View Full Version : I need the help of everyone on this board

14-Jun-2007, 08:56 PM
This was sent to me so I thought I'd send it to all of you, as it needs to be known about.
I found this on a diffrent site but please read on.

This is the most disgusting thing ANYONE has ever seen
It is a very heinous website called link removed. This website is a safe haven for pedophiles. The heading on their main page reads, "A Celebration of the Splendor of Little Girls". This website includes links to pictures, or "art" as they call it, of little girls, confessional blogs, a directory of resources for pedophiles (for "both boylovers and girl lovers, as well as anybody else looking for information about pedophilia and consensual child love"), as well as many other links. This site has a manifesto, stating demands to the government to legalize pedophilia.

The most disturbing, though, is a link to a page title Sugar and Spice that is specifically for little girls who have "fallen in love" with a pedophile. This site is set up to draw in little girls. It looks like any other fun little girly page. It tells girls that it is okay to be "in love" with an adult, and it is okay to have sex with an adult. A quote from the page: "Remember that information helps you to make the choices that are right for YOU. Don't let other people think for you, YOU know yourself better than anybody else, so YOU should be the one to decide whom to love and how to use your mind and your body." It has a questions and answers section, downloads, and a page to links for more information.

If this information doesn't turn your stomach, hopefully what I'm about to say will. This website claims to be legal. There is even a link on their webpage to report them to authorities. Here is a quote from that page: "If you are undeterred by the fact that this site is already well-known within the law enforcement community and that it is in no way illegal, and you still want to do your civic duty and exercise your freedom of speech by denouncing the free speech of another citizen, let us help you. Here we have compiled a list of contacts for a number of law enforcement bodies that you might wish to contact. We have even included a form that will allow you to contact several of these agencies at once!"

People, I need your help. I am asking you to do at least one of a few things:

1) Please repost this bulletin. Maybe with the wide circulation we can raise awareness, initiate outrage, and get this thing shut down. We fill out and pass on surveys, Don't you think this warrants the same kind of attention?

2) Report this site to cybertipline.com, and sign the petition at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/493662088?ltl=1174125902. You can sign this as "anonymous" if you wish.

3) Make your local authorities aware of this website.

4) Contact your congressman and senator. Another disturbing fact about this site is, at the bottom of their page, they openly support Barack Obama for the presidential election.

5) Send this bulletin, or write your own, to your local media. Just as moms have caught the interest of their local authorities, they have also done so with their local news.

6) If the information that I have provided doesn't affect you to your core, then please go to this site so you can see for yourself what we are dealing with here. I guarantee you will be disgusted as much as I.

Again, I am asking for your help with this. If you have a daughter or son, a little sister or brother, niece or nephew, or even just know a child, then you are affected by this. These people are preying on these children. They say that this disgusting behavior is okay. It is not.

If you've made it this far through this bulletin, then I thank you for your time and attention. Just by reading this, you've helped me take one more step to my mission being accomplished. Please, if nothing else, pass this on.

This website needs to be shut down, so if you have enough heart to care, then please sign the petition, pass the info along and get other people aware that this site exists!

Please MODS, keep this here, as it would be considered an "event" to take action against this site.

14-Jun-2007, 09:12 PM
I understand what you are saying and it's sick, sick, sick but I'm more bothered about peer to peer networks where people can freely download kiddie crap without fear of even being caught. Just go to Limewire or MP3-Extreme and type in the word 'young', you'll soon know what I mean. :dead:

darth los
14-Jun-2007, 09:23 PM
That sort of stuff is fuc*ing nasty man. These people should have their balls cut off. I'm gonna go take a shower now. It is messed up about that peer sharing thing cap. What's also disturbing is that for as many sickos that are caught, imagine the legions that are out there roaming free. :barf:

14-Jun-2007, 09:49 PM
It is messed up about that peer sharing thing cap. What's also disturbing is that for as many sickos that are caught, imagine the legions that are out there roaming free. :barf:
What's even more disturbing is that there is a big chance that an innocent person (if downloading anything can be regarded as innocent :D) may download a kiddie flick by accident.

I once downloaded a porn file titled "Vicky Gives Head". Naturally, I decided to give this wank-a-thon a little preview as it was downloading and was faced with a little girl of about 8 giving a blowjob (even more disturbing was that she seemed to be enjoying it). Immediately I ceased downloading and removed the file. When I looked to see who the source was, I noticed a url that had the word 'rgold' in it. After some natty detective work, I found out it was coming from this guy.


Richard Steve Goldberg (born 1945 in Brooklyn, New York) is an accused child molester, and was placed on the FBI's most wanted list in 2002. He was captured near Montreal, Quebec, Canada, on May 12, 2007, after five years as a wanted fugitive.

On May 24, 2007, he was deported from Canada back to the United States, where he will be tried on both state and federal charges of child sexual abuse and distribution of obscene material involving children. He is wanted on 40 counts of child pornography and 10 counts of child rape.

Anyway, this sick f**k has been captured now but it still hasn't stopped other people from distributing his stuff. Limewire and MP3-Xtreme should be more vigilent against this filth! :mad:

14-Jun-2007, 10:08 PM
Please MODS, keep this here, as it would be considered an "event" to take action against this site.

I'll keep this topic open for you guys but i am removing that link and i dont want it posting again, the last thing i want is HPotD linking up to those kind of sites in anyway.


14-Jun-2007, 10:51 PM
as terrible as it is, i think the ease of access the internet and specifically p2p file sharing has created to this sort of crap has helped drag this problem out into the light a bit more. parents/teachers/law enforcement are way more vigilant about it now than they used to be.

you know how people say "when i was young, we used to just go out all day and play and our parents didnt worry"? also stuff like bob a job week has gone now. its not that there's more paedophiles nowadays, its just that people werent as aware back then.

i think the internet has made them more visible and easier to catch. i read somewhere that most kiddy porn hosters on p2p networks are actually cops setting honeytraps to harvest IPs of potential suspects - pretty sly.

as capn says though, porn aside, you can be searching for something relatively innocuous on limewire and end up with nasty **** (even if it isnt kiddy porn), its depressing to think how widespread it must be for it to become so visible, i like to think a paedophile is a one in a million kind of sicko, like a serial killer, but i guess not :rockbrow:

14-Jun-2007, 11:45 PM
Thank you Andy I just thought Id bring this to a couple peoples minds..Nobody likes it but this is a problem we need to deal with and the petition can help.

Also good work Capn!

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 05:34 AM
as terrible as it is, i think the ease of access the internet and specifically p2p file sharing has created to this sort of crap has helped drag this problem out into the light a bit more. parents/teachers/law enforcement are way more vigilant about it now than they used to be.

you know how people say "when i was young, we used to just go out all day and play and our parents didnt worry"? also stuff like bob a job week has gone now. its not that there's more paedophiles nowadays, its just that people werent as aware back then.

i think the internet has made them more visible and easier to catch. i read somewhere that most kiddy porn hosters on p2p networks are actually cops setting honeytraps to harvest IPs of potential suspects - pretty sly.

as capn says though, porn aside, you can be searching for something relatively innocuous on limewire and end up with nasty **** (even if it isnt kiddy porn), its depressing to think how widespread it must be for it to become so visible, i like to think a paedophile is a one in a million kind of sicko, like a serial killer, but i guess not :rockbrow:

I think your right in that it's always been a problem it's just that the technology is forcing it out in the open. Good observation.

15-Jun-2007, 08:52 PM
Thank you Andy I just thought Id bring this to a couple peoples minds..Nobody likes it but this is a problem we need to deal with and the petition can help.

Also good work Capn!

Man, this is nasty sh!t .
Count myself and spouse on that petition...Thanks for the heads up very much Cornish Corpse.

15-Jun-2007, 09:22 PM
Wow that is so disgusting. I've known a lot of people who've been molested as children and while my life blows i'm glad I was never put into that kind of situation. Its entirely disturbing and reminds me of NAMBLA ...the thing that bothers me the most is how any pedophile from any place in all the world can go to various places around the world and buy children for sex. How the u.s. doesn't have the power to follow, track, arrest, and/or exterminate those scum suckers is beyond me.

I signed up and forwarded a copy of your post to everyone I know past and present and implored them to sign the petition. That kind of behavior is dispicable.

Something worth mentioning however is that there are girls who are under 18 in the states who prostitute themselves to older men for money and as far as i'm concerned they're every bit the predator that the men who pay them are.

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 09:53 PM
Something worth mentioning however is that there are girls who are under 18 in the states who prostitute themselves to older men for money and as far as i'm concerned they're every bit the predator that the men who pay them are.

Good point mj. Sadly that's a topic that people aren't talking about yet but is becoming more and more widespread. I know several unerage teens who have slept with 30 something men just so they could buy them a couple of hundred dollars worth of clothes or whatever. What's more disturbing is that these girls think it's a legitimate means of getting what they want.

15-Jun-2007, 09:58 PM
Indeed I can only imagine the behavior of those girls will only escalate further as they grow older but a case could be made its a cry for help... the funny thing about teens is their brains aren't yet fully developed so in a way they're brain damaged and dont know WTF they're doing

What I find interesting as well is when I watched Dateline's To Catch a Predator series... its apparently not uncommon for younger women and younger men to show interest in older men (be it as it may some of the older men knocked 10 years off their age but they were still too old and the kids shoulda known better)

But this kinda drives towards something else... I'm not sure if all men in their early 20s are sexual predators or just wanting to get laid when they're having sexual relations with girls under 18. Same thing for a woman who goes about having sex with a boy under 18.

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 10:03 PM
Indeed the funny thing about teens is their brains aren't yet fully developed so in a way they're brain damaged and dont know WTF they're doing

It's actually a psychological immaturity they suffer from. This is why, although they may have the bodies, they are not allowed to consent to anything by law including entering into a contract and sex. it's for their own protection. But you can't tell them that because they know everything.

16-Jun-2007, 08:13 AM
There's also something even more deeply disturbing than the website you're talking about CC... that is that parents today (most often single parents/divorced parents that aren't married) are in a way whoreing out their children to pedophiles but in a not so typical manner. They're building websites for their children where they have pictures of their kids and where pedophiles (because frankly who else would do it) send these young girls outfits to wear and then they actually photograph their kids in those outfits for money... they'll even make movies... set up live chat for their kids and these MEN... its sickening. And the parents attempt to justify it by saying things like well the proceeds from this website are going to pay for little sallys college education or whatever. I mean wtf is that doing to their daughter psychologically? Its so objectifying.

16-Jun-2007, 04:39 PM
Wow...Learn something new everyday. Thats pretty sickening, is it a big thing over there in the US? The parent is labelling their child a prostitute and come on. Thats the label that tends to stick throughout a lifetime and of all the people to give it to you..Youre parents? Youre supposed basis of stability.

Just because youre supposdly saving for a college education does not make this..Nothing but gunpoint really makes this acceptable. If you love youre child that much then get a second job.. get a loan..let them work if need be but dear god. There is a line. I personally am aiming to head over to the states next year to study and Im currently suffering my way through the days at the Maccy Dees because I want to pay my own tution.

Thanks everyone for signing the petition. I found it on a diffrent forum before the link was taken out, I thought it could be a bluff like the "Kittens grown in a jar". Bleh, I didnt get past the first page but this is far to real for me.

With all the controlls the goverment has and how much everything is monitored and restricted you thought they would have found something as big as this staring them in the face! :mad:

16-Jun-2007, 08:27 PM
Sadly selling your child to perverts is a growing problem in the states in a variety of venues like the internet is where its most popular, or even I think in child beauty pageants. Since the internet came about (even since it first became popular I think 97/98) people have been using it to propel themselves (ie sell themselves) to any sicko willing to pay to look at them. The next best thing to being a celebrity is pretending to be one on the internet by charging admission to your site. With the growing number of broken homes and an abhorring unemployment rate in some places and just good ol laziness many single parents are resorting to selling their children and many teens are even selling themselves. How cps can't help those kids/teens I'll never know.

18-Jun-2007, 03:36 PM


19-Jun-2007, 11:48 AM
What you celebrating for?

Clicky (http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2007280269,00.html)

He only got four years which makes it 19 months until he gets out! :confused:

Oh, and there's this:

Within months of the chatroom being shut down one of Cox’s twisted lieutenants RELAUNCHED it.

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 05:26 PM
Sadly selling your child to perverts is a growing problem in the states in a variety of venues like the internet is where its most popular, or even I think in child beauty pageants. Since the internet came about (even since it first became popular I think 97/98) people have been using it to propel themselves (ie sell themselves) to any sicko willing to pay to look at them. The next best thing to being a celebrity is pretending to be one on the internet by charging admission to your site. With the growing number of broken homes and an abhorring unemployment rate in some places and just good ol laziness many single parents are resorting to selling their children and many teens are even selling themselves. How cps can't help those kids/teens I'll never know.

There should definitely be more stringent sentencing guidlines when it comes to perverts. No matter what else we disagree upon i think we all can come together on that point.

About those child pagents, i've always thought that was sick, moslty for the reasons you mentioned. I'll bet that if you raided those places half the people there would be pedophiles. why would anyone subject their innocent children like that? Parents are supposed to shield their children from the harshness of life for as long a sthey can, not thrust them into it.

19-Jun-2007, 06:47 PM
Its a hooray because they at the very least caught 700 people who were involved in crimes against children. Any sentencing or punishment no matter how minor is a victory especially if they have to register as a sex offender. Additionally with the popularity of their crimes there's a greater chance for vigilante justice either when they are in jail or out on the street.

I dont just think the kiddie beauty pageants are simply a place for pedophiles to congregate but I also see it as child abuse because the children are often forced to do things (for the pageants) that they dont want to do. Denied food to lose weight. Forced to stay up at all hours to practice their routine. And while the winner enjoys the win they dont want to do it. They're losing out on their childhood by default in a way because their mothers want to live vicariously through them... its a shame and obscene