View Full Version : Oddities of zombies...

18-Jun-2007, 12:52 AM
Just a lil post to group together things we can take from zombie flicks about zombies...

So aside from zombies being afraid of fire (in dawn 78)

They can hear you

They're somewhat clumsy

I really didn't like land of the dead because that movie seemed to make the zombies evolve together (whereas in Day it was Bub that was singled out to evolve) into vengeful creatures that sought revenge for their fallen comrades and they also were smart when they were pretending to be human...

They also tend to travel together like a flock of birds... where

one goes they all seem to go...

I dont think that they can smell but its strange (at least to me) that they dont care whether they're biting through your clothing in order to get to your flesh...

anyone have anything to add?

18-Jun-2007, 01:03 AM
Just some yuckky things:

Lack of fluid discharge. Sure if you shoot or stick 'em they gush blood but when folks die and decay there's some foul fluid discharge that comes out of practically orifice or wound on the body. Except for attack/defense damage the dead are pretty clean, fluid-wise.

Teeth. You never see a zombie's tooth break off in mid-bite. I'm not sure how strong a person's teeth are after they die but with zombies bumping into things and falling down on their faces now and then I would imagine at least a few of their teeth would loosen up and come tearing out of their mouths during an attack.

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 01:09 AM
The different colors that they turn. Why are some green, blue or gray?( don't day the make up :p ) I'm sure it has something to do with blood colagulation and how long they've actually been dead.

18-Jun-2007, 01:32 AM
Good Question. Well first off, to go back to the zombies of Land...I think they evolved together because they were all really confined to one particular area. They fell into a routine and this is evident by Big Daddy hearing a bell sound indicating a car should've been there. That's why he comes out. I have always thought of the confined limitations of that one city block (or more) as being left pretty much untouched since the outbreak and therefore the zombies kinda got use to seeing and working together. When the time for change came, they were all too willing to follow Big Daddy and that is the reason for the mass jump in "learning" to work together, using instruments to attack (besides rocks or things like that...Remember, Big Daddy had a jack hammer because he saw what it could do. He put 2 + 2 together and got 4). The reasoning was basic but for a zombie, it was a big deal. The leadership of Big Daddy was made prevalent when he decided to take a swim and they followed. Before that, he motioned (and grunted) to the butcher zombie to use his meat cleaver on the boarded up wall in order to gain access into the city.

Boy...that was a long rant. Sorry, I'm new here and kinda like it. Anyhoo...what other traits?:

1) They can see well (evident by night attacks),
2) They have a stronger than thought grasp (since they can tear people open and apart),
3) They obviously have some sort of "special" perception that allows them to locate or "see". Remember the almost-headless priest? He walked right up to the vehicle and slung his head over to bite that guy,
4) They can hold grudges: Remember the Cholo zombie? He followed Dennis Hopper's character even after he had died.
5) An evolved zombie can obviously remember alot. Big Daddy even remembered how explosive gas was and planned to use it to kill Hopper's Character.
6) The dead guy who hung himself in the apartment...he turned into a regular zombie. He had no rememberance of his son or wife. He went after both. So, "regular" zombies who are not evolved like Big Daddy and the gang have a blinding hunger...but we knew that already.

These are just a few off the top of my head. I'm sure there are others.

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 01:41 AM
6) The dead guy who hung himself in the apartment...he turned into a regular zombie. He had no rememberance of his son or wife. He went after both. So, "regular" zombies who are not evolved like Big Daddy and the gang have a blinding hunger...but we knew that already.

That's always a problem i had with the evolution of the zombies in land. Even though i thought it was a horrible idea, i'll conceed for the sake of argument that zombies over time evovled. However that argument should not apply to cholo because he was newly turned. There was no time for him to evolve. You could perhaps say the same thing about bub, but he was the exception not the rule. Just a percieved inconsistency i guess.

Boy...that was a long rant. Sorry, I'm new here and kinda like it. Anyhoo...what other traits?:

It's cool. we were all new here once. We all did it. I know in my case i just couldn't believe that others loved these films as much as i did. I never had anyone who i could express this stuff to. You're just letting out years of repressed zombie communication.

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 01:41 AM

18-Jun-2007, 02:50 AM
Shadow I have to warn you its time you watched the other zombie movies because Land sucks compared to them :moon:

The reason the zombie makeup seemed blue in Dawn was because of the makeup they used and Savini was disappointed that on the screen they looked much different. He was going for a more gray like zombie ...i'm thinking Roger was the best zombie makeup but what was strange about his makeup was his face was so strange whereas most of the zombies still looked like the blueberry gal from Willy Wonka.

The teeth thing is a great point as is the bodily fluids. Which brings me to something else... a good lot of the zombies you see dont have any wounds that would turn them into a zombie (mostly seen in Dawn) which is a little odd...

And for some reason in the first three of the holy trilogy they dont smell... really didn't dig that ITYWB (i tell ya what boy)

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 03:03 AM
Shadow I have to warn you its time you watched the other zombie movies because Land sucks compared to them :moon:

The reason the zombie makeup seemed blue in Dawn was because of the makeup they used and Savini was disappointed that on the screen they looked much different. He was going for a more gray like zombie ...i'm thinking Roger was the best zombie makeup but what was strange about his makeup was his face was so strange whereas most of the zombies still looked like the blueberry gal from Willy Wonka.

The teeth thing is a great point as is the bodily fluids. Which brings me to something else... a good lot of the zombies you see dont have any wounds that would turn them into a zombie (mostly seen in Dawn) which is a little odd...

And for some reason in the first three of the holy trilogy they dont smell... really didn't dig that ITYWB (i tell ya what boy)

Well not all zombies turn because of bites. Being that the plauge was fairly new at an estimated 3 weeks at the beginning of the film you could safely say that most of the zeds were just people who died for whatever reasons people usually die from and turned.

The reason why roger's make up was probably more high quality was because, being a prominently featured zombie, the close up shot would reveal any shoddy make up. Most of the zombies in the film were probably coated with a layer of white make up, with the excption of the airport zombie, given the requisite flannel shirt and they were good to go.

18-Jun-2007, 03:34 AM
Another oddity, and this has been mentioned before in past threads but may as well put it in the oddities thread, is the lack of insects. Zombies should've been covered in flies and what not. Another one is the lack of huge feral dog packs that would feed off the dead. And rats. The dead thing would've created a huge surplus in the rat population.

I'm beginning to think the main problem for the living would not have been the living dead but the lack of pest control measures :eek: .

18-Jun-2007, 04:45 AM
Hey Ms. Jackson. Thanks for the warning, but I have seen all of them and I am a huge fan of Romero. I guess with my mind, I just try to reason out the situation and bring it into a possible scenario. You should see me when I go to shopping malls. I'm always looking for different "safe" spots where one could hide if the living dead were an actual plague. This buggs my friend to death! lol Oh well...all in good fun! :)

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 04:48 AM
Another oddity, and this has been mentioned before in past threads but may as well put it in the oddities thread, is the lack of insects. Zombies should've been covered in flies and what not. Another one is the lack of huge feral dog packs that would feed off the dead. And rats. The dead thing would've created a huge surplus in the rat population.

I'm beginning to think the main problem for the living would not have been the living dead but the lack of pest control measures :eek: .

That's if they don't first eat the rats and dogs who are trying to feed on them.

18-Jun-2007, 05:25 AM
Oh my gosh Shadow you dont know how good that makes me feel to hear you're always looking for safe spots in the malls and such because I've done that my whole fraking life! I always thought I was the only one that way but I mean in the event of any emergency at least I'd be the one in a safe place or at least safer place than the poor suckers surrounding me. Perhaps its paranoia to some people but its actually quite fun! Taught me to be a good climber too.

18-Jun-2007, 05:31 AM
they should be decaying QUICKLY since rigormortis has already set in and they keep moving. legs should be snapping worldwide unless bub gets a truck full of knee braces PRONTO

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 05:51 AM
How about the numerous times throughout the trilogy where zombies appear to be atleast jogging? Bill hinzman and the 2 kids at the airport are classic examples.

18-Jun-2007, 05:58 AM
i don't think the decay arguement holds up with zombies...they aren't natural, and if it is caused by a virus, the virus will want to ensure it can spread to as many hosts as possible. this could mean that it slows down the decay process in the corpse so it would survive longer to continue spreading.

thats just for a virus themed rising though...I'd imagine it would be the same for all cases, but again, up to the person who writes the stuff.

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 06:08 AM
The whole zombie "turning" thing doesn't make sense anyway. In romero's mythology. Anyone who dies, regardless of how, turns into a zombie. That would mean it's something other than a virus. Perhaps mysticism or a curse. However, the same mythology dictates that if bitten by a zombie you will also turn which wieghs heavily in favor of it being a virus which is biological and communicable. So which one is it? :confused: We could debate it forever. Come to think about it, if gar had spelled it out for us there wouldn't be this ongoing discussion.

18-Jun-2007, 06:10 AM
Divine punishment by a unique virus.

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 06:13 AM
You should be a diplomat. That explanation would placate both schools of thought. Although you have to admit, it's a hell of a question.

18-Jun-2007, 06:16 AM
it is..thats why people love it so much. So many peoples ideas can be brought together to try and gather some clue to what George was thinking when he wanted to explain why they are raising (he probibly knows, just hiding it from us..old fart...)

Again, i'm leaning towards a virus of some kind...even something from that crashed venus probe that was used in notld, as it could have been carried by the probe.

jsut a thought.

18-Jun-2007, 06:19 AM
How about the numerous times throughout the trilogy where zombies appear to be atleast jogging? Bill hinzman and the 2 kids at the airport are classic examples.

good point. i'd just stay in the house to avoid any interaction. lol

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 06:23 AM
good point. i'd just stay in the house to avoid any interaction. lol

Also in the original NOTLD if you watch the scene when been is making his wayback to the house after the pick up exploded you'll see several zombies jog/trot including a female zed in a nightgown.

18-Jun-2007, 08:34 PM
Ms. Jackson, that makes me laugh! I thought I was the only one who looked for safe spots. And, yes...I completely understand the survival scenario about scouting out high places and such. You never know, it could also save you from an escaped lunatic or rabid dogs ( at least that's my feeble attempt to once again connect logic to what I do, I guess!) I've even had dreams where I climbed trees to get away from zombies. As long as I stayed there, I knew I was safe. It gives a new spin on the old saying "I've got the high ground"!

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 08:37 PM
Ms. Jackson, that makes me laugh! I thought I was the only one who looked for safe spots. And, yes...I completely understand the survival scenario about scouting out high places and such. You never know, it could also save you from an escaped lunatic or rabid dogs ( at least that's my feeble attempt to once again connect logic to what I do, I guess!) I've even had dreams where I climbed trees to get away from zombies. As long as I stayed there, I knew I was safe. It gives a new spin on the old saying "I've got the high ground"!

You'll find that alot of the things you do that other people thought were weird are no big deal here. I for one do the same thing. It's best to be prepared.

18-Jun-2007, 09:19 PM
they also seem to get stronger as time goes on , in Night you could push them over with 1 finger but by the time Day comes along they are a lot stronger and quicker...

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 09:34 PM
they also seem to get stronger as time goes on , in Night you could push them over with 1 finger but by the time Day comes along they are a lot stronger and quicker...

I don't think that's necessarily the case. I can see how someone might think that. While they do appear to be pushovers, there are numerous instances whereThey seem weak and docile only to become violent and frenzied when food is near. Sarah from day made the statement "the activity excites them, there are too many of them." This lends proof to the argument that a few hundred zombies by the gate is cool, but if riled up they'd probably be able to smash through the fence. Another good example is bill hinzman. He definitely seemed strong and spry, atleast enough to be able to smash the car window. Also when he's approching the back of the house and a clothesline is in his way he violently rips it down.

18-Jun-2007, 10:18 PM
Well y'see the advantage of being in a tree is you can easily answer the call of nature without ruining your surroundings. And depending on where you are you can move tree to tree. A tip from me t'you... if you're in Canada and start climbing a tree dont pick a poplar... they sway in the wind so imagine what happens to a 120 pound girl who's up a tree IN the wind... thanks god I have friends in low places they had to use a cherry picker to get the blubbering fool that is me out of the tree lol...

I'm also a big fan of traveling by waterways provided the current is steady...

Its strange because there's actually a lot that I find myself doing that I wouldn't otherwise do had I never seen zombie movies...

Back to the subject at hand...

Its possible that like cancer (as some suggest) the zombie virus can be dormant in your body and then triggered by events in your life. For instance if you make a move cross country or to another continental shelf the stress could be enough to cause cancer of one kind or another. And in the zombie world when you die that will then awaken this dormant disease and step it into action. Which could account for people dying and becoming them and then they would in turn pass it on virally because of the stress of the bite it kills you and you turn.

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 11:24 PM
Another oddity or contradiction that i just thought of Happened when ben and cooper gave their respective accounts of their encounters with the ghouls. When the were in the living room trying to find an alternate means of escape, ben says" those things don't have any strength, I smashed three of them and pushed another one out the door." This implies that they are weak pushovers. Cooper had his car turned over by the ghouls and replies " did you hear me when i told you they turned over our car?" This suggests that they are strong or atleast powerful enough so that a number of them can flip over a car.

Two points on that 1) these are old fashion cars, not the ones made of tinfoil and fiberglass of today. These models were generally much sturdier and heavier. From what we know about the ghouls it would take a substantial number of them in order to flip it. 2) that being said , the number of zombies it would take to flip the car would have made it very difficult for him and his family to get away alive. So which is it?

Another thought. This difference in accounts of their experiences with the living dead could explain why cooper and Ben had totally different ideas about what to do. Ben seeing them as pushovers felt comfortable in staying upstairs and fighting them of if he had to. While cooper and his story of them being strong, which is bolstered by him saying 'You think they can't get through this lousy pile of wood!?!", felt that the only place they were safe was in the basement behind a reenforced door.

20-Jun-2007, 12:02 AM
There are a lot of interesting points in this thread. darth_los, your comments about the difference in Ben and Cooper's experience could explain their different philosophies is an excellent point, one I hadnt considered before. I think it would be fair to say, though, that both Ben and Cooper's stories could be not entirely accurate. Yes, Ben did defeat a few zombies in the house, but he did have to struggle. Was his Beekman's story 100% accurate? I mean, surely he was freaking out. His memory would have been strained by the horror of the situation. Same with Cooper...did the zeds really turn over his car? Or had he driven up an embankment, making it much easier to turn the car over? Perhaps it was about to flip over anyway.

As far as the reasons for why the dead rise, what are the reasons that you and I are actually walking around? Did God create us? If so, how did he do that? Was it just a cosmic coincidence? We as human beings can not give definitive answers as to the origins of our existence, so I dont have a huge problem with not having all the answers as to the origins and explanations of the zombies existence.

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 12:39 AM
There are a lot of interesting points in this thread. darth_los, your comments about the difference in Ben and Cooper's experience could explain their different philosophies is an excellent point, one I hadnt considered before. I think it would be fair to say, though, that both Ben and Cooper's stories could be not entirely accurate. Yes, Ben did defeat a few zombies in the house, but he did have to struggle. Was his Beekman's story 100% accurate? I mean, surely he was freaking out. His memory would have been strained by the horror of the situation. Same with Cooper...did the zeds really turn over his car? Or had he driven up an embankment, making it much easier to turn the car over? Perhaps it was about to flip over anyway.

Well, being a law major I can certainly tell you that any competant trial lawyer will say that eyewitness testimony is the most unreliable, due to the stress of certain situations as you have already stated. However, as we all know, perception is reality and that's how they percieved their encounters went. That's a very good point you made about an embakment turning over the car, while zombies were hanging on no doubt. He probably was not driving inthe straightest of lines considering the circumstances. This is why we have these threads, to maybe bring up different interpretations of the films that others might have not previously considered.

20-Jun-2007, 03:43 AM
I forgot... they're able to manipulate things like rocks in order to smash a car window to get to you which in a way is a problem solving ability even at its crudest form... of course thats highly evidenced in Land but I think that film went by the wayside as far as quality... i'm starting to hate it :confused:

You and I are here thanks to evolution (according to some schools of thought) and there's actually a sort of intriguing belief that we never die... bear with me if you will... we live, we die, we're buried (be it as it may most of us will end up in caskets or urns but this is more a primitive belief based in cultures that bury people in simple boxes in the Earth)... and thats when the Earth surrounds us, bugs move in, eat away at the body, the primitive casket rots and the body is absorbed into the Earth which is alive in its own way... and you basically live through the Earth and whatever eats your dead body and at some point you're gone and the life cycle will start over. I wish I still had that damn book aaaaaaaaargh....

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 04:03 AM
I forgot... they're able to manipulate things like rocks in order to smash a car window to get to you which in a way is a problem solving ability even at its crudest form... of course thats highly evidenced in Land but I think that film went by the wayside as far as quality... i'm starting to hate it :confused:

We also so a ghoul using a tire iron in order to get to roger in dawn.

As for the evolution thing, yes we evolved over millions of years. The ghouls in gars films supossedly evolved over 5. I think that was not enough time.

As for the land reference , i knew there was something about you i liked.

20-Jun-2007, 04:10 AM
forgive me forum moderators... darth you jackass you told me how you loathed it so and then I go and watch it and realize... hot dang it is worth hating... ...i was so naive before i came here... now i keep learning new things... i miss that lovely sheltered world i lived in 20 years ago

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 04:22 AM
forgive me forum moderators... darth you jackass you told me how you loathed it so and then I go and watch it and realize... hot dang it is worth hating... ...i was so naive before i came here... now i keep learning new things... i miss that lovely sheltered world i lived in 20 years ago

Yeah, life sure was sweet at 3 years old. :lol: It's not a bad film. It is undoubtedly the worst in GAR'S series though imo. If you compare it to all the other straight to dvd zombie crap out there i guess it's good. But i hold gar to a higher standard. He's capable of producing a better work product than this. If i didn't know beter i would think that this is a sci-fi channel original movie. The first 3 were genius. This was a big disapointment to me. It just didn't have the atmosphere of it's predecesors. For whatever reason, whether it be to much studio interference or whatever, it didn't live up to the legend. I am in the minority on this one on this site, but i have the courage of my convictions. I try to pretend it doesn't even exist actually. YOU MUST NEVER MENTION THIS FILM AGAIN!!

20-Jun-2007, 04:38 AM
If you compare it to all the other straight to dvd zombie crap out there i guess it's good.

Land wasn't straight to DVD....

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 04:40 AM
Land wasn't straight to DVD....

I realize that. My point was that imo it was of the quality of something that was straight to dvd.

20-Jun-2007, 04:41 AM
I know, just wanted to nit pick your way of saying it lol

20-Jun-2007, 04:44 AM
what movie? huh what? movie? where? (you're right it was like a sci fi origional lol)

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 04:47 AM
That's my whole point. Gar is capable of so much more than that.

20-Jun-2007, 04:53 AM
I think as far as a zombies being weak or strong...it really depends on the zombie itself. Perhaps younger ones are stronger and older ones are weaker. I'm rationalizing again aren't I? Funk.

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 04:59 AM
Come to think of it. As it pertains to the other 3 films land is an oddity.

21-Jun-2007, 02:23 AM
I started coming to this site and the forums back in 1999. Back then, it seems everyone railed against Day of the Dead as being the suckiest of the Dead films. Seriously, hardly anyone said anything good about it.
Nowadays, it seems that everyone rails against Land of the Dead as the suckiest film of the series while saying how cool Day is. It just seems odd to me.
Personally I like all the films, they all have parts and characters I love and some parts and characters I don't care for. Just like with the Star Wars movies!
But maybe its just me.

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 02:50 AM
I started coming to this site and the forums back in 1999. Back then, it seems everyone railed against Day of the Dead as being the suckiest of the Dead films. Seriously, hardly anyone said anything good about it.
Nowadays, it seems that everyone rails against Land of the Dead as the suckiest film of the series while saying how cool Day is. It just seems odd to me.
Personally I like all the films, they all have parts and characters I love and some parts and characters I don't care for. Just like with the Star Wars movies!
But maybe its just me.

If you're refering to episodes 1-3 it might be just you. As for the day/land thing, i've said before that day was the LOTD of it's time. I've always loved it but it is clearly the least of the original trilogy. It certainly got all the abuse when it came out back in the day that land is getting now. Mainly because it disapointed people much as land did now. Now, it has been bumped up a notch by land. LOTD is now the misfit and perhaps will always be because i doubt Gar will make the mistakes he did in that film again. Who knows maybe in 20 years it will have grown on people and be revered as genius the same way the other films in the trilogy are today. I wouldn't bet the farm on it though.

21-Jun-2007, 02:58 AM
I know for me Land will never feel like a member of the trilogy. The atmosphere is way too different. There are too many living people in the movie and the look of the dead is just way inconsistent with their look in Day. Actually Land looks more like a sequel to Night 90 than Day.

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 03:10 AM
I know for me Land will never feel like a member of the trilogy. The atmosphere is way too different. There are too many living people in the movie and the look of the dead is just way inconsistent with their look in Day. Actually Land looks more like a sequel to Night 90 than Day.

Good point. The last straw for me was when zombies consciously made the descision to not eat humans and go on their merry way. Once that happens they're just not scary anymore. It's like they have a soul. And riley's a bigger dumbass for letting them go. Whoever they kill while "looking for a place to go", their blood will be on his hands.

21-Jun-2007, 03:22 AM
For me Dawn of the Dead has always been my favorite film in the series. Maybe it was because I always thought it would be awesome to live in a mall or museum or maybe because it showed such wonderful development of characters and showed us that in the event of a major catastrophe what has to be done isn't widely accepted by the world at large. The latter part of that statement I can relate to the Vietnam war and withdrawing, our war on terror and withdrawing... its often hard for people to realize what has to be done for our safety. So it meant that zombies had to be shot in the head but people they didn't want that answer. They thought they'd cure them. Or they couldn't bear shooting friends and neighbors. But often the hardest thing to accept in life is the right thing to do. The movie for me is inspirational and any movie where the most emotional scene is between two men who aren't cowboys 'fishing' every weekend is one that has something special.

Land of the Dead however had too many characters to keep track of. And everyone was corrupt. And it didn't make sense... what did the people who lived in the tower do for a living to afford living there? How could they raid the towns surrounding Fiddlers Green they looked like they had been there for years but were still able to raid towns? Doesn't quite cut it for me. And everything coming apart so easily just seemed a wee tick too convenient. There's lots of things to dislike (IMHO) about land and night... thats why I generally dont talk about 'em a whole lot... but...

Day of the Dead for me was a lot like 28 days later. It was full of tensions whether racial, sexual, scientific tension about being able to find a cure. But I just felt it was lacking something. It didn't make sense to me that they had all this stuff underground including campers and what not... how did they all come together? Why would Miguel give it all up? I dunno... but its good

21-Jun-2007, 03:29 AM
That's my whole point. Gar is capable of so much more than that.

when universal gives u like 7 million for a new movie and gives some @ss hat more money to remake your movie,then making a good movie isnt an option. piss on universal.

21-Jun-2007, 03:31 AM
Rotten Tomatoes

http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/land_of_the_dead/ (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/land_of_the_dead/)




night of the living dead- 100%
dawn of the dead- 97%
day of the dead- 79%
Land of the Dead-74%

Box office mojo


rating B

It may not be the best in the series, but it ain't junk, and plenty of people agree.

Land is a fine film...I enjoyed it alot, and while it isn't my favourite, it sure as hell isn't as bad as people say it is.

*note, I really do understand what you mean though, the new zombie thing going on in the movie pissed me off a little, but not enough for me to say that a good movie is sh*t*

I see Day as the only true horror movie in the series. It had more tension, was generally scarier then the others, and was just so damn pessimistic and gave an atmosphere that no matter what you do, no matter where you go, you can't escape them. It still scares me

21-Jun-2007, 03:36 AM
i just hated they didnt give romero as much as he asked for. if a film is good enough to be remade while the original's director is still alive,that means give him anything he asks for.

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 03:38 AM
It may not be the best in the series, but it ain't junk, and plenty of people agree.

Land is a fine film...I enjoyed it alot, and while it isn't my favourite, it sure as hell isn't as bad as people say it is.

i'm not even saying it's that bad. But in life things are all relative. When compared to the other 3 master pieces the movie is junk.

its often hard for people to realize what has to be done for our safety. So it meant that zombies had to be shot in the head but people they didn't want that answer. They thought they'd cure them. Or they couldn't bear shooting friends and neighbors. But often the hardest thing to accept in life is the right thing to do.

Damn, you just wrote a lifetime's worth of wisdom in one sentence!! Good stuff.There's really nothing i can add to that.

Back to land. Another thing is that there really wasn't anybody i cared about. Everybody was really low down and shifty. Riley was a real a-hole as well. i mean what was that guys deal. Like i've stated before. Imo, Gar was obssesd with realizing his script for day so alot of thing from that script found it's way into land. It turned out not to be such a good idea.

21-Jun-2007, 03:47 AM
its true i'm a genious...

but yeah I saw too much of the origional day script in land and even ignoring that I just found everyone in that movie degenerated to a level of living that would make me rather die... it would be like living in Russia someones telling me what I can eat... where I can live... how well I can live... and if you speak out against them you're going to disappear in the middle of the night... I also didn't appreciate the product endorsements that were so obvious...

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 03:52 AM
its true i'm a genious...

:rolleyes: let's not get nuts here. :lol:

21-Jun-2007, 03:56 AM
we dont have to get nuts... I'll go nuts enough for everybody... :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 04:04 AM
we dont have to get nuts... I'll go nuts enough for everybody... :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:

I'm not touching that one honey, :p

21-Jun-2007, 04:06 AM

sexual innuendo BOOM BOOM BAH BOOM


I wasn't a big fan of the original day script. 6 shooter Bub.

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 04:09 AM
That doesn't begin to compare with the idea of mechanically controling the zombies.

21-Jun-2007, 04:11 AM
wat about transformer zombies...

like...they transform into say...a bean plant, and then when someone gets close they grow their head back and bite him in the arse. I should make a zombie movie.

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 05:06 AM
wat about transformer zombies...

like...they transform into say...a bean plant, and then when someone gets close they grow their head back and bite him in the arse. I should make a zombie movie.

Maybe that's what john was so concerned about when he said " You stick your head in the sand there gonna come up behind you and bite of your arse."

22-Jun-2007, 02:37 AM
I called it

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 02:45 AM
wat about transformer zombies...

like...they transform into say...a bean plant, and then when someone gets close they grow their head back and bite him in the arse. I should make a zombie movie.

Alot of people have tried "variations" on what zombies are and can do, None of them work as well as the "classic" GAR kind though.

22-Jun-2007, 02:49 AM
mine do.

c'mon, a zombie changing into a piece of air borne pollin would rock.

a person would breathe it in and then the zombie would change back into zombie form, thus exploding the victom.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 02:59 AM
mine do.

c'mon, a zombie changing into a piece of air borne pollin would rock.

a person would breathe it in and then the zombie would change back into zombie form, thus exploding the victom.


24-Jun-2007, 11:36 PM
...And it didn't make sense... what did the people who lived in the tower do for a living to afford living there? How could they raid the towns surrounding Fiddlers Green they looked like they had been there for years but were still able to raid towns?...

The people living in Fiddler's Green were all associates of Kaufman, their families, servants, and essential staff. It's not hard to imagine how a barter economy would develope, but it's utterly ridiculous that they still used money! I can see the city issuing some form of scrip, but pre-Dead American greenbacks?! Anybody brave enough to set foot outside the city could

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 11:44 PM
The people living in Fiddler's Green were all associates of Kaufman, their families, servants, and essential staff. It's not hard to imagine how a barter economy would develope, but it's utterly ridiculous that they still used money! I can see the city issuing some form of scrip, but pre-Dead American greenbacks?! Anybody brave enough to set foot outside the city could

Another thing. Since what was really worth money was the goods that were being brought in, by all rights they should have been the ones with the power because without them there would be no high living.

24-Jun-2007, 11:55 PM
Another thing. Since what was really worth money was the goods that were being brought in, by all rights they should have been the ones with the power because without them there would be no high living.

Exactly... but we also see in fiddlers green that there's shops and restaurants so there must still be some kind of monetary system among the wealthy who lived there. But how did they get the money and/or earn it i'm still wondering...

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 12:07 AM
Exactly... but we also see in fiddlers green that there's shops and restaurants so there must still be some kind of monetary system among the wealthy who lived there. But how did they get the money and/or earn it i'm still wondering...

We all know that paper money is worthless. So the question is what was backing the currency?

25-Jun-2007, 07:53 AM
We all know that paper money is worthless. So the question is what was backing the currency?

Illusions of worth? Almost like the present if you think about it.

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 07:56 AM
Illusions of worth? Almost like the present if you think about it.

I couldn't have said it better myself. just like the illusion that diamonds are actually rare and therefore worth something. Once again, perception is reality.