View Full Version : the new transformers trailer

14-Jun-2007, 03:52 PM

screw die hard 4 this **** looks rad, i cannot wait to see this movie, it looks f-ing awesome!.

short post i know but what else do i have to say?

14-Jun-2007, 04:51 PM
Can't. f**king. wait. :cool:

14-Jun-2007, 05:26 PM
Like the guy at the end of the trailer says: BRING IT!!!

darth los
14-Jun-2007, 06:20 PM
This trailer wipes ass with die hard. :evil:

14-Jun-2007, 07:04 PM
I got the comic TPB! Here's how it begins:

A MH-53 Pave Low chopper approaches the US military base in Qatar in the Middle East, the escorts identify it as a bird that went down in Afganistan three months ago.
When it lands it's surrounded by soldiers and begins to alter shape revealing itself as a ET robot, the Decepticon Blackout.
He sends out a EMP shockwave and heads for the base mainframe connecting to it with a tendril extending from his hand he begins downloading files searching for specific ones.
The soldiers destroy the computers, a few resist him and fire a rocket straight into his face. He is undamaged and recalibrates, as he does some of the soldiers flee with the information they got on him unaware he has dispatched Scorponok after them.
When they reach a hill they look back as he sets about leveling the base and killing all witnesses, meanwhile Scorponok burrows through the sand.
In Tranquility, USA, Sam is taken to a car salesman by his dad and picks up a 1974 Camaro.
Back in Qatar the soldiers stop for a rest and examine the infra red scan they took of Blackout and discover he has a invisible forcefield, one mentions they have nothing like it in Research and Development - a early hint of the 'sector 7' shadow group who study transformers.
In Tranquility Sam bumps into the girl of his dreams, Mikaela, and takes her for a ride the car breaks down and she fixes it.
Aboard Airforce One the human sized decepticon Frenzy hacks into the computer network, the crew are alerted to his presense and the Secret Service go after him, he kills those who see him and then disguises himself as a radio.
Tranquility: Sam is woken up by his new car driving off, he chases after it into a junkyard and watches as it transforms into Bumblebee who sends a signal of the Autobot insignia into the sky, Sam is attacked by guard dogs until Bumblebee changes back into vehicle mode and scares them off, he leaves the area before the police turn up and arrest Sam.
Frenzy slips out of Airforce One while soldiers search it, he slips into the passenger seat of a police car and uploads the information he gathered, he informs the driver he has uploaded a virus onto the internet and soon it will activate. The police car is the Decepticon Barricade.
In Qatar the soldiers spot a town and head straight for it, one is distracted by a disturbance in the sand and then the soldiers are attacked by Scorponok with the soldier scewered on his tail.

- The Decepticons drivers suck they are holoimages of people but they keep fluctuating.
- Frenzy and Scorponok are like G1 Soundwaves spy cassettes or the Minicons from Transformers Armada.

It's going to be great - for fans.

14-Jun-2007, 07:12 PM
totally, to bad its got the new linkin park for the soundtrack ya cant beat the 80's hair metal of the origional.:cool:

darth los
14-Jun-2007, 07:43 PM
Don't like linkin park? I think they're okay.

14-Jun-2007, 07:49 PM
yeha buts its the new post emo image change music not the hybrid thoery type stuff:dead:

15-Jun-2007, 04:14 AM
meh. it looks okay.

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 05:08 AM
Dude. They're robots in disguise. What's not to like? :D

15-Jun-2007, 05:12 AM
it's obviously a front for al-queda.

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 05:30 AM
it's obviously a front for al-queda.

LMAO!! :lol: Coincidence!?! I THINK NOT !! :sneaky:

15-Jun-2007, 05:40 AM
think about it man.

They are in hiding, and can pass off for everyday objects (people)
they seem to be able to own legions of soldiers (much like al-queda propoganda seems to think)
there are two cookie cutter good and bad sides (them and us)
they are machines and run on oil (how al-queda believes the US is a dirty oil whore)
They are not white (much like them)

Therefore, by process of deduction, this movie is a propoganda tool used by Al-Queda to further their agenda against the truly free.

makes me sick.

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 06:34 AM
You know i never saw it in that light before. Interesting perspective. Something nefarious is happening people. :sneaky: There's alot of shows out there that engage in propaganda. 24 comes immediately to mind.