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18-Jun-2007, 02:24 PM
So its OUR car,OUR flat,and OUR money, but i notice its always her tits.Theres feminism for you!:elol:

18-Jun-2007, 02:37 PM
????:lol: :lol: ????

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 03:35 PM
So its OUR car,OUR flat,and OUR money, but i notice its always her tits.Theres feminism for you!:elol:

Don't you know by now that there's a double standard? What's yours is ours but what's her's is hers.

18-Jun-2007, 05:49 PM
Is that like how the computer can crash on him.....but if it happens to me - I broke it?

18-Jun-2007, 06:10 PM
everybody knows that men are responsible for every bad thing that ever happens ( even when there are none around ), but while women own all the titties then whose gonna argue:lol: :lol:

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 07:13 PM
Is that like how the computer can crash on him.....but if it happens to me - I broke it?

No, it's more like when you curse a guy out he had it coming but if done to you it's disrespectful and you father and brother want to beat his ass.

18-Jun-2007, 07:30 PM
So its OUR car,OUR flat,and OUR money, but i notice its always her tits.Theres feminism for you!:elol:

:lol: so true so true:lol: thats almost gospel truth.:p

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 07:43 PM
You'll never get a woman to admit it though. :rolleyes:

18-Jun-2007, 07:52 PM
that is also true. why cant they just admit it things would be so much easier.

darth los
18-Jun-2007, 08:46 PM
And release us from their grip of terror!?! :rolleyes:

18-Jun-2007, 08:51 PM
amen brother

18-Jun-2007, 11:03 PM
flyboy thats just damn brilliant!

19-Jun-2007, 06:38 PM
But the question is - are they her balls at all? :D

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 06:47 PM
They certainly like to grab and twist at them, so to speak, like they are.

20-Jun-2007, 02:26 AM
lmao off flyboy, this made my day.

I hate double standards..women can call us names and make fun of us and twist off our nuts, but as soon as we even say a thing about raising our hands to give em a slap they go all emo and call the police citing spouse abuse.

God. Such Bulls*it

(if you can't tell i'm being sarcastic)

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 02:36 AM
lmao off flyboy, this made my day.

I hate double standards..women can call us names and make fun of us and twist off our nuts, but as soon as we even say a thing about raising our hands to give em a slap they go all emo and call the police citing spouse abuse.

God. Such Bulls*it

(if you can't tell i'm being sarcastic)

My man Dane Cook said it best: "Women are mental terrorists." There's really nothing more to say than that.

20-Jun-2007, 03:47 AM
if only it WERE that way... I made a slap bet with someone I worked with on a football game and where I was planning to really pack a wallop on his face he was planning to slap my ass... I lost and WHAMMMMMMM I dont think I sat down for hours after that ... I even think I cried...

*For those who dont know about slap bets they're Gods gift to people seeking an alternative means of making a bet... I bet you the Saints are going to kick the Panthers asses... if I lose you get to hit me anywhere you like (a slap but a hit none the less) and vice versa if I win... if you reneg on your end of the bargain at any time it automatically gives the winner permission to hit you 5 times with one of those times being any time in public of any level of pain. I do love the slap bet... though I usually win ... losing sucks!

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 03:58 AM
if only it WERE that way... I made a slap bet with someone I worked with on a football game and where I was planning to really pack a wallop on his face he was planning to slap my ass... I lost and WHAMMMMMMM I dont think I sat down for hours after that ... I even think I cried...

*For those who dont know about slap bets they're Gods gift to people seeking an alternative means of making a bet... I bet you the Saints are going to kick the Panthers asses... if I lose you get to hit me anywhere you like (a slap but a hit none the less) and vice versa if I win... if you reneg on your end of the bargain at any time it automatically gives the winner permission to hit you 5 times with one of those times being any time in public of any level of pain. I do love the slap bet... though I usually win ... losing sucks!

Ha!! your terrorist tactics are useless woman !! :elol:

20-Jun-2007, 04:02 AM
can't say i've never tried...

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 04:04 AM
That's okay. Alot of women employ them subconsciously.

20-Jun-2007, 06:56 AM
women? employ?

the only thing a women should employ is a spoon to mix my cake batter with.

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 06:58 AM
Is that before or after you bop her over the head with your club and drag her home? :lol:

20-Jun-2007, 07:02 AM

I goto restaurants and get em to make my cake batter with such banter as:

"hurry up women, i needs ta go back to make a livin"

"not like you got anything else to do, why do you think you wear the apron"

then i grab her by her ass and throw her into my house and tape her to my kitchen.

"make me crab cakes now"

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 07:22 AM
That actually works for you?

20-Jun-2007, 07:30 AM
I like to consider baking/cooking something I might to out of the kindness of my heart for someone or people I care about but not my role. I work for a living just like men do. Well not JUST like them but I mean I have a job... its hard.

My view of feminism is its not about equality as much as its about becoming like a man. I like the time when women and girls wore skirts and didn't wear jeans and sloth about in birkenstocks... when a woman cooked and cleaned and her husband took care of everything else... when you knew men would open your door without thinking twice about it and they would pull out your chair not to make you fall but as a courtesy and where if a woman stood up from the table the men would as well... I still see that behavior in men and I adore them for it but its rare. Now a woman is expected to have children, work full time, cook, clean, raise the kids, discipline the kids, head the household, etc. Its a bar most can't meet and when they try to and their husband strays they're feeling betrayed because hey buddy... you wanted me to do all of that so why are you so suprised I dont have time for ya anymore

20-Jun-2007, 07:42 AM
i dunno, not beign a women my insight into your gender is limited to my own experiences with them...

i hope you know i'm joking btw...i just can't help it in a thread about feminism

20-Jun-2007, 08:37 AM
Totally know you're kidding MM and so am I ...

20-Jun-2007, 09:41 AM
k, jsut so we're clear, i am more or less alwya kidding when it comes to topics like this...

i do it for the lulz as they say. and to be a basturd which is something i seldom do

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 05:53 PM
Aw, it's nice to see you guys together agian. :D

20-Jun-2007, 06:01 PM
Mental terrorists - hell yeah. How you ladies treat each other is sick, the psychological warfare, the bitching and so on, it's sick and twisted, and then you're "mates" again right after - it's been all over Big Brother this past couple of weeks with all/mainly female contestants (now evened out though), and Charley is the main culprit, she's f*cking disgusting (physically wise, personality wise, just flat out munty).

Meanwhile blokes, they punch each other and avoid each other for a couple of days until sh*t blows over. Blokes - so much simpler, the world would be a much simpler place if you ladies would take a leaf out of our books once in a while. :lol:

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 06:10 PM
the world would be a much simpler place if you ladies would take a leaf out of our books once in a while. :lol:

I'd settle for them smoking a leaf. It would really mellow them out. :D I mean, who wants to fight when they're high?

20-Jun-2007, 07:49 PM
oh hush darth you were the one who made me feel bad for burning him in chat and lo and behold... he tries to be a bastard! :moon:

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 07:52 PM
[QUOTE=MissJacksonCA;93934]oh hush darth you were the one who made me feel bad for burning him in chat and lo and behold... he tries to be a bastard! :moon:

It's possible to make you feel bad!?! There are secrets to unlock after all. See? Not everybody is as good to you as i am. :p

20-Jun-2007, 08:00 PM
Hey I have feelings... deep down... dormant... hiding... maybe... :confused:

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 06:48 AM
Hey I have feelings... deep down... dormant... hiding... maybe... :confused:

That has yet to be determined. But in all fairness there is a double standard. I just wish women would admit it. We all know it exists. C'mon mj, you know you want to.

21-Jun-2007, 01:33 PM
That has yet to be determined. But in all fairness there is a double standard. I just wish women would admit it. We all know it exists. C'mon mj, you know you want to.

I'll admit it. But if the world were perfect and equal we'd all be pretty bored, wouldn't we?

And think of all the tv hosts who'd be out of a job. You don't want Dr. Phil to go hungry?:moon: Or to lose all your fond memories of that 'special' Jerry Springer episode?:eek:

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 04:33 PM
I'll admit it. But if the world were perfect and equal we'd all be pretty bored, wouldn't we?

And think of all the tv hosts who'd be out of a job. You don't want Dr. Phil to go hungry?:moon: Or to lose all your fond memories of that 'special' Jerry Springer episode?:eek:

Bless you woman!! :kiss: Now that wasn't so bad now was it? I don't even have that much of a problem with the double standard. Just admit it exists so we can find the new way forward together. ( damn that sounds like bush's iraq slogan!!:eek: )
And no i wouldn't want those fine, shining examples of men starving and then having that on my conscience.:(