View Full Version : Rejoice!! you can now eat that skittle you just dropped!

darth los
13-Jun-2007, 08:27 PM
I don't even know where this originated from. It's like an unwritten rule or something, but everyone knows about the 5 second rule right? It's something that's with us from childhood. Well it loks like that theory has been debunked. Apparently, in takes 30 seconds for bacteria to grow on "wet" food like sliced apples and and more than a minute on dry food like skittles.:eek: I shudder to think how much good food i wasted by following that stupid rule.:( Finally one of the most controversial issued of our time has been solved. :lol:

Imagine if these people put their minds together in order to do something that could actually benifit mankind? :eek:


13-Jun-2007, 08:52 PM
Holy crap. This is great news!

[montage of me smacking food out of friends hands then picking it up off ground and eating it]

13-Jun-2007, 08:55 PM
I always knew about the 5 second rule but never really cared. Depending on how much I wanted the food, I would eat it after any amount of time on the ground.

I love the montage, Mike. Reminds of that "ICE CREAM!!!" skit from Eddie Murphy's "Delirious".:lol:

darth los
13-Jun-2007, 08:57 PM
Holy crap. This is great news!

[montage of me smacking food out of friends hands then picking it up off ground and eating it]

Imagine the horror on their faces !!! :eek: :lol: That's just like having something that you know somebody wants, but you lick or slobber all over it so that no one else can have any. :D

13-Jun-2007, 08:57 PM
haha, wicked news!

I've always used the "10 second rule", and we used to eat food off our floor at uni, that place - although we weren't that bothered/didn't realise much - must have been such a filth-hole (in hindsight, perhaps my increased tendancy to cough at uni was down to the mold-infested bathroom, spores and all that...:eek:)...anyway, we'd eat food we dropped on the floor, and it was proper hairy that floor...yeuch...depends on the food though, the wetter it was the more hair came back, if you couldn't pick it all off, then it was a binner. :D

If it was picked clean - sorted. :)

darth los
13-Jun-2007, 09:00 PM
I always knew about the 5 second rule but never really cared. Depending on how much I wanted the food, I would eat it after any amount of time on the ground.

I love the montage, Mike. Reminds of that "ICE CREAM!!!" skit from Eddie Murphy's "Delirious".:lol:

Ha! Ha!:lol: :lol: I love that bit. "I could drop my ice cream in a pile of sh8t and eat it!! It's just like sprinkles!!" HILARIOUS!!:D

13-Jun-2007, 11:02 PM
How desperate d'ya have to be to want to eat that skittle though? I read something once that 30% of bbqers pick food up from off the ground when they grill... that scares me... much like the unbridled enthusiasm about the 5 second rule expanding...

13-Jun-2007, 11:04 PM
Yeah but "muddy water syndrome" is all part of the fun of a BBQ ;)

13-Jun-2007, 11:06 PM
stop you're scaring me :confused:

darth los
13-Jun-2007, 11:18 PM
How desperate d'ya have to be to want to eat that skittle though? I read something once that 30% of bbqers pick food up from off the ground when they grill... that scares me... much like the unbridled enthusiasm about the 5 second rule expanding...

And that's out in the open. Just imagine wha takes place behind closed doors at your favorite restaurant!! :eek:

13-Jun-2007, 11:23 PM
From what happened at the chain I worked at in SC ...the good ol oisynay ysteroay... they'd pick food up off the floor... pick flies out of the salad dressing... leave the wings out in the open (cooked) in the back and let any ol fly land on it... we found bugs in the stew... if it fell off the plate on the line it would be picked up and re-plated (despite it falling onto a surface that wasn't clean and covered in crud) and one time this chick ordered tuna grilled and they covered it in wasabi and terriyaki and sesame seeds and when I was like WTF they rinsed it off... I didnt serve it though... what if she was allergic? dumb mo fo's... but there's a lot of places that are remarkably clean and where the staff actually cares... its called in n out =)

mmmm I could go for a burger but I haven't eaten since I saw that fat chick

darth los
13-Jun-2007, 11:29 PM
its called in n out =)

mmmm I could go for a burger but I haven't eaten since I saw that fat chick

HMMMM...? in and out? Fat chick. Two phrases that i don't commonly associate with one another.:rockbrow:

13-Jun-2007, 11:52 PM
I rarely eat out anymore unless it's somewhere fancy. I'd rather cook my own, besides, it's cheaper and tastier.

My food also lacks the additional protein that may be found in fast food ;)

darth los
13-Jun-2007, 11:54 PM
After watching video of a taco bell in Manhattan after closing with about 50 rats scurrying around after just passing a health dept. inspection a few days prior I've sworn off eating out for a good long while. :barf:

13-Jun-2007, 11:56 PM
And that's out in the open. Just imagine wha takes place behind closed doors at your favorite restaurant!! :eek:
Ecspecially if the 17 year old me worked there. Dont dis me, suit, or you'll be eating my pubes!:eek::skull:

After watching video of a taco bell in Manhattan after closing with about 50 rats scurrying around after just passing a health dept. inspection a few days prior I've sworn off eating out for a good long while. :barf:
That was nasty. I ate there too. No more. Im getting a vomit chill just remember that

darth los
14-Jun-2007, 12:02 AM
Ecspecially if the 17 year old me worked there. Dont dis me, suit, or you'll be eating my pubes!:eek::skull:

:lol: :lol:
They'd be having honey d**k barbecued chicken, huh?

14-Jun-2007, 12:04 AM
I read something once that 30% of bbqers pick food up from off the ground when they grill... that scares me...

What the hell? How is that scary? Do you not know that extreme heat kills germs? If there were deadly/sickening germs on the ground you'd probably get them just by being near them... your food falling on the ground and then being shoved into an extremely hot pit of FIRE isn't going to hurt you, at all.

EDIT: Unless it falls in dog droppings.

darth los
14-Jun-2007, 12:33 AM
All bets are off if that happens, huh? :lol:

If people were that concerned about what they ate they'd be much healthier overall.

14-Jun-2007, 01:17 AM
What the hell? How is that scary? Do you not know that extreme heat kills germs? If there were deadly/sickening germs on the ground you'd probably get them just by being near them... your food falling on the ground and then being shoved into an extremely hot pit of FIRE isn't going to hurt you, at all.

EDIT: Unless it falls in dog droppings.
The grass in your backyard is way cleaner than any slaughter house

:lol: :lol:
They'd be having honey d**k barbecued chicken, huh?
A tubesteak smothered in underwear

14-Jun-2007, 01:21 AM
Because when something drops on the ground it picks up tiny particles of whatever's been there ... you can't just wipe that isht off my steak and put it back on the grill... it doesn't need seasoning! I'm a gemophobe though... I wash my hands after touching my vaccum for goshs sake lol

darth los
14-Jun-2007, 01:23 AM
The grass in your backyard is way cleaner than any slaughter house

Unless the aforementioned dog poop is IN the back yard.:eek: Which begs the question if you drop it in dog poop and nobody saw, did it really happen? :confused:

14-Jun-2007, 01:50 AM
wash it off, then your back to grillin

I dont have a dog. And ants are yummy.

14-Jun-2007, 01:53 AM
mmm water from the garden hose is better than any bottled water ever made...

darth los
14-Jun-2007, 01:55 AM
It's funny what grosses people out across different cultures and walks of life. Ants, yucky. But don't hog all the escargot and caviar.:mad:

14-Jun-2007, 02:06 AM
It's funny what grosses people out across different cultures and walks of life. Ants, yucky. But don't hog all the escargot and caviar.:mad:
Chocolate Ants are almost identical to Nestles crunch. You would barley notice a difference. They both pop when you eat em

darth los
14-Jun-2007, 02:10 AM
I just can't thinking about the excrement that must be in them too. :barf:

14-Jun-2007, 02:14 AM
You should read the book Adrift its about this guy who gets lost at sea and he has to use the same dish he uses to eat from as his personal port a pottie... and of course bear in mind its not like the man has soap on his dilapidated lifeboat

darth los
14-Jun-2007, 02:18 AM
You should read the book Adrift its about this guy who gets lost at sea and he has to use the same dish he uses to eat from as his personal port a pottie... and of course bear in mind its not like the man has soap on his dilapidated lifeboat

Okay?:confused: One question, why would he make in his bowl if he's out at sea!?! What a dumbass. Some part of him probably always fantasized about doing that kind of sh8t. What a freak-a-zoid. Sombody tell him there are websites that will vcater to his turd fetish.

14-Jun-2007, 02:22 AM
uh he couldn't just bend his buns over the side of his lifeboat because it was basically sinking and had a slim barrier between his body and the sharks and fish below that kept waiting for him to turn into tonites dinner special... its an awesome book

19-Jun-2007, 04:37 AM


darth los
19-Jun-2007, 04:53 AM
OH HELL NO!! :eek: That's just gross man. That's why i stick to the bottled water thank you very much. :D

19-Jun-2007, 04:58 AM
hey now maybe there's a reason why people always said evian is toilet water....

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 05:10 AM
iNow that i think about it, it's a giant conspiracy dude!! I think colonge is toilet water also. Why else would it say Eu de toilet on the side then, hmmm?

19-Jun-2007, 05:12 AM
because there's no delicate way to say pay for the real thing you cheap bastard

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 05:44 AM
You just have all the answers don't you. :p

19-Jun-2007, 05:58 AM
Yeah... its great to be me :p

whatsa matta... afraid of anyone who can think on their ass and their feet

19-Jun-2007, 06:08 AM
My only problem with food dropped on the ground is not the bacteria, its the freaking dirt. I don't want to eat something dirty.

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 06:26 AM
Yeah... its great to be me :p

whatsa matta... afraid of anyone who can think on their ass and their feet

i just love challenges. bring it on!!

19-Jun-2007, 06:29 AM
as long as you know when to give up old chap

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 06:31 AM
how do you know that i won't wear you out first? :p I'm very stubborn you know. momma didn't raise no quitter.