View Full Version : your happy to help survival horror nuts found a few new things to post about

09-Jun-2007, 06:16 PM
first off theres renegade kids the ward, not aslylum another ds game set in a mental instituion, but set in a hospital frozen in time and populated with surgical experiments gone wrong.
made by texas based games developers renegade kid this looks like another of the many horror games appearing on the ds, and whilst the enemys arent as complex as the ones in touch the dead its still shaping up to be somethign pretty damn good. heres some screenys.




next up hydravision gives the public a preview of obscure 2.


thats all for now folks, pretty quiet on the horror front though i notice some games like obscure are falling back to the wierd cliche' creature route, though i dont know about you but a much better survival horror set at a college would be a sandbox game set in a college or uni ,you play a student and no monsters or magic just one typical slasher movie miechal myers nutjob killing students and you can set traps and try and save them or hide and try and survive the killer.

now would that be a good horror game or what?

10-Jun-2007, 02:42 AM
Where have I seen this before? :rolleyes:

10-Jun-2007, 02:25 PM
*cues silent hill theme* ba-dum-dum-dum, dum-dum-dum, dum.dum.dum.dum-du-dum....:D

10-Jun-2007, 06:02 PM

...you made me happy!"


darth los
10-Jun-2007, 10:47 PM
It looks promisisng, but then again they all do at the beginning. It seems to be a difficult task to make a good one these days. Let's wait and see.

10-Jun-2007, 11:10 PM
Certainly look the biz for a DS title, I'm always up for a bit of survival horror action.

darth los
10-Jun-2007, 11:35 PM
The thing is about the ds is that it certainly isn't up to par graphically with the psp and the way you play games on it becomes repetitive. Not necessarily the particular game your playing but from title to title. The need more varity. Pointing at stuff every game gets old.

10-Jun-2007, 11:49 PM
pointing at stuff beats a crappy GBA port though granted most are piles of crap like the new wario one, though there are greats like pheonix wright, trauma center and hotel dusk, i think it could do horror , remember how crappy resi was?, that fit on a ds jsut fine.

darth los
11-Jun-2007, 12:43 AM
pointing at stuff beats a crappy GBA port though granted most are piles of crap like the new wario one, though there are greats like pheonix wright, trauma center and hotel dusk, i think it could do horror , remember how crappy resi was?, that fit on a ds jsut fine.

Interesting point you bring up and those are definitely good titles. What I meant was if you took the "heart" from trauma center and replaced it with the sculpture room from deadly silence the gameplay mechanics are basically the same. Now i'm not knocking the wii whatsoever. I'm not a fanboy who bashes someone when they own/ love a different console than i do. That's their opinion and whatever makes them happy, hey go for it. However i don't find it appealing to play games the way they are designed for the ds and the wii and I know that there are alot of other "Hardcore" gamers out there (i know your one also) that feel the same way. If I wanted to do a marathon session of oblivion, the thought of waving the wimote around for 5 hours does not appeal to me. I think that if there was a way to implement a system where it was optional if you either wanted to play games in the traditional manner or in the way the wii's new hardware allows you to it would totally crush the 360 and ps2. I think they're doing themselves a diservice by not giving gamers that option. That being said I definitely plan to get a wii when they become available. :D Just the virtual console alone is worth it.

11-Jun-2007, 05:39 AM
This game looks great, Hells. I thoroughly enjoyed Resident Evil on DS and have been hoping they'd put out more horror games for it.

11-Jun-2007, 01:25 PM
im hopeing they do some that never reached over here straight away, like clock tower for the SNES or possibly a new nightmare creatures game.

darth los
11-Jun-2007, 01:35 PM
im hopeing they do some that never reached over here straight away, like clock tower for the SNES or possibly a new nightmare creatures game.

You think there's room for yet another survival horror series? Aside from resident evil and silent hill, they haven't been able to endure. Even resident evil had to change their formula for success to keep the series fresh. I hope it goes well.

11-Jun-2007, 01:40 PM
fatal frame, forbidden siren, obcsure and the like are going strong though soem like dino crisis and parasite eve have fallen down and been lost.

though remember life line?, thatd work well ith the ds mic wouldnt it?

darth los
11-Jun-2007, 01:45 PM
i think it would, but then again aalomost any game starts off as a good premise. I really liked the original parasite eve. They went and scrwed up the sequel though.

11-Jun-2007, 02:10 PM
I still wanna play that Zombie Vs Ambulance thingymahbob.

darth los
11-Jun-2007, 05:28 PM
I still wanna play that Zombie Vs Ambulance thingymahbob.

I saw a review for that on X-play's "wierd games" segment. I think it only came out in japan though. :(

11-Jun-2007, 05:33 PM
yeah that was a good one, michigan looked like crap though, though that might jsut be me who thinks "erotica" and "zombie super gore" dont mix.:rolleyes:

darth los
11-Jun-2007, 06:03 PM
yeah that was a good one, michigan looked like crap though, though that might jsut be me who thinks "erotica" and "zombie super gore" dont mix.:rolleyes:

I think there's a fetish site to that effect somewhere.:eek: Might have heard about it here as a matter of fact.

11-Jun-2007, 06:10 PM
yeah, i was the one that found the bloody creepy thing:dead:

darth los
11-Jun-2007, 06:12 PM
yeah, i was the one that found the bloody creepy thing:dead:

:eek: * slowly backs away*

12-Jun-2007, 01:36 PM
oh dont get me wrong i wasnt lookin' for the damn thing i just typed zombie in google, officially the greasiest of search engines:dead:

darth los
12-Jun-2007, 01:43 PM
Just be glad mum wasn't in the room or you would have had alot of explaining to do. That's why my room has a lock. :p

12-Jun-2007, 01:59 PM
dude our pc's in the kitchen, if you want to look at dirty pictures you gotta do it the old fashion brit way, fidning abandoned "titty-mags" in the woods and by the sides of railways like our forefathers used to:lol:

darth los
12-Jun-2007, 05:35 PM
dude our pc's in the kitchen, if you want to look at dirty pictures you gotta do it the old fashion brit way, fidning abandoned "titty-mags" in the woods and by the sides of railways like our forefathers used to:lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't forget that they did it walking in 4 foot snow drifts barefoot.:eek: