View Full Version : Vatican issues 10 commandments for Drivers

19-Jun-2007, 02:57 PM
The "Drivers' Ten Commandments," as listed by the document, are:

1. You shall not kill.

2. The road shall be for you a means of communion between people and not of mortal harm.

3. Courtesy, uprightness and prudence will help you deal with unforeseen events.

4. Be charitable and help your neighbor in need, especially victims of accidents.

5. Cars shall not be for you an expression of power and domination, and an occasion of sin.

6. Charitably convince the young and not so young not to drive when they are not in a fitting condition to do so.

7. Support the families of accident victims.

8. Bring guilty motorists and their victims together, at the appropriate time, so that they can undergo the liberating experience of forgiveness.

9. On the road, protect the more vulnerable party.

10. Feel responsible toward others.

19-Jun-2007, 05:01 PM
is this for real ? :rockbrow:

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 05:08 PM
Sounds like common sense to me. Then again, it might be nescesary because very few people have any.:rolleyes:

19-Jun-2007, 06:54 PM
undergo the liberating experience of forgiveness...

I love that

19-Jun-2007, 08:52 PM

20-Jun-2007, 01:25 AM
is this for real ? :rockbrow:

yep... read it on MSNBC today. I nearly sh1t kittens laughing my ass off. :lol: :moon:

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 01:45 AM
The church really has to get with it. I mean, did anybody NOT laugh at this!?! :lol:

20-Jun-2007, 05:38 PM
This has gotta be a joke.... once again, this is evidence that the Vatican is inserting it's influence over the world...

thank god I'm a wiccan

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 06:18 PM
It's interesting how the church is struggling to main relevant, especially with today's youth. They're inserting their opinions into areas where it doesn't even make sense. They should stick to isues of morality.