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31-Mar-2006, 04:36 PM
and see if you can tell what's bugging me so much about this sequel to 28 Days Later...


31-Mar-2006, 04:41 PM
The Fox Atomic mission statement is to create films and content for teens and young audiences.


31-Mar-2006, 04:44 PM
I read this earlier this morning. Man, I knew it was too good to be true. Leave it to Hollywood to F perfectly good things up...

I guess we can look forward to a PG13(and probably crappy) "28 Weeks Later":(

31-Mar-2006, 04:55 PM
Wow... They're now trying to dumb things down?

31-Mar-2006, 05:00 PM
Ah geez...

It's like when they said they were going to do Dog Soldiers 2 - with all Americans, who apparently were also in the woods (i.e. bollocks cash in)...fortunately it seems to have sunk into development hell to (never?) come back. It'd be great if 28WL did the same, because it's definately going to be a heap of poo.

PG13 'horror' sucks big time beanbag. Hollywood needs to get a freakin' grip already.

31-Mar-2006, 05:03 PM
I can't remember, was that a US Jet that flew by at the end of 28 Days Later? That'd explain the US angle. Is Boyle going to be steering this ship? If so, I think he'll keep a decent hold on the reigns.

31-Mar-2006, 05:09 PM
It's a British plane, though some sites say it's a Finnish plane.

31-Mar-2006, 05:12 PM
Boyle isn't involved, neither is Alex Garland as far as I know - i.e. TOTAL CASH IN BEANBAG FEST. :D

31-Mar-2006, 05:30 PM
god damn, now i dont care if i offend any americans here, hollywood sucks, its suck hot steamy donkey balls, in the last 5 years all they can come up with are A: ****ty remakes that no-one likes compared to the origionals, and B: lame ass romantic comedys for washed up actors like jennifer anaston.

this is why i prefer asian cinema to hollywood, thats a prime example right there in that link, there even trying to remake oldby for chris sakes, face it hollywoods finally comeing to the end of its life span, thanks to the internet and modern convinience, its easy to see films from anywere not just the ones deemed fit by the film boards for the cinema so there losing cash fast, thats why posters now say "it earned 40- million" what they dont tell you is that it cost 100 million to make, foreighn films form the u.k asia and bollywood cost a fraction of the price to amek and have talent working on them ,so whos gonna see another lame ass comedy with actors who have been playing the same roles in different storys for the past ten years.

case in point basic instinct 2.

hollywood sucks balls.period. if i make it as a film director theres no way in hell id work for those kinda guys.

31-Mar-2006, 05:30 PM
Plus, I understand the concept of the British Isles being recolonized, but what boogeyman are going to be in the forefront. The end of the first film pretty much showed that the British major was right in that the infecteds will starve themselves to death in time.

31-Mar-2006, 05:44 PM
Plus, I understand the concept of the British Isles being recolonized, but what boogeyman are going to be in the forefront. .


31-Mar-2006, 05:51 PM
Myabe being a Yank and all I don't get certain things, but what in Mephistopolis are chavs?

31-Mar-2006, 06:18 PM
god damn, now i dont care if i offend any americans here, hollywood sucks, its suck hot steamy donkey balls, in the last 5 years all they can come up with are A: ****ty remakes that no-one likes compared to the origionals, and B: lame ass romantic comedys for washed up actors like jennifer anaston.

this is why i prefer asian cinema to hollywood, thats a prime example right there in that link, there even trying to remake oldby for chris sakes, face it hollywoods finally comeing to the end of its life span, thanks to the internet and modern convinience, its easy to see films from anywere not just the ones deemed fit by the film boards for the cinema so there losing cash fast, thats why posters now say "it earned 40- million" what they dont tell you is that it cost 100 million to make, foreighn films form the u.k asia and bollywood cost a fraction of the price to amek and have talent working on them ,so whos gonna see another lame ass comedy with actors who have been playing the same roles in different storys for the past ten years.

case in point basic instinct 2.

hollywood sucks balls.period. if i make it as a film director theres no way in hell id work for those kinda guys.

Shoot, don't worry about offending American's! I believe most of the Yanks on this board would agree with what you just said! I know I sure as heck do!

Hollywood is effin ridiculous!

31-Mar-2006, 06:20 PM
The only thing we can do is ignore the stupid stuff and hope someone out thier isint making more (like I said hope).

This news is very disheartning at best, even more so after having seen Day of the Dead 2. Blah....I so want to make a film, but I dont know the first thing. I promise that if it is not good, ill destroy it!

31-Mar-2006, 06:23 PM
Shoot, don't worry about offending American's! I believe most of the Yanks on this board would agree with what you just said! I know I sure as heck do!

Hollywood is effin ridiculous!

but the last time i said it on another board some asshole from texas said

"yeah well.....your spelling is teh suckers ,rflmoaflmaolololololo -PWNED"


31-Mar-2006, 06:49 PM
Oh dear God. As time goes on, I lose more and more hope for the horror genre nowadays.

31-Mar-2006, 06:54 PM
Myabe being a Yank and all I don't get certain things, but what in Mephistopolis are chavs?


look up the wikipedia.

and this, look up chavemian rasphody,lol.


there pretty much the english equivalent of hillbillies and white trash.

31-Mar-2006, 07:10 PM
Well now that explains it all :)

31-Mar-2006, 07:22 PM
28 Days Later.

Don't get me wrong. I like Danny Boyle's concept. The only problem is, the movie seemed to have lots of filler and the endings (all three or four of them on the DVD) all seemed incoherent and ill thought out. Cool concept, poor delivery.

I still can't believe they believe that **** stain of a movie warrants a sequel.

Hollywierd never ceases to amaze me. Take the crappiest movie ever, and they'll either remake it or give it a sequel. Go figure!

31-Mar-2006, 10:01 PM
Myabe being a Yank and all I don't get certain things, but what in Mephistopolis are chavs?

for what i can relate them to would be like a Redneck

01-Apr-2006, 01:27 AM
well 28 days later rocked till the last half hour when it became first blood and he whent all 'postal workers vietnam flashback' on those soldiers, he was a bicycle carrier for funks sake (funky pete,lol.).

01-Apr-2006, 09:16 AM
More like white trash I'd say, our equivelent of rednecks are "Forresters" - i.e. the folk who come from The Forrest of Dean (not far from where I live actually) - the sort of people who speak in another 'language' - yet still English - (apparently it's the closest approximation to Anglo-Saxon dialect from centuries ago) and consider going to Cinderford 'visiting the big city'.

Cinderford itself is rural-chav paradise, filled with teenage "mumz" and drug addicts, it's a shockingly bad place - you feel dirty after being there. I've been once and I never wanted to go back again.

02-Apr-2006, 09:12 AM
you wanna know if a brits a chav, heres the only warning sign thats easy to remember if they use the words:

well, preceding everything "i well gotta take a ****" or "50 cent is well cool"
ending everything with z.

heres some examples.

"can yerz lends us twenty peez fert' bus like?"

i gurantee every british guy.... and the chick from hull has been asked that at least once at a bus stop in a town center,lol.

you know i cant be arsed to do more so just go here.


watch all of them, starting from the bottom (but the first two suck, im just going chronologically).


heres another devvo quote

"der-der yes know like... when yes gets sozz mad thats yes smack yer girlfreinds or summinz?.."

- you feel dirty after being there. I've been once and I never wanted to go back again.

COUGH!- chaddasden - COUGH!

03-Apr-2006, 12:34 AM
Myabe being a Yank and all I don't get certain things, but what in Mephistopolis are chavs?


Harold W Brown
03-Apr-2006, 02:13 AM
Shoot, don't worry about offending American's! I believe most of the Yanks on this board would agree with what you just said! I know I sure as heck do!

Hollywood is effin ridiculous!

Yep. But take a look at international box office. Non-Americans keep watching the ****.

03-Apr-2006, 04:17 PM
John Cena Wrestling Chav :D


03-Apr-2006, 05:38 PM
28 Days Later was a pretty good movie. It was one of my favourite zombie movies that was not a Romero movie. It had a good plot and some really good character development, I got attached to the characters by the end of the movie. My favourite part of the movie though was the soundtrack. It was such an odd soundtrack yet it suited the movie extremely well. I look forward to 28 Weeks Later even though it will most likely not live up to the original. None the less, I will do my best to see the movie with an open-mind.:)

04-Apr-2006, 06:26 PM
it was a finnish plane at the end of 28 days later because he says 'send a helicopter' in finnish. :D god thank me im finnish. lol and oh yeah 28 weeks later will suck so much ass its unreal if its PG-13. ****ing hollywood.

Zombie Dollie
11-Apr-2006, 12:05 AM
well 28 days later rocked till the last half hour when it became first blood and he whent all 'postal workers vietnam flashback' on those soldiers, he was a bicycle carrier for funks sake (funky pete,lol.).

I agree with this, (hellsing you don't know how much that postal worker and funk thing made me and my friend laugh), it was a good movie though, I was excited to hear of a sequel and now that I've read this probably pg-13 thing I'm dissapointed. Oh well, all we can do is wait to see if it sucks or not really. Complaining's not going to do much, but it's always fun right? :D