View Full Version : Saw Hostel 2 today..

10-Jun-2007, 03:03 AM
2 words.....


what a fn crapfest...

even less story than the first..

10-Jun-2007, 03:19 AM
What a surprise. :rolleyes::D

darth los
10-Jun-2007, 10:41 PM
Eli roth was just on attack of the show on friday saying how this film was sooooo much better than the first and how the end sequence was going to blow us away. He went on and on how the other "3quels" didn't have anything on his film. These people have no shame. :mad:

10-Jun-2007, 11:53 PM
eli roth is an overrated hack not much better than uwe boll, needless to say i aint a fan and i aint surprised.:bored:

darth los
11-Jun-2007, 02:33 AM
eli roth is an overrated hack not much better than uwe boll, needless to say i aint a fan and i aint surprised.:bored:

:lol: :lol: :lol: never miss an opportunity to diss UWe , huh? i love it.

11-Jun-2007, 10:32 AM
I think I'll wait and see the film myself before I pass judgement on it...

I was let down by the first Hostel, but I appreciate it more these days, but it's still not a classic by any means, the idea wasn't brought to life well enough for me. I'll check out Hostel 2 sometime soon hopefully *ahem*. ;):p

11-Jun-2007, 06:56 PM
So what was the 'ending you've never seen before' stuff that they kept advertising on the trailer?

Worth seeing on DVD?

darth los
11-Jun-2007, 07:51 PM
This is the interview i was talking about. Check out how this guy goes on and on about this film and how "unprecedented" the ending is. Like it was gonna cure cancer or something.


Just click where it says: The Loop One on One: Eli Roth

12-Jun-2007, 01:47 AM
I knew it was gonna suck thats why im not even gonna watch this movie drunk.

darth los
12-Jun-2007, 01:59 AM
Anybody notice how Eli Roth kinda looks like the dude who plays Sylar on the show heroes? coincidence? I think not!! :confused:

12-Jun-2007, 12:24 PM
This is the interview i was talking about. Check out how this guy goes on and on about this film and how "unprecedented" the ending is. Like it was gonna cure cancer or something.

YT eah, I caught the end of this on TV the other day and was glad that you linked the whole thing for me to check out. I have to admit, he sold the hell out of that ending and had me wondering by the end of the interview just what it could have contained.

Glad for a (non-spolier filled) review, though I haven't even gotten to see the first one yet.

12-Jun-2007, 01:22 PM
I should be checking this flick out this afternoon hopefully, so I'll whack up my thoughts after I've given it a viewing. :)

darth los
12-Jun-2007, 01:34 PM
YT eah, I caught the end of this on TV the other day and was glad that you linked the whole thing for me to check out. I have to admit, he sold the hell out of that ending and had me wondering by the end of the interview just what it could have contained.

Glad for a (non-spolier filled) review, though I haven't even gotten to see the first one yet.

Yeah, g4 normally has alot of good info. early on. But tell me roth wasn't carrying on like the ending was the second coming of psyco? :lol:

I should be checking this flick out this afternoon hopefully, so I'll whack up my thoughts after I've given it a viewing. :)

We patiently and eagerly await your review. :D We'll see if it has the goods or not.

12-Jun-2007, 01:56 PM
Anybody notice how Eli Roth kinda looks like the dude who plays Sylar on the show heroes? coincidence? I think not!! :confused:

*roth creeps up behind him, points and the top of los' head comes off*:lol:

darth los
12-Jun-2007, 05:42 PM
*roth creeps up behind him, points and the top of los' head comes off*:lol:

*Spits drink all over keyboard* Dude, whatever dude do, do not stop posting today. You are in rare form. lol :lol: :lol: Funny stuff.

12-Jun-2007, 05:51 PM
Okay, so I checked it out, and on the face of it, I was let down again.

I was hoping Roth would have changed the pace since the last flick (i.e. pretty much nothing happens for 55 minutes, then sh*t gets going at last)...that's basically the same case here, although while in the first Hostel there was one torture sequence to make the first half a little less boring, it's the same thing here, and it's a lot gorier and I actually was kinda wigged out by it a little, I found it quite intense...as well as f*cked up.

But then I guess constant weaping/whining/screaming/gagging from a girl in peril is going to wig a lot of people out.

The gore was definitely on show here, when it did peep out behind the rather shaky plot that kinda lazed around across the whole movie, there's one particular moment towards the end that showed a lot more than I expected, but I guess it helps to even the playing field a bit (you'll understand when you see it).

I did like that we get to see more of the workings of the whole business, seeing the people involved in it - the bidding montage being rather creepy, but perhaps not the most subtle.

I found it rather daft that in the first film it's some ram shackle 'business' in some dirty old factory with damn near piss all security, and now in the second one it's like fort knox - if they could afford all that stuff, surely they'd have had more of it in the first?! :rolleyes:

Anyway, it was grander, but that detracted from the claustrophobia, so it just didn't hold the impact that the few glimpses in the first film had (which needed to be many more I thought).

There's bugger all suspense, you know who's in on it and who isn't, some minor plot threads are left hanging around with the rest of the wobbly plot, which is almost a complete photocopy of the first - there's even a shy back packer who doesn't "muck in" with their companions as much. :rolleyes:

I'd say 2 stars out of 5 fare, it has it's moments, but it feels far too shoddy and not creative enough with the plot, it really does feel ... rushed. If he does a third, and no doubt he will, hopefully he'll do another film in between and take some real time to have a proper think about it.

Okay ... now for the spoilers:

What I thought was sh*t:

* Bijou's character gets it in the face/head, which is a cool horror moment, but then that's it, she gets hacked off on a monitor behind some fat guy's back...kinda like being jerked off and then the jerker loses interest, thus leaving the jerkee pissed off.

* The two main businessmen. The attitude switcheroo sucked. One is really gung-ho, the other blatantly not up for it, then there's a complete 180 from both and it's so f*cking lame, it really is. Quiet reservation for the wimpy one who'd then love it, and just have the other guy go full on throughout and not wimp out.

* The art class model chick, wtf was that about? Just a female version of the big nosed, greasy foreign bloke from the first one who tells thicko travellers to go to some random place, even though she's a complete stranger to them - christ, if you're that thick, you deserve being tortured to death! :rolleyes::lol::dead::|

* I was kinda gutted that Paxton got decapitated, but it makes sense with the story, so I'll let that go - it was freaky when you see that room filled with decapitated heads, including Paxton's - the idea of his head literally being delivered to the boss man was neat, but likewise seeing so much of the guy ultimately in charge - especially him being so hand's on throughough - was sh*t.

* The chick that does survive, ah geez, was it just me or did she have no personality or screen presence at all?! Whenever she was on screen she was so bored, I was bored too, it felt like she wasn't even physically there, phoning it in basically...and then pulling the whole avenging angel thing - meh, the ropey plot for the whole movie f*cks that pay-off up completely I say, I don't know why Roth was banging on about the ending so hardcore (if indeed he was), that's a rookie mistake right there, let people go into the ending not expecting anything from your own rantings, geez! Even a n00b should know that! :eek:


What I did like:

* The gore - KNB knock it out of the park, especially the dick-hacking part, that was really messed up...the sequence where the quiet girl (who was actually pretty hot, cos she was unique, unlike the other two girls who were so average and dull they were human white A4 paper), gets hacked up - that was messed up actually.

* Seeing Paxton "after the horror", even if it was a dream sequence, but he was dispatched so quickly, that felt thrown in sadly.

* There was more horror over all, which is what the first was lacking, but what this second was lacking was a tight script and good plot devices...even basic ideas weren't pulled off properly, it felt rushed, most definitely.

Okay, I liked not that much, and was "meh" in response to quite a lot of it...hmmm...

* Death by attack dogs - NICE.

It really was another opportunity missed, it feels hamfisted in the execution (no pun intended), it needed to be smarter and key plot milestones needed to be changed/improved/better thought out...sadly, it is a film that is a let down with the odd gloriously gooey moment that you actually enjoy.

The key word to sum it all up - rushed.

I've said before that I dig Roth's work, or at least what he tries to do, the guy just needs to chill out for a moment and really sit down and think hard about what he wants to commit to screen and try and see it from the virgin eyes of the audience, rather than his own, which I think would really help improve his work.

He's shown himself to be capable of doing quality horror, especially with the "Thanksgiving" trailer ... he's like a child running against an olympic track star, he is running, but he's just not doing it right, he isn't ready to really pull it off yet...which is a shame, it really is.

12-Jun-2007, 06:16 PM
guess its not quite as bad as the saw movies then.;)

darth los
12-Jun-2007, 06:21 PM
Thank's for the heads up MZ. People are going to get tired of these movies that leave you unfufilled. I think the dvd sales of movies like this will suffer. Why would you want to pay 20 bucks for something that's only good for one viewing?

12-Jun-2007, 06:22 PM
^ which is why ive seen hundreds of movies but only own about 70 dvds.:bored:

darth los
12-Jun-2007, 06:31 PM
Same here. It's gotten to the point where I won't even buy a dvd unless i've seen the movie first. It takes some of the fun out of it, but it sure is a hell of alot more fun than forking over $20+ for a turd. My girlfriend actually bought Day of the Dead 2 Before viewing it just because of the name. Yes, we all must learn harsh life lessons my friends.

12-Jun-2007, 09:26 PM
I've learned my lessons before with blowing cash on DVDs for films I haven't seen before, just going on some assumption, in the past and it is indeed annoying. I've since learned to be more picky, I very rarely buy a DVD of a film I haven't already seen. I've usually seen the movie before in the cinema, or on TV, or whatever...

Most times, if I do buy something I haven't seen yet, it's something I know 99% I'm gonna dig. You've gotta really pick and choose carefully these days as there's so much sh*t or "meh" media out there now.

darth los
12-Jun-2007, 09:37 PM
And what does that say about society as a whole that we continue too purchase this crap regardless? What's the motivation for studios to put out quality films when they know people are gonna buy them regardless. The best way to stop this stuff is to no longer give them your money. And it's also funny to hear them try and explain why people aren't going to the movies/buying dvd's as much as they used to? MAKE BETTER MOVIES YOU NUMPTIES!!!:mad: ( did I use that right) :lol:

12-Jun-2007, 09:43 PM
Yes you did use it right.

It's hilarious they blame dwindling ticket sales on piracy, haha.

Maybe people are just sick of paying over five quid for a sh*t film. I was gutted I splashed a fiver on Scary Movie 3, was well ripped off. Fortunately I pick very carefully and only go for sure things usually...otherwise I've generally been lucky.

When there's just a lot of crap getting pushed out that's all rather similar, why bother? It's been shown though that DVD sales really matter these days, Land of the Dead might not have done really well in the cinema (partly down to the piss poor positioning of it during the summer season :rolleyes:), but the DVD sales were fantastic.

What always makes me laugh are the anti-piracy adverts in the cinema where they take the film and shrink it down and fudge it about a bit and say that's what in-cinema jobbies look like, erm...not really actually. :lol: Some are pretty damn good, considering. :lol:

12-Jun-2007, 10:13 PM
ive got a pirate vhs of the fellowship of the ring filmed in a japanese cinema with jap subs, some guys head in the lower right and a gaggle, or flange, of girls giggling at every other time gimli appears on screen.

cus japanese girls love beards, apparently:lol:

13-Jun-2007, 10:18 AM
cus japanese girls love beards, apparently

*grabs hat and oddly pre-packed suitcase 'n' jacket and ski-daddles off, sketch-show style* see ya! :p:lol:

Anyway, Hostel 2 makes Hostel 1 look so much better, it really does, but you know what - if you took the gore and deeper look into Elite Hunting from 2, and added that to the first film, you'd have had one pretty damn good horror film...but alas...

darth los
13-Jun-2007, 02:46 PM
Maybe the third time will be a charm. Dud Tarentino have anything to do with the film this time around or just not as much? If that's the case do you think it made a difference?

13-Jun-2007, 03:34 PM
hell no, theres tons of films with his name attached that he has little or no input on but people hear the name tarantino and go:

A: oh well pulp fiction and reservoir dogs were the **** so this might be good


B: tarantino?, oh you mean kill bill?

the only film i liked that hes done that with was hero, and i didnt see it becuase tarantino "presented it" but becuase from what id allready seen i could tell it was cinemtography wise one of the most beautiful films id ever seen.

13-Jun-2007, 04:08 PM
The whole "Tarantino presents" is basically T-man giving it his own personal, public thumbs up to help advertising, giving it to his mates like...

Hopefully he'll take some time away from Hostel films before he does a third (as he no doubt will), take some time away and really think hard about it, get his chops in gear on at least a couple more projects and then really give it the beans properly for the finale, because Hostel 2 had no suspense whatsoever, and was so rushed that it was a completely missed opportunity ... at least KNB are still rocking nuts off (literally :lol:) though.