View Full Version : Kinda makes me wanna steal

14-Jun-2007, 07:43 PM

The above link is to an article that basically says Wal Mart has dropped it zero tolerance policy to prosecute all shoplifters and basically tons of people are now stealing from WM both employees and would-be customers alike. It makes me want to steal from them just because I despise WM so much. And apparently theft is taking quite the toll on the retailer but they're not doing anything to stop it they're actually taking actions that in a way almost promote theft... reducing employee loyalty (I know they say their employee morale is up but with their new scheduling system and reduced employee hours thats gonna lower morale)... reducing anti-theft employees... etc... They're even not prosecuting people under 18 which is a big mistake. I went to school with two girls who stole... we're not talking small cookies either... i'd guesstimate they stole annually 5k worth of stuff from a number of stores and were punished once... with community service and the return of stolen merchendise...

And they're actually focusing on cracking down on theft rings? Are there really organized crime groups out there who plot against WM? Where do I sign up?

I'm glad I dont own stock in them because they're going downhill... The company that pretends to be so pro-American is the downfall of this country IMHO

Don of the Dead
15-Jun-2007, 04:29 PM

The above link is to an article that basically says Wal Mart has dropped it zero tolerance policy to prosecute all shoplifters and basically tons of people are now stealing from WM both employees and would-be customers alike. It makes me want to steal from them just because I despise WM so much. And apparently theft is taking quite the toll on the retailer but they're not doing anything to stop it they're actually taking actions that in a way almost promote theft... reducing employee loyalty (I know they say their employee morale is up but with their new scheduling system and reduced employee hours thats gonna lower morale)... reducing anti-theft employees... etc... They're even not prosecuting people under 18 which is a big mistake. I went to school with two girls who stole... we're not talking small cookies either... i'd guesstimate they stole annually 5k worth of stuff from a number of stores and were punished once... with community service and the return of stolen merchendise...

And they're actually focusing on cracking down on theft rings? Are there really organized crime groups out there who plot against WM? Where do I sign up?

I'm glad I dont own stock in them because they're going downhill... The company that pretends to be so pro-American is the downfall of this country IMHO

As a Store Detective (not of Wal-Mart) of 10 years I'll set the record straight.

Wal-Mart was sued last year after killing a shoplifter, the guy fought, was takled and held down on hot pavement, he had a heart attack and died. Now my 2 cents is if he wouldn't have stole or fought he'd be alive (Not to mention he was a crackhead, Cocaine + Heart= dead soon) but thats not the point.

Risk vs Cost. You stop peole for piddly ****, a pack of gum, 1 CD etc. you run the risk of a "bad stop" or stopping someone who ditched the item, you open yourself to a lawsuit.
Not to mention, depending on the state, Loss Prevention gets between $10.00-$20.00 an hour, avarage arrest, paperwork, wait for the police etc. can take up to 2 hours, so you just spent up to $40 in wages on a $12.00 arrest. So if they can catch them then release them you save money.

Now do they let EVERYONE go? No.

No ID? Go to Jail.
Fight/Run/Smartass/Prick? Go to jail
Repeat offender? Go to jail
Can't get ahold of mommy/daddy if you're a Juvie? Go to jail

And if you steal from Wal-Mart, you're not "hurting Wal-Mart" the'll just jack the price up, then you're hurting the rest of us.

15-Jun-2007, 05:50 PM
And if you steal from Wal-Mart, you're not "hurting Wal-Mart" the'll just jack the price up, then you're hurting the rest of us.

But if Walmart raises the prices that means more shoppers will get their goods elsewhere which would mean that Walmart is getting hurt because of losing costumers due to higher prices....:rolleyes:

So stealing from Walmart would mostly mean hurting Walmart because they would have to raise prices thus losing costumers unless we are forced to shop no where else but Walmart even with hiked prices....but if thats the case it needs to be destroyed anyways....:evil:

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 06:07 PM
I'd have to agree with don in that all unexpected costs incurred are almost always absorbed by the consumers. You don't think they'd let this stuff affect their bottom line do you?

15-Jun-2007, 06:23 PM
Yeah but if it raises Walmarts prices we shop else where....

Yeah they would completely avoid it hurting their "bottom line"...but their bottom line relies on keeping low prices...

So....Walmart would cut employee salaries and benefits further.....so service. atmosphere and cleaniness of the store would get even worse and people would eventually shop elsewhere...

Why would consumers continue to shop at Walmart if they are raising their prices for whatever reason....

So stealing from Walmart hurts walmart :)

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 06:33 PM
Why would consumers continue to shop at Walmart if they are raising their prices for whatever reason....

I believe because they have made it so that in many towns, especially in the midwest, they're the only girl in town. They put everyone else in the area out of business so consumers effectively have no choice but to go to them.

15-Jun-2007, 06:38 PM
Read the article kids... $3 billion dollars (which is 1000 million if anyones counting) has gone missing due to theft at WM across the country. Its hurting them. Add to that the fact that employees are doing a lot of the stealing and you come to learn its never going to stop. Not to mention the uproar among investors when WM had to disclose to them that they were no longer going to prosecute all of their shoplifters.

And don I sure hope you're not trying to justify the strong arm tatics of an overzealous employee to nab a criminal by saying he was on drugs.

Whats funny is every time I leave wal mart if something isn't in a bag because its too large to be bagged the person at the door hounds me for my receipt. How anything gets out the door without being paid for is beyond me. I can see small items being snuck out but why dont they put security stuff to make the alarm go off in there? But again... if its the employees stealing a lot they'll know ways to get around that and (much like the woman in the article) look the other way when it happens out of bitterness towards their employer.

I dont see Wal Mart raising their prices because they would jeopardise losing their customers to the competition. Sams club may lose out to Costco. Wal Mart to K-Mart and Target supercenters. Etc. If Wal Mart wants to raise profits they need to get back employee loyalty, prosecute everyone, and hire competent loss prevention employees. They could also stand to hire secret shoppers.

I understand that its costly to arrest everyone who shoplifts from WM and definately takes up a great deal of time on the part of the police. But hey... why not? What kind of lesson are they passing along when they're only going for the real crooks and criminals? Their stealing is certainly going to increase the more they get away with it. I personally hate Wal Mart and their slave wages and employees who have more attitude than brains. But I still shop there because they're cheaper than everywhere else. But if they raise their prices just a titch... i'm gone.

15-Jun-2007, 06:39 PM
But if they start raising their prices it could make it possible for other businesses to compete with them and move into the area....

Like maybe a Target will open up .... :rolleyes:

I personally hate Wal Mart and their slave wages and employees who have more attitude than brains.

you get what you pay for.... :)