View Full Version : Did ya see "Gangs of the Dead"?

14-Jun-2007, 12:36 AM
I was looking for for zombie movies at the video store and found this one its not a bad watch!
From the jacket:
All hell breaks loose when a ravenous mob of bloodthirsty zomibes traps two of L.A's toughest gang's in an abandoned warehouse. they will have to do whatever it takes to avoid being torn limb from limb and eaten alive in this non-stop action packed gore-fest! Cops are trapped in with the gang members!
It isn't your typical zombie movie,it has a few twists in it!
I would rate it an good 8 out of 10.

Just a "heads up!" A newer zombie movie out there for everyone to get their hands on.

Oh ya I did rent another one called "The Quick and the Undead" not to be unkind but, I would give it a 5 out of 10. It was just plain weird!:|

14-Jun-2007, 02:51 PM
I enjoyed it. I thought the lead Latino gangster was an excellent actor.

17-Jun-2007, 04:20 PM
i will have to give this a watch. i looked at it at the movie store a few times but passed it up. thanks for the tip.

17-Jun-2007, 04:42 PM
Yeah, I almost bought this once but then figured it would just be another awful piece of crap so I put it back on the shelf.

Thanks for the heads up, now I'll get it next time I'm at the video store.

darth los
17-Jun-2007, 05:01 PM
lol. I think we're all suffering from crappy zombie film syndrome. We've all been burnt so much it's like a film is " crappy until proven worthy". I guess i'll have to check it out as well.

18-Jun-2007, 02:23 AM
i have it, havent viewed it yet though

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 02:26 AM
I was looking for for zombie movies at the video store and found this one its not a bad watch!
From the jacket:
All hell breaks loose when a ravenous mob of bloodthirsty zomibes traps two of L.A's toughest gang's in an abandoned warehouse. they will have to do whatever it takes to avoid being torn limb from limb and eaten alive in this non-stop action packed gore-fest! Cops are trapped in with the gang members!
It isn't your typical zombie movie,it has a few twists in it!
I would rate it an good 8 out of 10.

Just a "heads up!" A newer zombie movie out there for everyone to get their hands on.

Oh ya I did rent another one called "The Quick and the Undead" not to be unkind but, I would give it a 5 out of 10. It was just plain weird!:|

There are just too many crap zombie films out there. It seems like every hack who wants to break into the business uses the genre as a learning tool. There's really an oversaturation. I would much rather wait 2-3 years for a top notch film thatn have these crap movies come out straight to dvd every couple of months.