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View Full Version : Do you want to surgically remove your belly button.....

15-Jun-2007, 10:42 PM
Do you want to surgically remove your belly button....so instead of some wierd hole type scar thingy the belly is just seamless smooth skin.....

Im still on the fence when it comes to my nipples....I cant figure out why I need em.....*shrugs*.....I guess Ill wait to cross that road when it comes...but definitely no belly button....

15-Jun-2007, 10:45 PM
Bellybuttons, nipples, Eunuchism, it all comes down to the same thing - modification, a need to change oneself. Pretty much speaks for itself really, whatever the reasons they may have.

15-Jun-2007, 10:49 PM
Theres also those people who are "amputee wannabes."


Baz remembers first seeing an amputee when he was a 4-year old boy in Liverpool. By the time he was 7 he had begun to think, "This is the way I should be." It was not until Baz was in his 50s, however, that he actually had his leg amputated. Baz froze his leg in dry ice until it was irreversibly damaged, then persuaded a surgeon to complete the job. When he awoke from the anesthetic and his left leg was gone, he says, "All my torment had disappeared."

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 10:52 PM
I'm happy with the way god ( or whoever) made me. :D

15-Jun-2007, 10:53 PM
We have the technology. We can rebuild you, We can make you stronger.


15-Jun-2007, 10:56 PM
I read a fascinating article in Bizarre magazine once about body modification. Apparently the most quickest, efficient and painless way of removing digits is by putting the hand/foot in ice water for 10-15 mins (a sheer feat in itself) and taking it off with a chisel and hammer. I got pics in a magazine but I cant find 'em online, it's pretty gnarly. :eek:

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 11:30 PM
We have the technology. We can rebuild you, We can make you stronger.


better, stronger, faster. :rockbrow:

15-Jun-2007, 11:32 PM
f-no!, i may be a pale chunky hiary white boy whos a tad on the short side, but fugly as i may be i wouldnt change the way i look for the world. or it jsut wouldnt be me.tatoos im fine iwth since hey its just the colour of your skin and that doesnt make you any different from the next guy but any other kind of body modification hell no. i think im fine the way i am thank you very much, belly button included.

yes my egos that big!:lol:

15-Jun-2007, 11:35 PM
The disappointing thing is I cant seem to find anything on the internet or pictures about removal of the belly button.... :(

f-no!, i may be a pale chunky hiary white boy whos a tad on the short side, but fugly as i may be i wouldnt change the way i look for the world. or it jsut wouldnt be me.tatoos im fine iwth since hey its just the colour of your skin and that doesnt make you any different from the next guy but any other kind of body modification hell no. i think im fine the way i am thank you very much, belly button included.

yes my egos that big!:lol:
Cultural taboos.....
ear/belly button/nose piercings, tattoos, circumcision = okay.....
lip bowls...neck rings....belly button removal = disgusting and wrong.....



15-Jun-2007, 11:39 PM
I get smelly lint, so no button is my vote.

darth los
15-Jun-2007, 11:39 PM
just get some putty and fill it in and smooth it out.

15-Jun-2007, 11:47 PM
then some nice wallpaper over that and a lick of paint- woops sorry thought we were on about DIY, allthough....:sneaky: .


darth los
15-Jun-2007, 11:59 PM
I get smelly lint, so no button is my vote.

i understand why you would vote that way.:rockbrow:

16-Jun-2007, 02:40 AM
no, in fact i want an operation to have more belly buttons.

Belly Buttons for everyone, right Boo? *squeek squeek*

16-Jun-2007, 03:28 AM
you just shouldn't mess with my kinda perfection... ;)

darth los
16-Jun-2007, 03:32 AM
i thought angels didn't have belly buttons?:confused:

16-Jun-2007, 03:34 AM
i'm no angel... hehe i'm a hellian

16-Jun-2007, 11:31 AM
Hell no, I like my belly button, gives me something to pick at. :lol:

To quote Everybody Loves Raymond - SENOIR NAVEL!!!! :D

And while men have no use for nipples, without them we'd just be action ... minus the action men, plus a winky-woo-hoo. :p

darth los
16-Jun-2007, 05:02 PM
body modification speaks to larger internal issues.

16-Jun-2007, 05:33 PM
body modification speaks to larger internal issues.

Tattoos?....Ear Piercing?...Belly Button Piercing?....Circumcision?...Teeth Capping?....Teeth Whitening?.....Shaving Faces?....Shaving Legs?.....Waxing Legs?.....Shaving Genitals?....Waxing Genitals?....Painting Faces(Makeup)?....Plucking Eyebrows?....
Then their tribal parallels.....Teeth Sharpening...Ear lobe extensions....Lip bowls....Neck rings....skin scaring....etc etc....

These all speak of larger internal issues? Or an attempt to achieve societal ideals...?

And then there’s plastic surgery

....Face lifts...tummy tucks....breast implants....derma abrasion....calf implants....pectoral implants....chin implants...."corrective" ear surgery.....the list goes on and on and on.....

Compared to all these things how is belly button removal all that different....?

16-Jun-2007, 05:48 PM
Well, changing how your belly button looks seems like a better fit with the examples you put forth, you don't hack off your nose or your ears or your lips, you change the way they look, same beans with the belly button I say...mind you, all these girls with belly button jewlry ... maybe it's just me, but I don't like it, it looks cheap and nasty as well as cliched. :|

16-Jun-2007, 05:54 PM
Well Circumcision fits in with cutting stuff off....

And almost all of the plastic surgery stuff involves cutting something off to some degree...

16-Jun-2007, 06:02 PM
Getting some of it off, i.e. just changing how the overall thing looks, like with circumcision.

Removing a belly button would be getting shot of it all, there'd be none left, so you're not changing, you're erasing.

That'd be like cutting your entire happy sack off, although why you'd wanna I duno. :eek: