View Full Version : hypothetical dawn question

17-Jun-2007, 12:53 AM
lets say someone decided to make a real remake of it. not shot for shot but the same story as the original. what would u change (small thing) and who would your cast be?

i got a cast for ya...

Peter - Colin Salmon
Stephen - Jake Weber or David Duchovny
Fran - Sarah Polley
Roger - Steve Zahn or Scott Caan

Director...... idk...

i'd make the film as intended complete with alternate ending of peter and fran dying. copter blades anyone?:D

mall would have to be bigger. southbay galleria in california would fit well.

17-Jun-2007, 04:30 AM
Wonderful question hm...

Peter - Colin Salmon
Fran - Jennifer Connolly
Stephen - Jeremy Sisto
Roger - Desmond Harrington

I definately wouldn't do it verbatim or even scene by scene. Face it things change with time including the way people talk and behave. I think a more true to the origional remake is a necessity having a small cast is essential and the bonding between Peter and Roger is essential. Another essential would be casting relative unknown actors but I sincerely doubt a studio would want to cast a movie with unknowns and back it with the money they'd need to make a gorearrific flick... so there's my casting choices and did I mention if Tom Savini doesn't reprise his origional role the film shouldn't be made? Ideally i'd like to have a remake turn out Joy Ride style with a variety of alternate endings to boost DVD sales and to give people a taste of what would be a tv series to be filmed in the future (using the ticket sales at the theater and movie sales of course to show HBO or Cinemax there's a total audience waiting for one and chomping at the bit to see one.

The origional does an amazing job showing that you can have everything that you want but hey that's not going to make you happy and i'd like to see a re-creation of that but a bit more embellished. I also would like to see a bit more turmoil between the four of them as they make the choice whether to stay in the all or venture out and just see a bit more action. I'd like to scrap the entire Martinez thing as I feel it doesn't entirely relate to the film. Another possible opening sequence to introduce Roger and Peter would have to be a swat team sitch in a high rise on a rescue mission with more gore and an exciting scene with them fleeing the zombies that have essentially infested the entire building.

As for a director I would like to suggest Sean S. Cunningham or Eli Roth or possibly John Carpenter. Ideally for the alternate endings I'd love to have a variety of directors each choose an ending to film just to give a more colorful perspective on the show.

Possible locations that would be sweet:

Portage Place Mall, Winnipeg, Manitoba (would give an excellent view all over the city of how widespread the zombie epidemic is)

South Coast Plaza Mall, Costa Mesa, California

Beachwood Place Mall, Beachwood, Ohio

or we can go old skool and back to Monroeville Mall

17-Jun-2007, 05:02 AM
im loving your ideas. unknowns are a good idea for the cast. i tried to do it as not really super blockbuster stars or kinda unknown in the states. and for roger and peter i thought a lot about the height. :lol:

i was thinkin about carpenter but he'd kinda make it VERY morbid. if you've seen ghosts of mars, you know what i mean. eli roth is excellent,i just hope he doesnt go all saw on it. and yes savini would have to be in it. i'd have to get nicotero or ILM to do the effects.......or both.

i recently was in the monroeville area and they've become VERY strict about letting people in to even take pictures. not even if it has nothin to do with dawn. which sucks. so idk if they'd let them do a movie there again. as a last resort they could build their own mall ala the matrix reloaded when they built their own freeway. they'd have to pool their resources to make this one a GREAT film. romero would be involved in some capacity....i hope. it should be longer by about 15-20 minutes to give more insight or something or give a better ending.

maybe a different scene other than the martinez building? seems kinda out of place really.

and im having a hard time thinkin of setting in now or back in 78.

maybe robert rodriguez could direct?

17-Jun-2007, 05:09 AM
I thought a lot about the height between Roger and Peter too because I loved the improv banter between them as they went to get the zombies. Steve Zahn is an amazing actor who can do drama very well (saw him in a Lifetime movie made me look at him lil different) and Scott Caan is awesome but I just dont see him being emotional enough for his death sequence with everyone.

Its a shame that Monroeville is so prudish now... hm... it'd prolly be cheaper to use the mall in Ohio but its in such a conservative area I doubt they'd allow it.

John Carpenter does to dark movies but he also tends to spoof during 'em so I have some reservations. I think Eli is a solid choice because the feeling in Hostel was just totally ...how am I gonna survive this or am I gonna survive this?

If I ever won the lottery or had enough money i'll independantly finance something to this effect with the obvious hope it would be released into theaters but if not... I know where to peddle it :sneaky:

and of course if I had to do indie financing i'd prolly invite every single person from this website to join me and we'd all prolly direct/write/etc... it would be like the all star directing team lol

17-Jun-2007, 05:56 AM
Peter- Denzel Washington
Fran- chow yun fat
Stephen- Tobey Maguire
Roger- Danny Devito

there, i think i've covered everything our society needs in a movie nowadays...

a black guy
a asian
a fag
a short fat ugly white guy

hmmm...seems air tight to me...I can imagine the dialogue...

Roger- "We gotta seal up the mall entrances now!"
Stephen- "I will not do anything you say due to the years o slavery me and my ancestors endured at your races hands"
Fran- "Ya, and don't forget about all of the asians that died building your rail roads bitch"
Stephen- "I like to pack fudge, I'll help you Roger"
Roger- "Goddamnit..."

17-Jun-2007, 06:22 AM
I like thinking of this stuff

I would keep it nearly scene for scene...

If I had to change I would make everyone die at the end as per the script.

Peter......Vin Diesel
Fran.......Julliette Lewis
Stephen..David Arquette
Roger......Hugh Jackman

Director --Tarintino

Since I am on the way already....


Ben.........Denzel Washington (most perfect fit, I think he would kill that role)
Barbara....Hilary Swank
Cooper.....James Gandofini
Helen.......Kathy Bates
Karen.......Daveigh Chase
Tom.........Leo DeCaprio
Judy.........Clare Danes

Director.....Spike Lee


Sarah......Lorraine Brocco
John........Ice Cube
McDorment.Steve Buschimi
Salazar.....John Leguizamo
Logan.......Jack Black
Bub..........Kelsey Gramer
Steele......John Goodman
Rickles......Michelle Rodrigez
Fisher.......Val Kilmer

Director....Robert Rodrigez

17-Jun-2007, 09:22 AM

1,peter--eddie murphy
3,fran--elizebeth shue
4,steven--jim carrey.

director--steven speilberg.

17-Jun-2007, 11:38 AM
I've been sticking with this cast for years, so here goes again...


Peter (Michael Jai White) - He's got the looks, attitude and voice, and his martial arts skills lend towards a believable SWAT member.


Roger (Woody Harrelson) - Fits the stature of the original Roger, and is more believable as a SWAT member. Not a bad actor either.


Fran (Cate Blanchett)


Flyboy (David Schwimmer) - Perfect insecure wuss.

17-Jun-2007, 03:50 PM
That has to be the worst Dawn cast suggestion I have ever seen in my life! :dead:

17-Jun-2007, 05:20 PM
seconded only cuz the guy that'd play peter is about 5'7'' on a good day.

I thought a lot about the height between Roger and Peter too because I loved the improv banter between them as they went to get the zombies. Steve Zahn is an amazing actor who can do drama very well (saw him in a Lifetime movie made me look at him lil different) and Scott Caan is awesome but I just dont see him being emotional enough for his death sequence with everyone.

Its a shame that Monroeville is so prudish now... hm... it'd prolly be cheaper to use the mall in Ohio but its in such a conservative area I doubt they'd allow it.

John Carpenter does to dark movies but he also tends to spoof during 'em so I have some reservations. I think Eli is a solid choice because the feeling in Hostel was just totally ...how am I gonna survive this or am I gonna survive this?

If I ever won the lottery or had enough money i'll independantly finance something to this effect with the obvious hope it would be released into theaters but if not... I know where to peddle it :sneaky:

and of course if I had to do indie financing i'd prolly invite every single person from this website to join me and we'd all prolly direct/write/etc... it would be like the all star directing team lol

sneaky sneaky!! i've never been to that city in ohio u speak of. as a matter of fact i havent heard of it at all but i'll drive and check it out one day. monroeville pisses me off to no end honestly. ur 10 minutes away from pittsburgh and u did what with the ice rink?!?! :mad: same music though, just have goblin do more music.

darth los
17-Jun-2007, 06:02 PM
I think he's spot on to cast schimmer as stephen. He could effortlessly pull that type of character off.

17-Jun-2007, 06:26 PM
I think he's spot on to cast schimmer as stephen. He could effortlessly pull that type of character off.

He played a similar role in Band of Brothers, reminded me of Flyboy a lot.

17-Jun-2007, 06:39 PM
Schwimmer may look like a total tool just like Stephen but he doesn't look capable enough to be a helicopter pilot.

Yea Ace you gotta check out Beachwood Place mall its sweet (first Nordstroms store in Ohio I do believe) but what would make it great for a zombie flick is that it twists and turns and has lots of corners and blind spots and a good lot of the stores are all glass (as so many are these days) on the interior and theres several with glass windows on the outside (with no roll down security bars mind you) and there's some underground parking I think (its been exactly 7 years since I was there) so it would have a lot of obstacles for the characters to overcome to create an atmosphere of safety.

17-Jun-2007, 08:37 PM
Michael Jai White was a good call! I was having real trouble finding someone who could play Peter, but Michael Jai White could. Damn, I gotta rewatch Spawn tonight. Guilty pleasure!

So, here goes:

Peter - Michael Jai White
Fran - Hilary Swank
Stephen - James Spader
Roger - Aaron Eckhart
Blades - Neil McDonough

Maybe a bit too star riddled? I figure Hilary Swank would be the most expensive of them, followed by Aaron Eckhart and James Spader. Michael Jai would probably work for free. :p I'm sick of seeing Neil McDonough playing the ever-so-disciplined soldier. I want to see him play a crazy, violent biker.

The music would be very important. And infact, it's so important I'd probably hire an Italian. Ennio Morricone. Give us a mix of retro-synth and sad chorus.

Director. I could take the easy way and just say John Carpenter, but I want someone from this generation. Either M. Night Shyamalan (just have someone else write his script!) or Victor Salva (and don't hire any young boys!).

darth los
17-Jun-2007, 09:50 PM
He played a similar role in Band of Brothers, reminded me of Flyboy a lot.

Exactly. The character of flyboy just seemed overmatched and unsure of himself with everything he did, except fly the whirly bird. Just picture schwimmer in the boiler room wasting all his ammo shooting at shadows.

17-Jun-2007, 10:08 PM
Problem, for me, with Schwimmer is that I would almost root for the zombies to bite him. The whole Friends crew, with the exception of Anniston maybe, annoy the heck outta me. Hmmm, maybe the remake could start off with zombies in a yuppie condo instead of a project.

Peter - Dennis Haysbert or Keith David
Fran - Lea Thompson
Stephen - Adrian Pasdar
Roger - Bill Paxton

darth los
17-Jun-2007, 10:18 PM
Hmmm, maybe the remake could start off with zombies in a yuppie condo instead of a project.

That's actually a great idea. It makes it different enough from the original yet true to the source material.

17-Jun-2007, 10:30 PM
The janitor could deliver the line about stopping the killing or losing the war.

darth los
17-Jun-2007, 10:41 PM
The janitor could deliver the line about stopping the killing or losing the war.

That would work. I can see it now. "The people of trump towers will do what they wish now." Although i don't know how well a janitor delivering their last rites would go over. :p

18-Jun-2007, 01:43 AM
Schwimmer may look like a total tool just like Stephen but he doesn't look capable enough to be a helicopter pilot.

Yea Ace you gotta check out Beachwood Place mall its sweet (first Nordstroms store in Ohio I do believe) but what would make it great for a zombie flick is that it twists and turns and has lots of corners and blind spots and a good lot of the stores are all glass (as so many are these days) on the interior and theres several with glass windows on the outside (with no roll down security bars mind you) and there's some underground parking I think (its been exactly 7 years since I was there) so it would have a lot of obstacles for the characters to overcome to create an atmosphere of safety.

now i must find this mall.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 01:36 AM
So that's gonna be your new safe spot, huh? What have these movies done to us? lol

22-Jun-2007, 02:02 AM
So that's gonna be your new safe spot, huh? What have these movies done to us? lol

i grew up in los angeles........ theres no more explanation needed.

we are the kings of the mega mall.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 02:07 AM
i grew up in los angeles........ theres no more explanation needed.

we are the kings of the mega mall.

I'm gonna borrow a line from stan lee: NUFF' SAID!!

22-Jun-2007, 02:55 AM
I'm gonna borrow a line from stan lee: NUFF' SAID!!

LOL! minnesota has that huge mall, but man we got a crap load of huge ones.

22-Jun-2007, 03:04 AM
Peter - William Hung
Fran - Laura Bush
Stephen - The Brady Bunch
Roger - The Hulk

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 03:06 AM
LOL! minnesota has that huge mall, but man we got a crap load of huge ones.

It all depends. Maybe a huge mall would not be in the best interests of the inhabitants because it would be hard to defend and locked down. It sounds great in theory, but practically speaking maybe a small to medium sized one would be more ideal.

22-Jun-2007, 04:04 AM
It all depends. Maybe a huge mall would not be in the best interests of the inhabitants because it would be hard to defend and locked down. It sounds great in theory, but practically speaking maybe a small to medium sized one would be more ideal.

if u mean one of these F'D up one floor ohio malls.....forget it. too many points of entry.

22-Jun-2007, 04:28 AM
I think I'm going to puke, too much knowledge to comprehend at one time. I would accept any combination of the cast you guys listed as an alternative to that sh*t-filled remake that moron put out a few years ago.

I just wouldn't want to see too much of modern times portrayed. No spoiled teenagers, no cell phones, hollywood, etc.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 04:37 AM
I think I'm going to puke, too much knowledge to comprehend at one time. I would accept any combination of the cast you guys listed as an alternative to that sh*t-filled remake that moron put out a few years ago.

I just wouldn't want to see too much of modern times portrayed. No spoiled teenagers, no cell phones, hollywood, etc.

Maybe they should do it in a 3rd world country like fulci's zombi, so that those things won't be a concern.

22-Jun-2007, 04:56 AM
Maybe they should do it in a 3rd world country like fulci's zombi, so that those things won't be a concern.

and then no one would wanna see it. i'd be on the first boat outta there...shortest movie ever.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 04:58 AM
and then no one would wanna see it. i'd be on the first boat outta there...shortest movie ever.

:lol: :lol:

So people should stop complaining about all that stuff then. It's just a reflection of society at the time.

22-Jun-2007, 05:08 AM
true. absolutely true

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 05:58 AM
Problem, for me, with Schwimmer is that I would almost root for the zombies to bite him. The whole Friends crew, with the exception of Anniston maybe, annoy the heck outta me. Hmmm, maybe the remake could start off with zombies in a yuppie condo instead of a project.

Peter - Dennis Haysbert or Keith David
Fran - Lea Thompson
Stephen - Adrian Pasdar
Roger - Bill Paxton

Don't you think that lea thompson is a bit old to play fran? Fran's in her early 20's.

22-Jun-2007, 06:04 AM
Don't you think that lea thompson is a bit old to play fran? Fran's in her early 20's.

Stephen simply likes older women.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 06:10 AM
Stephen simply likes older women.

Well there you have it. Old sissy stephen is into M.I.L.F.S.!! :elol:

22-Jun-2007, 08:13 PM
LOL! minnesota has that huge mall, but man we got a crap load of huge ones.

"I've got me a huge one too"!

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 08:16 PM
Biggest piece of meat in the cave!! I always thought that line was funny.

22-Jun-2007, 08:22 PM
Biggest piece of meat in the cave!! I always thought that line was funny.

ha ha best line in all the series,by the way thanks for the compliment on the other post about the freezer!

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 12:00 AM
That;s what i'm here for. If people shot others down all the time no one would post and there would be more flaming. You know like it used to be. This makes for a kinder gentler community. :D

23-Jun-2007, 12:05 AM
ha ha best line in all the series,by the way thanks for the compliment on the other post about the freezer!

LOL. sick. and throw backs ALL got big D*!$ :lol:

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 12:33 AM
That's some true sh8t !!

*hi five*:lol:

23-Jun-2007, 12:57 AM
That's some true sh8t !!

*hi five*:lol:

shhhhhh........dont tell the chicks on the board :lol:

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 01:55 AM
shhhhhh........dont tell the chicks on the board :lol:

I would think that it was something that you would want to advertise.:elol: but whatever. :D

23-Jun-2007, 02:18 AM
I would think that it was something that you would want to advertise.:elol: but whatever. :D

i would but ALL the chicks on here have dudes.:mad:

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 02:22 AM
ha ha best line in all the series,by the way thanks for the compliment on the other post about the freezer!

It's good to mix in a good theory in between the jokes once and a while. Keep it up.