View Full Version : Colin - Zombie film...

16-Jun-2007, 01:58 AM

I'm making a no-budget zombie film and was having a listen to the commentary track for "Deadlands: The Rising" and Gary mentioned this forum as one that was really supportive and I figured I'd brave my insecurities and post a link to our MySpace page for you guys to take a look and tell me what you think of how the film's shaping up.


We've got a 2minute clip, outtakes and a short trailer (that Gary very generously screened before Deadlands during its cinema run).
There are also some old short films on there if you REALLY want to punish yourselves!

Hope you like the clips! :-)

16-Jun-2007, 11:27 AM
I'll have a gander later when I'm not about to rush off to lunch to get my feed on, but welcome to the forum!

(Gary was kind enough to also show a couple of my shorts during the cinema run, as well as put one of those films on the Deadlands DVD - I Am Zombie Man). :cool:

Anyway, welcome to the forum, we're a good bunch. :)

16-Jun-2007, 01:01 PM
Just saw the clips and HOLY SMOKES, it looks red hot! I like the style you have taken with Colin, exactly what a zombie flick should be, gritty, crazy and above all, gory as feck. Man, I'm seriously looking forward to this now, welcome to the boards Derek.

16-Jun-2007, 05:30 PM
Got to say that clip I caught was very impressive. Gritty and atmospheric. What I liked most though was the use of weapons. I hate seeing guns being used in zombie films (especially English ones) due to the how unoriginal they are, plus the fact they dont feature hardly in English culture. Well done.

May I ask what you shot on?

16-Jun-2007, 06:29 PM
Aww wicked! Really glad you liked it guys!

I saw Zombie Man on the Deadlands DVD! Thought it was really funny (his artwork in the forest cracked me up!). I was hoping "Colin" would be the first film from a zombie's perspective, but it looks like you got there first matey! ;-)

I shot it on just a standard cheap-ass camcorder. I like high contrast stuff so there are a lot of filters to try to give it a bit of grittiness. Its been so much fun to make!

16-Jun-2007, 08:26 PM
cheap-ass camcorder? Brilliant.

Just goes to show that it is not the camera you use, but the person behind it that counts. Excellent.

Although I would like to know how cheap ass it was :D

16-Jun-2007, 10:34 PM
Welcome Derek,

You will love your stay here. I have been a member for many years and it is like my internet home.

Gary aka Djfunk

17-Jun-2007, 04:37 AM
Nice editing! Very pro.


17-Jun-2007, 10:59 AM
Just checked out the trailer, blimey grimey, good stuff! :thumbsup:

You certainly managed to rope in plenty of extras, eh? The arm bite effect was rather tasty too. :)

18-Jun-2007, 11:11 AM
We just spent all day Sunday shooting a few extra bits and pieces... Was lots of fun.

I've heard there's an "I am Zombie Man" sequel. Is there a link to that anywhere? I'd like to take a look :-)

18-Jun-2007, 11:21 AM
just use the search in here, or go to mz's site deadshed productions.


hes working on a 3rd to, or so the legends on the moors say..:shifty:

18-Jun-2007, 05:56 PM
Indeed, IAZM2 be 'ere:


Now, that's the "online version", which isn't a final cut, the final cut will be on the DVD that I've been dragging my ass on big style (been very busy shooting a documentary though, and other things just getting in the way of me sitting down to finish the DVD).

And Hellsing is right, there will be an IAZM3, a big old tickly-tease 'online teaser' of which is here:


That gives you an idea of where IAZM is heading, I've got a shedload of ideas down, I just need to get writing the script - which I hope to start doing in July...filming of it though, no idea when, perhaps in the winter (by then I should hopefully have the IAZM2 DVD finished, haha! :))

18-Jun-2007, 10:36 PM
Ha haaa... Just caught I Am Zombie Man 2 (laughing my ass off at the "why zombies don't run" book!) and thought the trailer for 3 was wicked (where did you get that music? Did you do it yourself? I spotted that Gary did some stuff for IAZM2 and wondered if you guys did the same thing for the IAZM3 trailer)

19-Jun-2007, 06:03 PM
hehe, glad you're digging it.

The music in the IAZM3 teaser - the online teaser (being the key part) is actually a track by M83 (really dig their stuff), I just fancied editing to music by one of my favourite music makers, so obviously when it comes to DVD, I'll re-edit with different music, but it was partly to get across the vibe of the third one in an easy way - or at least the vibe I'm going for.

But indeed, LouCipherr and Deej did the music for IAZM2 (and very good it was too, and much appreciated), so that was really cool.

I certainly look forward to getting the script for IAZM3 boshed out, I've got some great little ideas, I just hope I can logistically make them happen, logistics, eh? Tricky old logistics, that could be the reason for the odd bit to be cut out from the idea stage, but who knows...it's all very vague with IAZM3 right now, but I'm eager to start tapping out that script. :)

B. Brown
22-Jun-2007, 07:19 PM
I just watched "Colin Clip" on your MySpace and it was intense!
Done on a cheap-ass cam? No sh1T! You fooled me! :D

Good work!