View Full Version : Happy Fathers Day: Something that will show up in therapy one day

18-Jun-2007, 01:48 PM
This guy's going to hell. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks6GgIs11_M)

18-Jun-2007, 03:15 PM
:elol: That kids what happens when you drink while you're pregnant

18-Jun-2007, 03:34 PM
For some reason the majority of YouTube videos haven't been loading for me, lately. I don't know if it's just me or if it's happening to everyone.

I have a feeling this is the video of the Dad with the chainsaw? If so, it's extremely messed up but at the same time completely hillarious.

18-Jun-2007, 03:54 PM
HAHAHA!!! brilliant! i love scaring kids, i used to scare my nephew silly!!:lol: :lol:

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 04:35 PM
For some reason the majority of YouTube videos haven't been loading for me, lately. I don't know if it's just me or if it's happening to everyone.

I have a feeling this is the video of the Dad with the chainsaw? If so, it's extremely messed up but at the same time completely hillarious.

Nah, it's one of those where someone is into their game and a creepy image just pops up on the screen. Serves that little porker right. They had to do something to wake him from his vegetative state.

18-Jun-2007, 06:17 PM
remember that one. It was a pretty good game. You're going slow, careful, trying not to hit the sides as you make your way through the tunnel then BAM! Randomly that face pops up with a screaming sound. Even if you are expecting it, it scares hell out of you.

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 06:46 PM
HAHAHA!!! brilliant! i love scaring kids, i used to scare my nephew silly!!:lol: :lol:

It's the god given right of every parent to scare the crap out of their kids. Those are just one of the perks of the job. :D

19-Jun-2007, 06:38 AM
" Bedelia ! I want my Fathers Day cake! "
" Your all a bunch of vultures trying to get my money!"
" BEDELlIA ? Wheres my Fathers day cake?!"

" Wheres my Fathers day cake? I want it ...its mine." - CREEPSHOW 'fathers day' uh eh huh uh uh..." (leathery-dry laugh emits from his 7 year rotted larynx)
We watched that one story from Creepshow yesterday, the kids laughed 'till the peed...Especially "The lonesome life of Jordy Verrill"...
" Meteor Sh!t ! "


triste realtà
20-Jun-2007, 04:40 AM
"That's why god made fathers, babe, that's why god made fathers."

(Does he say babe? I watch every father's day, too, and this year I realized I didn't know every line after all:eek: and all the Harrison music is not on the soundtrack.:mad: :mad: :mad: )

20-Jun-2007, 04:44 AM
that was rich....

the mean part of me called the kid a fag for crying.
Then I realized that it was very funny so saying mean things like that don't matter.

I am such a dichotomy.

btw, see the little guy slap and try and push that computer screen away? Oh yea...

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 04:54 AM
yes as his fat jiggled. somebody get that kid a tread mill.:p

20-Jun-2007, 04:57 AM
i can see someone bitching me and you out for calling that little pork rind fat and making fun of him.

oh well.

20-Jun-2007, 04:59 AM
ahhh its funny... pork rind fat kid lol

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 05:03 AM
i can see someone bitching me and you out for calling that little pork rind fat and making fun of him.

oh well.

They probably will. The tuth, many times, is ugly. People wanna be like "oh, leave him alone , he's cute." Instead of being all pc about , somebody get that kid on a diet and save his life for pete's sake. Kids that age don't really care how they look. But when he gets in his teens and wonders why most girls don't want him the answer is pretty obvious. He'll thank us for this one day.

20-Jun-2007, 05:05 AM
yea..us calling him a fat ass and me calling him a cry baby fag is for his own good.

Darth, we are giants amoungst men.

20-Jun-2007, 05:05 AM
well if he doesn't thank you for it he may develop an eating disorder, a drinking problem, and wind up shooting down on the students at his university from the bell tower

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 05:15 AM
well if he doesn't thank you for it he may develop an eating disorder, a drinking problem, and wind up shooting down on the students at his university from the bell tower

But atleast he'll be skinny. :p

20-Jun-2007, 05:17 AM
some eating disorders make you fat like overeaters... which he presently may well be

20-Jun-2007, 05:41 AM
as long as he isn't a fat turd it'll all be good.

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 05:57 AM
well if he doesn't thank you for it he may develop an eating disorder, a drinking problem, and wind up shooting down on the students at his university from the bell tower

I know i've been making it into a joke but childhood obesity is a big problem. All our children ever do anymore is stay inside messing with various gadgets. They need to get outside and play. The long term health problems of being overwieght are also a big issue on 2 fronts.

1) it could lead to serious medical complications like heart disease, high cholesterol and diabeties.
2) This is a tab thhat we'll all have to pick up as insurance premiums go up dealing with problems that could be avoided if people just took better care of themselves and their children.

Somethings like cancer can't be helped in most cases( although that's up for debate) but this can. we're the fattest country in the world and we just keep making excuses as to why it's o.k.

20-Jun-2007, 06:03 AM
The problem isn't always a childs lack of exercise as much as its also the lifestyle the parents promote and what they feed their children. When my mom cooked she would serve me the portion of a man... she never forced me to eat it and I pretty much never ate her cooking but its a common problem that parents dont give children reduced portions. Working in a restaurant previously it was always intriguing seeing what children would order... the fat kids always had something huge and I was like WTF lady a little self control? One girl disturbed me though... she had to have been in 6th grade and was like ... I'd like broiled fish with veggies, no butter, no seasonings and a side salad with lemon, no dressing... while I applauded her concern for healthy eating I couldn't help but feel she's a kid... have some fruit by the foot and enjoy some pb and j.

Additionally families seldom exercise together. When my dad went to the gym... guess what? We had to go with him. Of course it ruled and we loved it because they had special kids classes like rock climbing and skateboarding and occasionally would take us surfing but I mean parents dont encourage their children to get exercise when they themselves never do it. I find if you do things as a family unit it creates a stronger impression of the importance. But then we go back to ... Americans dont have a lot of time at home because they're slaving away to eke out a living...

we're going downhill ... i'm scared where's my stuffed animals... :confused:

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 06:19 AM
The problem isn't always a childs lack of exercise as much as its also the lifestyle the parents promote and what they feed their children. When my mom cooked she would serve me the portion of a man... she never forced me to eat it and I pretty much never ate her cooking but its a common problem that parents dont give children reduced portions. Working in a restaurant previously it was always intriguing seeing what children would order... the fat kids always had something huge and I was like WTF lady a little self control? One girl disturbed me though... she had to have been in 6th grade and was like ... I'd like broiled fish with veggies, no butter, no seasonings and a side salad with lemon, no dressing... while I applauded her concern for healthy eating I couldn't help but feel she's a kid... have some fruit by the foot and enjoy some pb and j.

Additionally families seldom exercise together. When my dad went to the gym... guess what? We had to go with him. Of course it ruled and we loved it because they had special kids classes like rock climbing and skateboarding and occasionally would take us surfing but I mean parents dont encourage their children to get exercise when they themselves never do it. I find if you do things as a family unit it creates a stronger impression of the importance. But then we go back to ... Americans dont have a lot of time at home because they're slaving away to eke out a living...

we're going downhill ... i'm scared where's my stuffed animals... :confused:

You're definitely on to something there. First off the amounts of food that americans are just too damn much. You ever see a plate of food in a french restaurant? The portions are tiny. We don't do small in america. Everything is super sized, family/economy sized or extra strength. Portions definitely need to be reduced.

I do agree that families need to excercise together. You have to make things fun for kids. Kids will clean out the garage if you make a game out of it.

On your third point, it's definitely true. People have to work so hard and in most cases both parents are at work all day. So everything is either take out or they whip up something quick. There's just no time.

A point i'd like to add is that eating healthy can get rather expensive. Organic foods and other things that are good for you are generally much higher priced. Sometimes people can't afford to eat as healthy as they would like to.

20-Jun-2007, 06:39 AM
I couldn't agree more... as someone who started to pay for things just a year ago for my household I became very money conscious. I began to think in terms of how much do I have to work to pay for things? I had to work one full day of two shifts just to fill my car gas tank. Depending on whether I worked at two locations for my restaurant would determine if I had to fill my tank twice in the same week (ironically only to find out the owners of my restaurant were paying someone else to travel 20 miles to work there those bastards). And then it was like geez... meat is expensive. Veggies are expensive. Fruit is expensive. You want how much for milk? I was outta my gord.

Its cheaper for people to eat unhealthy and its easier for them to do that as well. But its also cheap to eat raw veggies, and fruits and if you're looking for recipe ideas think of places that are inexpensive. I like to cook Cuban food... its generally inexpensive and usually uses pork or chicken. I also snack a lot on raw food and tons of water to feel full. And at dinner I generally use a salad plate.

The people in our country are obscenely wasteful. They eat so much and the portions have gradually been getting larger since the 60s. I remember watching a program on the size of food portions at fast food places long ago and looking at the size now... everything is supersized and why? We're less active today than we were then.

We try to minimize having to exercise. We have mini malls with everything right there for your convenience so you dont have to walk far to get what you need. Instead of walking into a dry cleaner you can drive thru. Instead of walking into Seattles Best you can drive thru. Instead of walking into a restaurant to pick up your take you they carry it out to you. We're a country based on sitting on your duff.

Unfortunately now its no longer a convenience its an essential... gas is so high you have to do what you can to save on gas...

Its gotten to a point where I pick where to live based on things like can I walk to the grocery, take my bike to work, am I near the stores I visit most often... so I dont have to use my car

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 06:56 AM
We try to minimize having to exercise. We have mini malls with everything right there for your convenience so you dont have to walk far to get what you need. Instead of walking into a dry cleaner you can drive thru. Instead of walking into Seattles Best you can drive thru. Instead of walking into a restaurant to pick up your take you they carry it out to you. We're a country based on sitting on your duff.

Unfortunately now its no longer a convenience its an essential... gas is so high you have to do what you can to save on gas...

Its gotten to a point where I pick where to live based on things like can I walk to the grocery, take my bike to work, am I near the stores I visit most often... so I dont have to use my car

And don't forget how if you want something you don't even have to go to the mall as you stated. It can all be done online and delivered to your door as quickly as the next day. More and more media is being digitally distributed, so no need to leave the house for that either. It's going to get to the point where you won't have to leave the house for anything. Just open up a direct deposit checking account at a bank and you're good. Oh, and a gallon of milk in new york is more expensive than gas topping out at almost for dollars in some places. I know that we're having problems with oil prices but i didn't know we had a shortage of cows. :rockbrow:

20-Jun-2007, 07:03 AM
funny you should say that... in ny they will deliver your groceries for you but in california you can buy them online and 5 bucks delivers them to your door... but I see shopping online as less a means to save myself from walking and more to find a cheaper deal... unfortunately shipping is a scam and I usually dont do it unless I can get it for free... and going to the mall is not only unsafe (a guy at the mall here was stabbed to death and another man injured... among other things of course) but its a hassle... people keep coming up and goind... can I ask you a question? Like they're giving you a choice... And they keep asking for phone numbers and offering credit... who needs 'em

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 07:21 AM
unfortunately shipping is a scam and I usually dont do it unless I can get it for free...

You could look at it that way, but how about this? With the money your going to spend on gas and eating out you can just pay 10 bucks to have it shipped overnight. That being the case there's really no reason not to shop online. Oh, and another thing. There's no gaurantee that when you get to the store that they're going to have what you're looking for and if they do, maybe not in your size. Online your certain to get what you want, even if they have to ship it from overseas.

You forgot about those ladies that spray the perfume on you as you walk to the mall. :lol: I'd be like, sniff this. :moon:

20-Jun-2007, 07:25 AM
I generally avoid the perfume department at all costs... but when I go to the stores they always have stuff in my size because I have the sales peope set something I want aside (gotta love personal shopper services)... online is usually where I have to compromise... like I was trying to take advantage of a semi annual sale online where if I buy 100 dollars in stuff I get free shipping... well I couldn't get what I wanted in my size and/or the color I selected... so I went to the store spent about 50 and saved myself the trouble of buying more to get free shipping lol... and the shipping I generally pay is actually between 15-20 and thats for ground shipping =(

It was the epitome of murphys law too I bought this mountain bike online two weeks ago, paid 20 bucks for shipping ... its on sale this week 30 dollars off... SON OF A SAILOR~!

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 07:31 AM
That's the worst thing in shopping, when you buy something that goes on sale shortly thereafter. It feels like you got ripped off. lol

20-Jun-2007, 07:36 AM
Generally if you're a good customer (translation: drop serious coin there) they'll let you know about any upcoming sales in order to get the comission from your purchase. I just dont spend too much money at the sports authority because if I go into the store I'm likely to walk out with enough camping equipment and sports clothes and shoes and equipment to outfit an orphanage.

20-Jun-2007, 12:19 PM
Boy did this thing go offtopic! From scaring kids on Fathers Day to Obesity to Eating disorders to shopping. Fun fun fun

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 06:20 PM

Yeah that happens sometimes. I think it was a productive debate. Sometime you talk about things that lead into other topics. It seemed like a logical progression. Maybe next time we'll start a new thread. But at 4 in the morning that type of stuff just eludes you.

20-Jun-2007, 09:55 PM