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16-Jun-2007, 07:00 PM
And the decision is in.............EPIC AS A MOTHER****ER! Pardon my french but that truly was a corker! I want to rant but I dont want to screw with anyone who has taped it..If you did then youre in for a hell of a treat.

16-Jun-2007, 11:13 PM
There were some people who were saying "that isn't what's going to happen, guys", but I blates knew that was going to happen, and it was good. I look forward to seeing how they cap off the series, the episodes after that abismal episode "42" have all been corkers...

But still, the year 100 Trillion and they have a truck from the 21st century that doesn't look a day over a year old. :lol: I mean come on, throw some funky MDF body on there or something! :D

But I guess it's part of the charm of the show...

17-Jun-2007, 01:37 PM
aye the good old fashioned "every other planet looks coincidently like a quarry" style who:lol:

17-Jun-2007, 04:14 PM
Ah mate, all that "chan ... tho" thing got right up my arse, it really bugged (lol) the piss out of me.

They put all this effort into sharp-toothed nutters, but they can't even be arsed to make a truck from the 21st century not look like a truck from the 21st century! :rolleyes::lol: It was one measily shot, surely you could send that to 'The Mill' so they could knock up a CG future-truck?!

18-Jun-2007, 02:08 PM
As great as this episode was, my vote for the best episode of series 3 still goes to Gridlock.

Well, I was very wrong about the Master not coming back *shamed* and I have to admit, John Simm is a f***ing legend!! A bit over the top though

and yes MZ, the whole "Chan tho" thing was just so f***ing annoying!

and congratulations on returning to the traditional quarry sets....

18-Jun-2007, 02:31 PM
I've only seen Youtube clips of that show. But the Daleks are cool as hell! "Exterminate!"

18-Jun-2007, 02:43 PM
it rocked.

18-Jun-2007, 03:19 PM
As great as this episode was, my vote for the best episode of series 3 still goes to Gridlock.

Well, I was very wrong about the Master not coming back *shamed* and I have to admit, John Simm is a f***ing legend!! A bit over the top though

and yes MZ, the whole "Chan tho" thing was just so f***ing annoying!

and congratulations on returning to the traditional quarry sets....

aye ive said it before and ill say it agin gridlocked was old school who at its best.

18-Jun-2007, 04:10 PM
I've only seen Youtube clips of that show. But the Daleks are cool as hell! "Exterminate!"

Forgot who said it but it's all down to the voice.

18-Jun-2007, 06:00 PM
I always thought right from the "you are not alone" comment by the Face of Bo, and then the Doc's proper shatted up expression. Besides, such a key part of the show - they were bound to do it eventually, and now is that "eventually". :cool:

My vote for best episode goes to the double parter set in 1913 - the fact that it was originally a book really helps, so the writing was great, and seeing Tennant get to play a different role (within the same body of the Doctor though) was great...plus - scary scare crows lolloping around, top freaking banana bonus round! :)

19-Jun-2007, 09:33 AM
Well, for those of you who haven't seen the scene that now makes me think that John Simm is a legend, here it is as the Master and the Doctor face off...


19-Jun-2007, 11:31 AM
if darth vaders the baddest ass in sci fi and agetn smith is number 2 then 3rd place ahs gotta go to the master, elast till he does something evil enough to be ranked higher;)

19-Jun-2007, 12:02 PM
if darth vaders the baddest ass in sci fi and agetn smith is number 2 then 3rd place ahs gotta go to the master
Only if it's Roger Delgado. :D

20-Jun-2007, 01:37 AM
delgado was the antichrist. no joke. despite what a lot of people seem to think i reckon simms could do a good job of it

20-Jun-2007, 05:09 PM
[See above clip]

When the Master says: "Use my name", the Doctor says: "Master. I'm sorry."

Why does he say he's sorry?

Any ideas?

20-Jun-2007, 05:22 PM
Could it be because of the TV Movie when he caused the Master to fall into the Eye of Harmony? Or because he caused the Master to be executed by the Daleks? Or because he abandoned the Master on Gallifrey??

Or maybe he wasn't apologising to the Master... maybe he apologised to the Tardis. I mean, he might have been trying to kill it as a way to prevent the master from stealing it. It would explain the nifty little mod made to the Sonic Screwdriver!

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 05:33 PM
This show seems to have a rabid following, atleast among people who know it exists. I see it sometimes on sci-fi. Worth the watch?

20-Jun-2007, 05:35 PM
This show seems to have a rabid following, atleast among people who know it exists. I see it sometimes on sci-fi. Worth the watch?

oh hell yes...

and if you get the chance, you should see the not as good but quite fun Torchwood...

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 05:41 PM
oh hell yes...

and if you get the chance, you should see the not as good but quite fun Torchwood...

I'll have to get on that then. Many think because something is not on network tv that's it's not worth watching. Battlestar gallactica proved that theory wrong. Is there any way i could get caught up on the storyline so far? I hate to jump into a series in the middle of it. I'll be totally lost. How many seasons have i missed by the way?

20-Jun-2007, 07:36 PM
the 3rd one of whats called by the bbc "doctor whoII" has 2 eps left, you can get the ps off ebay on dvd , or if your as tramp on youtube or bittorrent, i dont know too much about pre eccleston doctor who, but every british kid has grown up knowing the darleks, its just one of those modern folklore things.

and it may be a little kiddy now and again but its an excellent replacement for stargate and startrek in my opinion.


this guys got the first 2 seasons on the 'tube so check em out, heres the bitchin' season 1 ep "darlek"


and cyk, is it just me or is it being more and more hinted at that since the start of dr who the tardis ahs gained more sentience, how many times in the last 3 seasons has it started up and taken the dr somewere he didnt choose to go. it has a "heart", tried to shake jack of it by flying to the year 1 trillion, theres tons of little things that suggest it, they are grown and i may be mistaken but didnt some of the more advanced tardis models even have a human avatar to assist the timelord?, reckon he was saying im sorry to it, and i think theres gonna be a big twist at the "end", maybe when the doctor finaly die, dies, then itll give up its own life for its lifelong friend to give him a new regeneration cycle, since timelords can get a new cycle (like the master in the dark tower special) it seems like a feasible way to keep the show going for another 60 years.:D

20-Jun-2007, 08:10 PM
Torchwood? I saw it alot but the acting was far too campy plus Jack "Im so mysterious!" bastardo ( forgot his last name mid post :lol: ) I did however enjoy the stories and the horror of it but it was the acting that really buggs me. Especially the female love intrest and pretty much all the charecter..the quiet asian girl who is great with computers! although the episode with janie from my family ::D

Darth its worth a watch, Ive only been viewing for a couple of weeks since..the witches I think but youve got an amazing setting most weeks, youve got the horror, youve got the doctor himself and if nothing else you can survive through a doctor episode on the pure epicness.