broke the law and shes doing the time, so by your logic its cool to get away with breaking the law as long as you can make a big enough "donation"?:rockbrow:

10-Jun-2007, 05:33 PM
thats how it works. the L.A. jails dont fund themselves

general tbag
10-Jun-2007, 08:20 PM
i always found people going to jail helps sort out who the boys are and who the men are . justice is supposed to be blind, it very apparent in this case it isnt.

martha stewart did her time, paris hilton is cryng for her mommy :lol:

they should of thrown her in general population, none this cell to herself crap. i think sometime with her big hairy gf would of smartened her up .

11-Jun-2007, 12:13 AM
martha stewart did porridge?:rockbrow:

darth los
11-Jun-2007, 06:06 AM
i always found people going to jail helps sort out who the boys are and who the men are . justice is supposed to be blind, it very apparent in this case it isnt.

martha stewart did her time, paris hilton is cryng for her mommy :lol:

they should of thrown her in general population, none this cell to herself crap. i think sometime with her big hairy gf would of smartened her up .

Unfortunately they can't just throw an inmate in general population if they ask for protective custody. They would be liable if anything happened to her. Many people don't ask for p.c. because it hurts your rep in the jail if people find out that you need the cops to protect you. She's not gonna be in there long so i doubt she cares what the other inmates opinions of her are. But when you're doing 10-20 years it's impossible to be segregated from the rest of the population being let out of your cell for only 1 hour a day and keep your sanity. I personally would love it if they did put her in gen pop though.

11-Jun-2007, 09:58 AM
martha stewart did porridge?:rockbrow:
Geeeez, where have you been? In America it was big news, yes, but even here we heard about it, it's been lampooned on loads of Americaland tv shows. :lol:

Watch some Robot Chicken, sunshine, I'm sure they did a spoof at some point. :):D

darth los
11-Jun-2007, 01:21 PM
Porridge? Interesting terminolgy. I'd thought I'd heard every slang term for prison.Yet another reason to post a translation guide in the forum.:D

11-Jun-2007, 01:38 PM
aye, porridge:D


-yes that really is what british humour is like these days.

12-Jun-2007, 01:42 AM
^^^ wow.