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16-Jun-2007, 07:10 AM
I really liked Dawn 04 but for a very small reason... she wakes up and the ****e hath hit thine fan...

In NOTLD its like they're all up, the world is relatively the same, but there's a gradual progression

In DAWN they're slowly losing ground to the outbreak

In DAY its like there's no hope left in any populated place

In LAND its almost like at the end they give up trying to kill them ...bah!

I love how in Dawn 04 she wakes up and the world is a different place it seems... especially considering this past week or two there's been nothing but emergency warnings that keep warning about the thunderstorms, or flooding or tornados and everytime they come on I just completely ignore them because I think... how bad could it be... so its entirely plausible to me that I could wake up one morning to a different world... of course since its 3am I may not wake up til 3pm but hey...

anyone have anything they wanna share about dawn 04, pos or neg?

16-Jun-2007, 04:56 PM
I liked dawn 04 but in the way that it was a no brainer sort of fun movie. Its the sameway that I like predator, theres some great fun moments and youre brain muscle doesnt need to be used.The story was simple and a bit of fun, plus the introduction with johnny cash was very good.

I wasnt so much a fan of the "she wakes up and the sh it has hiteth the fan" okay possible some ghouls but what about police sirens? would that have not woke her up? her neigbours screaming at her windows? Gunfire from the guy outside of her house?

I loved that the romero films showed the gradual change, I love that you can slowely see the morals and sanity slipping from the world till theres nothing left but a handful of people wondering why they should bother fighting on.

The gore was great, some fun lines and any movie that has a truck reversing backwards into zombies is worth a watch.

Alright alright it did not keep to the original dawn story..or the charecters..or the skill..But you get what you pay for and dawn 04 is 3 pound currently.

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 03:43 AM
I liked dawn 04 but in the way that it was a no brainer sort of fun movie. Its the sameway that I like predator, theres some great fun moments and youre brain muscle doesnt need to be used.The story was simple and a bit of fun, plus the introduction with johnny cash was very good.

I wasnt so much a fan of the "she wakes up and the sh it has hiteth the fan" okay possible some ghouls but what about police sirens? would that have not woke her up? her neigbours screaming at her windows? Gunfire from the guy outside of her house?

I loved that the romero films showed the gradual change, I love that you can slowely see the morals and sanity slipping from the world till theres nothing left but a handful of people wondering why they should bother fighting on.

The gore was great, some fun lines and any movie that has a truck reversing backwards into zombies is worth a watch.

Alright alright it did not keep to the original dawn story..or the charecters..or the skill..But you get what you pay for and dawn 04 is 3 pound currently.

The problem with the begining was that they put all their cards on the table too soon. It was arguably the best part of the film and it just tailed off from there. It indeed was a great sequence but the title of best sequence in a zombie film has to go to the last 25 minutes of day. Nothing can touch that.

23-Jun-2007, 03:59 AM
I put it this way. The begining of Dawn04 was a great movie visual. Sarh is having sex with her boyfriend inthe shower when the news is on TV (explaining why they were not aware of the problem). When she leaves the house and sees all the carnage around her, it is a great visual scene. But there was a logic problem. Like CornishCorpse said, why did they not hear anything that woke them up? The sirens, gunshots, etc. happening right outside. I agree that the gradual build was a much more effective way of showing the initial outbreak, at least from a logic standpoint. Of course, Dawn04 wasnt about using logic, or even about making a good movie, it was about making money, which is a problem with a lot of Hollywood movies. Instead of making art for arts sake, and taking what money comes (which could be a lot, if it is good art), they purposely decide to appeal to the lowest common denominator in an effort to make art solely for the end result of making money.

The last 25 minutes of Day is indeed impressive. But I suggest that Dawn as a whole is would be the best zombie sequence I have seen.

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 04:07 AM
The last 25 minutes of Day is indeed impressive. But I suggest that Dawn as a whole is would be the best zombie sequence I have seen.

Another inconsistency if you will. The behavior of the little zombie girl in the house atleast at was not consistent with that of any other zombie in the movie. She just stood there for a few seconds before attacking.

Of course dawn i the crown jewel of the genre and it's better than day, but that sequence is unparalled imo. Dawn doesn't have anything to offer in terms of a standout sequence to compete with that.

23-Jun-2007, 07:16 AM
The problem with the begining was that they put all their cards on the table too soon. It was arguably the best part of the film and it just tailed off from there. It indeed was a great sequence but the title of best sequence in a zombie film has to go to the last 25 minutes of day. Nothing can touch that.

i agree that the begining of dawn 04 was by far the best part of the movie. the last 25 mins of day is trully epic i would give greatest zombie sequence of all time to dawn 78 when the bikers attack and all hell breaks loose. (i could watch that sequence over and over):)

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 07:26 AM
i agree that the begining of dawn 04 was by far the best part of the movie. the last 25 mins of day is trully epic i would give greatest zombie sequence of all time to dawn 78 when the bikers attack and all hell breaks loose. (i could watch that sequence over and over):)

If ever a true remake of the original gets made that biker scene has a chance to be truly epic. I would like to see modern effects applied to the whole movie actually. But please whatever they do, NO CGI!!!:mad:

23-Jun-2007, 07:32 AM
If ever a true remake of the original gets made that biker scene has a chance to be truly epic. I would like to see modern effects applied to the whole movie actually. But please whatever they do, NO CGI!!!:mad:

CGI can go to hell. a scene by scene remake would be cool but only if GAR himself did it or at least had something to do with it. and a more serious aproach to the biker scene could have the potencial to be even greater:eek:

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 07:35 AM
CGI can go to hell. a scene by scene remake would be cool but only if GAR himself did it or at least had something to do with it. and a more serious aproach to the biker scene could have the potencial to be even greater:eek:

I don't think he'd want to do a remake. When the time came to do the remake of NOTLD he passed it off to Savini. He'll almost definitely be a consultant though.

23-Jun-2007, 07:41 AM
I don't think he'd want to do a remake. When the time came to do the remake of NOTLD he passed it off to Savini. He'll almost definitely be a consultant though.

i wouldnt expect him to wat to do a remake but as a true fan i woulnt be able to sleep with anyone but him doing it

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 07:43 AM
i wouldnt expect him to wat to do a remake but as a true fan i woulnt be able to sleep with anyone but him doing it

You weren't happy with the job savini did? He wasn't happy with the final result come to think of it. Atleast Gar kept it in the "family."

23-Jun-2007, 07:48 AM
You weren't happy with the job savini did? He wasn't happy with the final result come to think of it. Atleast Gar kept it in the "family."

dont get me wrong i love night 90 and think that if savini had more freedom to do what he wanted that it could rival the original. and tom savini is one of my boyhood heroes so when i heard he was doing the remake i knew it was in good hands.

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 07:51 AM
dont get me wrong i love night 90 and think that if savini had more freedom to do what he wanted that it could rival the original. and tom savini is one of my boyhood heroes so when i heard he was doing the remake i knew it was in good hands.

He really took it hard when they altered the film like that. I think it turned him off to directing. That's what probably made him open his own school. he was like " the hell with this man!" I should ask trancelikestate about that.

23-Jun-2007, 07:59 AM
He really took it hard when they altered the film like that. I think it turned him off to directing. That's what probably made him open his own school. he was like " the hell with this man!" I should ask trancelikestate about that.

i have heard savini say many times in various interviews saying that some of the sh!t they pulled turned him right off, and that by the end he had little say in what was going on and since GAR was busey shoting the darkhalf he wasnt able to hear about what was going on with night 90 and how they where changing things and so forth.:rockbrow:

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 08:02 AM
i have heard savini say many times in various interviews saying that some of the sh!t they pulled turned him right off, and that by the end he had little say in what was going on and since GAR was busey shoting the darkhalf he wasnt able to hear about what was going on with night 90 and how they where changing things and so forth.:rockbrow:

I'm sure that if Gar would have known everything would have been different. Yeah, I heard that Gar would stop in for a few then leave again. They wouldn't dare pull that stuff with him around. he would have pulled the plug on the whole thing. He's used to having projects discontinued anyway. it would have been no big deal to him.

23-Jun-2007, 08:08 AM
I'm sure that if Gar would have known everything would have been different. Yeah, I heard that Gar would stop in for a few then leave again. They wouldn't dare pull that stuff with him around. he would have pulled the plug on the whole thing. He's used to having projects discontinued anyway. it would have been no big deal to him.

its unfortunate that GAR couldnt have been on set full time to back savini's vision up and alow him to make the movie he wanted to make. (it would have been better for GAR pocket book as well since this was his big shot to finally make some bread of the movie)

23-Jun-2007, 03:00 PM
im gonna say what i allwasy so, hissing' zombies like jurassic park raptors and an a team "buildin' stuff" montage.
summer action fest nothing more, not a bad movie i do enjoy it if want a so bad its good movie night but its a pale shadow of the origional.

**** ving rhames ken foree like a mutha byatch! :lol:

23-Jun-2007, 03:21 PM
I really liked Dawn 04 but for a very small reason... she wakes up and the ****e hath hit thine fan...

In NOTLD its like they're all up, the world is relatively the same, but there's a gradual progression

In DAWN they're slowly losing ground to the outbreak

In DAY its like there's no hope left in any populated place

In LAND its almost like at the end they give up trying to kill them ...bah!

I love how in Dawn 04 she wakes up and the world is a different place it seems... especially considering this past week or two there's been nothing but emergency warnings that keep warning about the thunderstorms, or flooding or tornados and everytime they come on I just completely ignore them because I think... how bad could it be... so its entirely plausible to me that I could wake up one morning to a different world... of course since its 3am I may not wake up til 3pm but hey...

anyone have anything they wanna share about dawn 04, pos or neg?

Yep... In Dawn 04 the world certainly is a different place:-
1) Young girls can now bounce supernaturally to their feet.
2) Dead people have special coloured eyes (within seconds).
3) Dead people know when to keep quiet (when necessary) to ensure a stealthy approach.
4) Living people lose all sense of self preservation and do super daft things.

Yup, she's woken up in Hollywood :)

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 04:11 PM
4) Living people lose all sense of self preservation and do super daft things.

Yup, she's woken up in Hollywood :)

Like try a half cocked rescue mission to save an airhead girl from her botched dog rescue attempt? :rockbrow: That was by far the most annoying thing in the whole movie, imo. I like the film but that was just stupid.

23-Jun-2007, 04:28 PM
Well, I am a fan of Dawn 04. There were a few things that I didnt understand, like, why did the zombies only eat humans(which in my opinion, gives the zombies an almost supernatural quality). I could forgive the "Raptor scream" sence it would make sence that if a creature that could not breath tried to scream, that is the sound it would most likely make. Go on, try it. Empty your lungs of air, then as you are trying to draw in a breath, scream. It will sound like a raptor(and makes you sound like the lead singer of Lamb of God as well) One thing that I always wondered was, why do they make noise anyways. The do not breath. They shouldnt even be able to moan since that requires oxygen to do. Usually upon death, the oxygen in the lungs escapes through the mouth.

Im all for a close remake of Dawn of the dead, but not a perfect one. For starters, they would need to redo the biker raid scene. Come on, cream pies? Checking your blood pressure? A freaking sword to the gut? And modernize it. I was born in 1980. I did not grow up with that kind of quarky humur(did you ever notice that stupid people in almost every movie from the sevenites were cross eyed, even in dawn) it would be nice to see humor in it, but not that kind.

23-Jun-2007, 06:29 PM
I really hated the last 25 minutes of Day. I'd have to say the best opening does go to Dawn 04 but that the best ending of a zombie film goes to Dawn of the Dead. Stephen feels the mall is theirs and theirs alone (forgetting what Peter said about being theives themselves) and when he attempts to keep it he only gets himself killed. Peter doesn't think he can bear to go on despite all he's lost. For a sense of closure Peter and Fran both wait to find out if the flymaster has survived which could have greatly jeopardised their safety (and kinda did when Peter wanted to stay and die). In the end Peter found a reason to live despite being in a zombie world and he and Fran disappear... and that's the best part of all because they dont know where to go, they dont know where they can go, they have no idea if they're gonna make it but they finally realize in order to live they have to move on.

In a way its art imitating life. Ever know someone so bogged down by something they dwell on it and fall into a vicious cycle of depression? To survive that and to live again they're going to have to move on.

Its a beautiful thing...

23-Jun-2007, 08:39 PM
While the start of Dawn04 is good and the best part of the flick.....my favorite start to the dead films has to be the original Dawn. Just a quick slap to the face and you're right in the middle of the crisis.

23-Jun-2007, 10:39 PM
The intro to Dawn 04 was indeed the best part. I could never help but notice how there were no bikers thou! Of course there were ALOT more zombies in the parking lot so I suppose the bikers would never even have made it to the mall anyway...
If the bikers were somehow involved thou, I wonder how the raid of the mall would have gone down differently? They had more people and guns, so could they have made a better stand to defend the mall?
Also, WHY IN GOOD GOD'S NAME did they even make an attempt to save the chick and her dog?? The cost in lives, ammo and lost supplies as well as them losing the mall was NOT worth it. Not even remotely....

24-Jun-2007, 01:44 AM
What bugged me about Dawn 04 was the really short turn times for attack victims. The husband turned almost immediately as did the yuppie prick. Where's the time for disembowelments/dismemberments? Also since the turn time was so short, wouldn't that mean the dead were feeding off one another? The two janitors in the mall are a case in point. The Asian guy looked like he had turned quite some time ago but baldie was still eating him.

24-Jun-2007, 10:57 AM
What bugged me about Dawn 04 was the really short turn times for attack victims. The husband turned almost immediately as did the yuppie prick. Where's the time for disembowelments/dismemberments? Also since the turn time was so short, wouldn't that mean the dead were feeding off one another? The two janitors in the mall are a case in point. The Asian guy looked like he had turned quite some time ago but baldie was still eating him.

The scene when the janitor zombie turns around and looks up is a direct rip off from the first zombie we see in the Resident Evil game! Did anyone else notice that?

24-Jun-2007, 11:14 AM
Another inconsistency if you will. The behavior of the little zombie girl in the house atleast at was not consistent with that of any other zombie in the movie. She just stood there for a few seconds before attacking.

Of course dawn i the crown jewel of the genre and it's better than day, but that sequence is unparalled imo. Dawn doesn't have anything to offer in terms of a standout sequence to compete with that.
Good point about the little girl zombie just standing there.

Actually, as far as Day goes, I like the opening sequence better than the end. The gore effects are obviously better in the end, but I think the opening scenes with the shots from the helicopter, and then the dead coming out of the woodwork in downtown Ft Myers is more of a standout sequence than the end.

24-Jun-2007, 01:45 PM
A film made for money isn't necessarily bad anymore than a film made for art is necessarily good. That's a common mistake people make when they try to class films. A commercial film can be made with just as much love as an auteur film. Also, there's nothing that says that an artistic film should be more highly regarded than a film meant for entertainment.

Myself, I'm a strong supporter of film as entertainment. And on that front, Dawn 04 is good. But Dawn 78 is better, because it entrances you and pulls you into the story. Dawn 04 does not, it has very little character. Something that seems to be turning into a trademark for Zack Snyder.

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 08:48 PM
I really hated the last 25 minutes of Day.

That's a bold statement to make without backing it up. Why do you hate it? The only way you can truly hate some thing is if you love it first.

24-Jun-2007, 10:13 PM
That's a bold statement to make without backing it up. Why do you hate it? The only way you can truly hate some thing is if you love it first.

Personally, I have hated many things in life without having loved it first. Other than the opening of Day and the villainous (non gay) Captain Rhodes, I still think it is the weakest movie of the series. It's just too damn depressing, virtually hopeless if you watch it after Dawn. At least Land showed us there was still humanity alive in the world and it ended on an upper rather than such a downer.
Just my own opinion.

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 10:52 PM
Personally, I have hated many things in life without having loved it first. Other than the opening of Day and the villainous (non gay) Captain Rhodes, I still think it is the weakest movie of the series. It's just too damn depressing, virtually hopeless if you watch it after Dawn. At least Land showed us there was still humanity alive in the world and it ended on an upper rather than such a downer.
Just my own opinion.

And you still think that after watching land? Day more acurately reflects life. Life is not all happy and rosy. That's why so many people are suckered into things. the promise of hope. People need hope.

24-Jun-2007, 11:09 PM
Day is my favourite for those exact reasons: It's possibly the darkest film I've ever seen. As the tagline says: The Darkest day of horror the world has ever seen. The film lives up to it, and I love it.

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 11:29 PM
Day is my favourite for those exact reasons: It's possibly the darkest film I've ever seen. As the tagline says: The Darkest day of horror the world has ever seen. The film lives up to it, and I love it.

Come to think of it the trilogy should have ended right there. There was no reason to make a subsequent film. You shouldn't mess with perfection. He should not have made land and just rebooted the series then.

24-Jun-2007, 11:54 PM
Come to think of it the trilogy should have ended right there. There was no reason to make a subsequent film. You shouldn't mess with perfection. He should not have made land and just rebooted the series then.

I like Land. But Day would have been a perfect, dark ending to it. Or make it so Land ends even darker - if possible.

But a reboot of the series would have been nice after Day. Mostly because at the end of Day I was thinking "Well, that's it for the human race".

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 12:05 AM
I like Land. But Day would have been a perfect, dark ending to it. Or make it so Land ends even darker - if possible.

But a reboot of the series would have been nice after Day. Mostly because at the end of Day I was thinking "Well, that's it for the human race".

I actually thought the ending for day was rather hopeful. Like they were going to start over on that island and repopulate the earth.

25-Jun-2007, 11:11 PM
Maybe Romero is planning to make another trilogy.
Land of the dead
Sea of the dead
Valley of the dead:rockbrow:
Just being funny:lol:

As for the Dawn04. I didn't mind it, although I wouldn't call it a remake, cause it really didn't have much to do with the original. The only thing the same was the zombies (and that is stretching it) and the mall. That's it.
When I think of remake I think of same characters, same story and same places.

Dawn04 I have grown to like, although it did take awhile.
Just like it took me awhile to appreciate Day of the dead.

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 11:29 PM
Maybe Romero is planning to make another trilogy.
Land of the dead
Sea of the dead
Valley of the dead:rockbrow:
Just being funny:lol:

I actually think that fits with with the theme. Night, Dawn And day all had to do with temporal refences so starting with land they're all geological. very creative.