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18-Jun-2007, 01:08 AM
i must say i was pleasantly surprised watching this film.

for an independent zombie movie i thought gary did a great job for his first film.

the music was the standout here. it set the haunting brooding mood perfectly and i enjoyed just letting it all soak in. very good.

the acting was good and i like how everyone just seemed like 'normal' people. not perfect hollywood actor types. everyone performed there roles to a level i wouldnt expect for a low budget zombie movie.

enough praise. ive got two gripes with this movie.

1. it was too short. one hour isnt enough for a feature length film an when i was expecting more to happen the movie just ended. though again because it is a low budget zombie flick i suppose you did the best with what you could do.

2. my biggest gripe is with the script and story. seriously everything else was performed to a good level except this most fundamental element of all movies. the script and story just wasnt very good.
nothing much really happened. and most of the dialogue was people arguing with each other and pointing out the obvious.

still a good first film.

22-Jun-2007, 10:54 AM
Thanks for the review, and feedback. I wish it could have been longer, but that didn't happen.