View Full Version : Good weekend!

11-Jun-2007, 09:01 PM
Well,i got down to my favourite sport on sunday,a days paintballing at a walk on!my team won the day (out of 4 teams competing) there was some proper tricked out guns in the field though,quite a few people firing on full auto :eek: i pulled off some rambo manouvers,firing off the hip while diving for cover etc,im more than a little bruised & stiff today!
heres me in action (taken by one of the marshals)

diving for cover

And the winning team! :D
Having 'nam flashbacks now,charles is in every bush!
what did everyone else get up to?

darth los
11-Jun-2007, 10:23 PM
You are now officially the HPOTD "bushmaster." :D

11-Jun-2007, 10:58 PM
Nice shots. Isn't it hard to tell what team people are in?

My weekend:

Took an exam. Customary heavy drinking ensued. Very good times, but also the last time I'll ever get together with the University folks. Known them for about a year now, but I'm not all that gloomy about it. There were some great folks there, but I figure I can just keep in touch with them other ways if I have too. Anyway we had a blast.

Then came saturday. What do you do on saturdays? You drink! Party on a balcony. Lots of booze. Then we went to a newly opened club. They had a pool and I had to dive in. But I was drunk so I hit my knee on the pool floor and it still hurts like a mother****er.

Sunday. Packing. Going to a festival, tuesday to sunday. As customary, I'm going to be drunk 24/7. I even got the Viking helmets ready to go, and you can take the horns off them so you can use them as drinking cups - just like god intended.

11-Jun-2007, 11:21 PM

Get up there Trick, my son! :D

12-Jun-2007, 01:39 AM
damn the scenery is so different in england then florida lol. blows me away. thats cool man I used to paintball alot I had a icon z.

12-Jun-2007, 11:18 AM
hehe, wicked cool shots there Tricky.

Paintballing is indeed awesome.

What did I do? I can't really remember, not much actually, basically piss all. But yesterday (Monday) I spent the entire day trawling through the Hot Fuzz DVD. :cool: