View Full Version : short scene from exctinction

16-Jun-2007, 12:45 PM

its off a german MTV show, subbed in german so we can understand it, showing an opening scene from resident evil 3: exctincion, whilst this doesnt seem in keeping with the resi vibe, least not till 5 actually comes out i do think this is looking far superior than the first one, cant say about the second i thought that one was pretty good, still people luring other survivors of a zombie outbreak and dropping em into a pit full of zombie hounds?, thats some good zombie movie action right thar':cool:

16-Jun-2007, 04:32 PM
Jesus, somebody hold me. I'm scared.:stunned:

16-Jun-2007, 04:51 PM
Isn't the director the same guy from Highlander?

Excellent ^_^


darth los
23-Jun-2007, 03:46 AM
It looks okay but for all we know that scene could be cut out out by the time the film is released.

23-Jun-2007, 11:34 PM
What the hell does this movie have to do with Resident Evil?

Seriously, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what game is even remotely like this third movie.

24-Jun-2007, 02:27 AM
Isn't the director the same guy from Highlander?

Excellent ^_^


Haha kickass! Man, now I'm starting to have hopes for this film. 10 bucks it'll feature epic outrageous camera movements.

24-Jun-2007, 06:11 PM
Looks very mediocre to say the least...

24-Jun-2007, 06:15 PM
What the hell does this movie have to do with Resident Evil?

Seriously, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what game is even remotely like this third movie.
Which game is remotely like the first movies?

Paul anderson sucks. the resident evil movies suck. this one will not change that :p

24-Jun-2007, 06:38 PM
It doesn't really give anything away?!

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 08:32 PM
Which game is remotely like the first movies?

Paul anderson sucks. the resident evil movies suck. this one will not change that :p

I was going to say the same thing dude. :lol: Any fan of the games knows that the rail went off the tracks when it comes to relavence to the games about the first 10 minutes of the first flick. I mean, who the hell is alice? PLEEEEEZE.

24-Jun-2007, 09:39 PM
I'm excited it could be the goriest of the RE films. I was disappointed with RE2 I felt it was kinda silly and just didn't grab enough afftention.

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 10:48 PM
And with that said it was better than the first. Although in terms of cinematography the first is head and shoulders above the sequel. It's a much more beautiful film imo.

24-Jun-2007, 11:18 PM
It's ****ing RUSSEL MULCAHY dudes! The guy who can't direct a film without at least ONE well-choreographed swordfight (no matter how out of place, Ricochet anyone?)!

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 11:30 PM
It's ****ing RUSSEL MULCAHY dudes! The guy who can't direct a film without at least ONE well-choreographed swordfight (no matter how out of place, Ricochet anyone?)!

Maybe hellsing's idol Uwe Boll could have done better. :D

24-Jun-2007, 11:49 PM
Ah the most well choreographed fight scenes i've ever seen were in the Eric Roberts movie... The Alternate...

I really liked the first Resident Evil movie ... wait... no... I LOVED IT... there was no bad part... no boring part... it just wasn't long enough...

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 12:01 AM
Ah the most well choreographed fight scenes i've ever seen were in the Eric Roberts movie... The Alternate...

I really liked the first Resident Evil movie ... wait... no... I LOVED IT... there was no bad part... no boring part... it just wasn't long enough...

I feel exactly the opposite. The first 1/2 hour of that film was unwatchable but then it really picked up. The problem is that by then you already bored to tears the part of the audience that weren't fanatics of the game.

25-Jun-2007, 12:05 AM
I thought the whole of RE was one big mess.

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 12:10 AM
I thought the whole of RE was one big mess.

It had it's moments but like every other movie out there the tlc wasn't put inot it that could have made a so so film great. They need to get people to make these films that actually love the genre. Then i'm sure it'll shine through when the final product is complete.

25-Jun-2007, 02:39 AM
Maybe hellsing's idol Uwe Boll could have done better. :D

nope, screw the lotta y'all, apocalypse kicked ass!, i dug it, there i said it and i aint ashamed.:D

What the hell does this movie have to do with Resident Evil?

Seriously, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what game is even remotely like this third movie.

resident evil 5 msot likely, set in the desert ruins of somewere undisclsoed,probably made to tie into it, after the way resis gone downhill i wouldnt be surprised, granted 4 was a blst but its getting ported more than far cry adn outbreak was appauling.:barf:

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 02:56 AM
nope, screw the lotta y'all, apocalypse kicked ass!, i dug it, there i said it and i aint ashamed.:D

resident evil 5 msot likely, set in the desert ruins of somewere undisclsoed,probably made to tie into it, after the way resis gone downhill i wouldnt be surprised, granted 4 was a blst but its getting ported more than far cry adn outbreak was appauling.:barf:

Truth be told i could watch milla jovovich paling chess for 2 hours. That woman is hot.

25-Jun-2007, 04:17 AM
4 is great- for the first half of the game, then it just goes way the hell down hill. It starts off so great but is just so boring near the end.

And I loved Outbreak. I know i am in the minority but it is a great game series, and a throwback to the old resident evil style.

25-Jun-2007, 05:28 AM
its the loading times on outbreak that do me in, though for a game to look that good at the time it had to take up a lot of power.

and yeah fighting the ganados in the forests was bitchin', then when it reverted to gray zombie rage type soldiers in a lab i was like "oh i remember this part when it was called resident evil 2":bored:

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 05:30 AM
its the loading times on outbreak that do me in, though for a game to look that good at the time it had to take up a lot of power.

and yeah fighting the ganados in the forests was bitchin', then when it reverted to gray zombie rage type soldiers in a lab i was like "oh i remember this part when it was called resident evil 2":bored:

Would it be better if they were of the naked cadaver kind? :D

25-Jun-2007, 05:47 AM
oh yeah those crappy overused code veronica ones that suffered from "rotten'-crotch" to kepp em wihtout a gender.

...."rotten'-crotch".....theres a paris hilton joke there but god help me its just too easy.:sneaky:

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 05:53 AM
oh yeah those crappy overused code veronica ones that suffered from "rotten'-crotch" to kepp em wihtout a gender.

...."rotten'-crotch".....theres a paris hilton joke there but god help me its just too easy.:sneaky:

i never noticed the rotten crotch before. I guees i just assumed they were guys and just tried to maintain eye contact. lol Gues i'll just have to load it up again and see.