View Full Version : 30 Days Of Night

18-Jun-2007, 12:18 PM
I know it's not a zombie flick (it's vampires but they are undead) but i thought people would be interested in seeing the trailer for '30 Days Of Night'.
For anyone that doesn't know, it's a comic adaption about a town in Alaska that has an entire month without sunlight each year. Vampires find out about the fact and decide to go eating...


"Loo loo loo I got some apples, Loo loo loo you got some too"

18-Jun-2007, 02:40 PM
this ones gonna be good.

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 04:00 AM
Yeah it does look good. The only thing that worries me is that you said it's a comic adaptation and we all know how those usually turn out. :barf:

19-Jun-2007, 04:50 AM
least he didnt try to be a pretentious dick and say "graffic nOv-el":rolleyes:

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 05:03 AM
least he didnt try to be a pretentious dick and say "graffic nOv-el":rolleyes:

Semantics is everything. :lol: It's like calling a janitor a custodial technician. That does sound alot more grown up doesn't it. The odds are it's still going to suck though. Maybe they should have gotten your idol uwe boll to do it. :p

19-Jun-2007, 05:19 AM
then it would have been a ****ing masterpiece!!!!!11!:lol:

19-Jun-2007, 05:36 AM
least he didnt try to be a pretentious dick and say "graffic nOv-el":rolleyes:

Hm. :rockbrow: But it is based off of a graphic novel. 30 Days Of Night was never a comic book.

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 05:46 AM
Hm. :rockbrow: But it is based off of a graphic novel. 30 Days Of Night was never a comic book.

I don't think the casual movie goer really knows the difference. It's like when we nerd out about zombies. The casual horror fan doeasn't know there's a difference between the infected from 28 days/weeks later and those from the GAR trilogy.

19-Jun-2007, 09:53 AM
The only thing that worries me is that you said it's a comic adaptation and we all know how those usually turn out. :barf:

Haha...gotta disagree with ya there, but yes anything that gets popular enough will get abused and there have been some bad comic to movie adaptions.

Still, to make blanket statements about the genre probably reflects a personal dislike of that style of film and does not seem indicative of the actual quality of every single comic to film movie. *Shrug*

19-Jun-2007, 11:38 AM
speaking of bad comic adaptions who the **** thought jessica alba would make a good susan storm?!?:rolleyes:

19-Jun-2007, 01:55 PM
Hm. :rockbrow: But it is based off of a graphic novel. 30 Days Of Night was never a comic book.

Sorry Mike, it was originally a three issue comic book. But i agree totally wiith darth los:

I don't think the casual movie goer really knows the difference. It's like when we nerd out about zombies. The casual horror fan doeasn't know there's a difference between the infected from 28 days/weeks later and those from the GAR trilogy.

I like a few comic adaptations, but i didnt like X-Men 3, Spider-Man 3 or Ghost Rider at all.
Spider-Man 1 and 2 were fine but 3 was lame. :p

"Loo loo loo I got some apples, loo loo loo you got some too"

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 06:02 PM
Haha...gotta disagree with ya there, but yes anything that gets popular enough will get abused and there have been some bad comic to movie adaptions.

Still, to make blanket statements about the genre probably reflects a personal dislike of that style of film and does not seem indicative of the actual quality of every single comic to film movie. *Shrug*

i Didn't mean to make a blanket statement as there have been a couple of good book to movie adaptations. However they tend to be the exception and not the rule. Most of them have been lackluster at best and failed to deliver up to their fans expectations. I have collected comics since i was a boy, mostly x men , spider man, iron man and the fantastic four. i have also been a movie buff since i was very young so i don't think i'm prejudiced at all. I think i have a good grasp on both genres even though i haven't been into comics as much in recent years.

19-Jun-2007, 06:55 PM
Just a quick note: In case you haven't seen the trailer, YouTube has it. Search under 30 Days of Night or 30 Days.

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 03:16 AM
speaking of bad comic adaptions who the **** thought jessica alba would make a good susan storm?!?:rolleyes:

Maybe the guys who head sony's gaming division?