View Full Version : aint it funny when people you dont know but everyone knows goes ape ****?

19-Jun-2007, 07:43 PM
so today i leave the college after my film exam, hed through the mall to the car park were my moms picking me up and what do i see but the local "ram fm" girls have had there radio tour van clamped and ticketed and there throwing there shopping bags at the parking attendant screaming "DONT YOU ****ING KNOW WHO I AM!?!?!, I AM ****ING RAM FM!!!!!1!"
I dont listen to radio but my moms a loyal ram fm listener and seeing the apparently normally sweet and bubbly road trip girls going total prima-diva on someones ass shocked her a lot.

me i just found it hi-****ing-larious (theres another one from british high school to add to the list), anyone ele seen even a local level celebritie go mental?

20-Jun-2007, 04:00 AM
Well aside from the alleged incident where David Hasselhoff goes 'you can't do that i'm the hoff man'...

There was a time Natasha Lyonne got pulled over in Florida for either speeding or suspicion of DUI when she told the cops they couldn't arrest her because and I quote 'i'm a celebrity'

As for anything personally witnessed... My fav radio station chick went insane on this guy at the bar I worked at... he kept trying to come onto her and her girl friend and finally she was like... look i'm here trying to enjoy myself after a long day with my friend... can't you tell i'm not interested... i know your type you're always lurking in bars coming onto anyone with tits and desperately trying to engage us in conversation... well cant you see im' trying to have one with my friend and that we aren't interested and never will be...

not verbatim but she totally immasculated him it was hilarious... i've never fully recovered since she moved to missouri...

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 06:44 AM
Who can forget when Michael Richards(kramer) lost it in a west coast comedy club when some black hecklers were getting on him and he subsequently went on a racist tirade? This video is actually disturbing imo.


20-Jun-2007, 07:00 AM
While I dont condone the use of racial slurs and personal attacks I feel compelled to say a) what Michael said was wrong but that b) wtf why heckle him? If his comedy sucks dont pay to see it.

I remember going to see Blood Diamond in the theater and the whole room was packed full and 10 and 15 minutes into the movie the peope in the theater wouldn't shut up... they were talking about everything and anything and I was like omg are you kidding me? Eventually one guy stood up and said hey shut up we're trying to watch a movie... no racial slurs or anything... the response? Get the **** out of here before I shoot your ass... followed by cheers... We had to walk out... the talking wasn't going to stop... what was worse was the manager didn't want to refund our tickets or give us tickets to a showing for the next weekend... I was outraged...

There's no necessity to heckle someone... its for the weak... and there's no need to yappity yap at the theater...

It also reminds me of that I think Epitome nightclub fire in Chicago where a security guard sprayed pepper spray at some audience members arguing and everyone was like what the hell man? They were just arguing... Well arguing escalates into fighting eventually... it never got to that. The pepper spray was spread through the crowd because of the fan above the area where it was sprayed and for some reason they locked the entry doors to the nightclub and the stampede towards the doors killed 21 people. But I blame the jerks exchanging words...

Michael may have shown his true colors but no one said hey while that was inexcuseable behavior so was the bahavior of the hecklers...

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 07:15 AM
His behavior was unacceptable and disproportionate. If the hecklers called him racial slurs then he would be totally justified by his response. What he did is uncalled for and he deserces to never work again. Damn i used to love seinfeld. I'll never look at his character the same way again.

As for the movie tickets, the dude should have refunded your money. And the movie industry wonders why people don't come out like they used to. With people talking on their cell phones, babyies crying, people who won't shut up, the astronomical food prices and the floors being icky going to the movies has become a very unpleasant experience.

20-Jun-2007, 07:19 AM
I'm not trying to suggest his behavior was acceptable... i'm just saying be objective... he's not the ONLY guilty party who did something wrong... I also look at his character differently but I never really watched Seinfeld for him... I loved George he was always upto something or trying to get something for nothing! Drove me bonkers man. Reminded me of a neighbor we have in Canada... the woman is so cheap she wont buy liquor or rarely does and she only comes around when you're serving it but when you dont have any she doesn't know ya...

20-Jun-2007, 03:13 PM
His behavior was unacceptable and disproportionate. If the hecklers called him racial slurs then he would be totally justified by his response.
Many people there reported the heckler called him a washed up cracker. Thats a racial slur, dude.
He thought he was being outrageous and people would laugh at the shock value. Whoops

20-Jun-2007, 04:59 PM
I do recall an incident that I was not around for but heard of later.

People in the UK should know John Leslie (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Leslie_(television_presenter)), the man who was accused of raping Urika Johnson.

Well, during the Hogmanay celabration on New year my friend came across John during the street party. And as my friend was a couple sheets to the wind he got John Leslie into a friendly headlock and said "Was she worth it!"

John was furious but everyone within earshot was too busy laughing to notice. :lol:

Bud is a Legend! :cool:

20-Jun-2007, 05:21 PM
Burt Reynolds ran from the cops about 30 minutes from where I live. In fact....Sally Fields was with him as well.

Okay...they were filming "Smokey and the Bandit".....

Seriously though....I seem to remember Bobby Brown and Whitney Huston freaking out on papparazi while on coke and getting arrested here in Atlanta.

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 05:22 PM
Many people there reported the heckler called him a washed up cracker. Thats a racial slur, dude.
He thought he was being outrageous and people would laugh at the shock value. Whoops

If that's true then they deseved what they got. I'm tired of the double standard of everybody can be racist but white people. But anyway, it's funny how they neglect to show that part. About the shock value he thought he was going to get, you're totally right on that one. Now he has no career. Did you see his apology? That man wasted no time getting that out there, huh? :moon:

20-Jun-2007, 10:06 PM
If that's true then they deseved what they got. I'm tired of the double standard of everybody can be racist but white people. But anyway, it's funny how they neglect to show that part. About the shock value he thought he was going to get, you're totally right on that one. Now he has no career. Did you see his apology? That man wasted no time getting that out there, huh? :moon:
I think thats not on the vid because they started taping right after. Kramer shouldve said "I was trying to be funny and make a sociological point. Unfortunately My point was lost to the shock value" or something like that. That rehab/Crying crap is stupid. What was funny to me was how people acted like they never heard anyone make racist statements before. Maybe it was the public nature but I guarantee you many of his critics do the ssame damn thing off camera.

20-Jun-2007, 10:11 PM
Funny that you should say that only white people can be accused of being racist because I've never known racist japanese people or mexicans... but hey there's a first for everything. I think one thing that's bizarre to me is how black people can use what we see as racial slurs to each other but no one else can say it (and I dont think i'm the only one boggled by that). Some say its because they 'own' it but I think its derrogatory no matter who uses it. You just dont see while people going hey cracker whats crackilackin? But hey there's a first for everything maybe some do :D

20-Jun-2007, 11:35 PM
the only racists ive ever encountered are white or blck people, never seen any other ethnicitie be racist, i think on a world wide scale us whites'n' balcks suck:lol:

seriously the other day i was heading through a prominantly black immigrint area and some dude ran out as i passed and threw a bottle at me and called me a "chalky ****licker", never had had someone yell a racial slur at me before and the idea just becuase my skin was white this guy had an hatred for me is just another reason why i have little faith in people as a whole.

cus balck or white or anything in between were all the same, trouble is most people are asseholes regardless.:bored:

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 11:53 PM
Funny that you should say that only white people can be accused of being racist because I've never known racist japanese people or mexicans... but hey there's a first for everything. I think one thing that's bizarre to me is how black people can use what we see as racial slurs to each other but no one else can say it (and I dont think i'm the only one boggled by that). Some say its because they 'own' it but I think its derrogatory no matter who uses it. You just dont see while people going hey cracker whats crackilackin? But hey there's a first for everything maybe some do :D

There's an unwritten rule that you can joke about what you are. What i'm more concerened with is blacks being able to call any other racial group racial slurs but when it's done to them there's a national outrage and you have jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton chewing you a new asshole. :mad:

21-Jun-2007, 03:13 AM
Its so true Darth... you could insult any number of groups in the country but they're not going to have the ferocity of Al or Jesse. I have lost all respect for both in recent months and the past year in general. They're both for sale to whoever is willing to pay them enough and are willing to speak whatever you pay them to say. They're what I think of as 'shock' speakers who gain notoriety not from independant thought or progressive actions so much as they know how to kick up a **** storm and enrage a group of people. Everyone needs a leader but the people that want them as their leader need a serious reality check.

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 03:17 AM
Its so true Darth... you could insult any number of groups in the country but they're not going to have the ferocity of Al or Jesse. I have lost all respect for both in recent months and the past year in general. They're both for sale to whoever is willing to pay them enough and are willing to speak whatever you pay them to say. They're what I think of as 'shock' speakers who gain notoriety not from independant thought or progressive actions so much as they know how to kick up a **** storm and enrage a group of people. Everyone needs a leader but the people that want them as their leader need a serious reality check.

I think that there's a vaccuum of leadership in the black community and they're just there by default. Those two are nothing but oppertunistic media whores.

21-Jun-2007, 04:09 AM
You just dont see while people going hey cracker whats crackilackin? But hey there's a first for everything maybe some do :D
Thanks for adding some lingo to my repertoire. I like things that are an extra helping of mega stupid.:lol:

... never had had someone yell a racial slur at me before and the idea just becuase my skin was white this guy had an hatred for me is just another reason why i have little faith in people as a whole.

You need to get out more and experience the true rainbow colors of ethnic and racial hatred. It is truly an endless bounty:lol:.
Come on down and explore new vistas of elbow bumps in the bus, hard looks and totally being ignored in stores and official offices. Wonderful and exotic accents that you cant decipher, especially when its extremely important that you do. It's extra special when somehow it becomes YOUR fault. AWESOME. being a stranger in a strange land is THE BOMB :hurl:

21-Jun-2007, 04:34 AM
hehe... my favorite cook at the restaurant I used to work at would always say to me ...hey cracka... whats crack i lackin... whatever that meant... at first I was offended but the dude was always being so goofy it was awesome...

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 04:58 AM
Thanks for adding some lingo to my repertoire. I like things that are an extra helping of mega stupid.:lol:

You need to get out more and experience the true rainbow colors of ethnic and racial hatred. It is truly an endless bounty:lol:.
Come on down and explore new vistas of elbow bumps in the bus, hard looks and totally being ignored in stores and official offices. Wonderful and exotic accents that you cant decipher, especially when its extremely important that you do. It's extra special when somehow it becomes YOUR fault. AWESOME. being a stranger in a strange land is THE BOMB :hurl:

I think people are generally less racist in New York.we have so many different races and nationalities here that if you don't like anybody but your own kind it would be in your best interests to leave.

21-Jun-2007, 04:36 PM
I think people are generally less racist in New York.we have so many different races and nationalities here that if you don't like anybody but your own kind it would be in your best interests to leave.
If you are referring to me leaving I think you misunderstood. I was referring to Others reacist behavior. Specifically towards me. I was making a joke out of it but I was speaking of ME being ignored when I try to talk to people, getiing hard looks and people bumping me "by accident" on the streets and in trains etc. Also , what happens frequently, is I have to go to Dr's and offices alot and I often get "special treatment" like garbled information in a barely interested manner and when I ask for clarity I get ignored because it must be My fault I cant understand them and that makes me an inconvenience. But he next guy in line gets a smile and a helpful attitude. So its not my problem of anyones origin. Its THEIR problem with MINE. Its not across the board but it gets tiring.

There is way left diversity in the BX than most other parts of the city. So in a lot of ways it can be more like a town than NYC where people (some people) dont appreciate others and make it pretty clear. My GF gets crap alot and she's not even white. Im always freindly and getting the "why are you here" drives me nuts.

Thats not me being a racist. Mt point is racist attitude knows no race/ethnic bounds and if you (hypothetical you) think it is confined to Caucasoids you haven't met enough people because no group is above or below intolerance.
If I only hung out with "my own kind" I wouldnt have a friends at all, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it:p

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 05:08 PM
If you are referring to me leaving I think you misunderstood. I was referring to Others reacist behavior. Specifically towards me. I was making a joke out of it but I was speaking of ME being ignored when I try to talk to people, getiing hard looks and people bumping me "by accident" on the streets and in trains etc. Also , what happens frequently, is I have to go to Dr's and offices alot and I often get "special treatment" like garbled information in a barely interested manner and when I ask for clarity I get ignored because it must be My fault I cant understand them and that makes me an inconvenience. But he next guy in line gets a smile and a helpful attitude. So its not my problem of anyones origin. Its THEIR problem with MINE. Its not across the board but it gets tiring.

There is way left diversity in the BX than most other parts of the city. So in a lot of ways it can be more like a town than NYC where people (some people) dont appreciate others and make it pretty clear. My GF gets crap alot and she's not even white. Im always freindly and getting the "why are you here" drives me nuts.

Thats not me being a racist. Mt point is racist attitude knows no race/ethnic bounds and if you (hypothetical you) think it is confined to Caucasoids you haven't met enough people because no group is above or below intolerance.
If I only hung out with "my own kind" I wouldnt have a friends at all, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it:p

No, i wasn't directing them at you. i apologize if taken that way. I was just saying that if you're racist and you live in new york you're not going to be very happy here because it is so diverse. Sorry about the mix up. :D

22-Jun-2007, 10:21 AM
the only racists ive ever encountered are white or blck people, never seen any other ethnicitie be racist, i think on a world wide scale us whites'n' balcks suck:lol:

This I think is totally untrue, as far as I am concerned one of the most racist groups in the world seem to be asians, particulary Indian, (I am indian). And the level of racism within the community is so high that some asian girls/guys I know wouldnt even spit at a black guy or talk to a white guy.
It seems that a large proportion are quietly racist they would not air there views in public but in quite amongst there own groups.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 11:47 AM
This I think is totally untrue, as far as I am concerned one of the most racist groups in the world seem to be asians, particulary Indian, (I am indian). And the level of racism within the community is so high that some asian girls/guys I know wouldnt even spit at a black guy or talk to a white guy.
It seems that a large proportion are quietly racist they would not air there views in public but in quite amongst there own groups.

I totally agree that people express their true feelings when they're around their own kind. I also think that the people you mentioned are not so much racist but used to old country traditions and that lends itself to dealing with their own community when it comes to things like business and marriage.

22-Jun-2007, 12:14 PM
I totally agree that people express their true feelings when they're around their own kind. I also think that the people you mentioned are not so much racist but used to old country traditions and that lends itself to dealing with their own community when it comes to things like business and marriage.

I have to agree with that racist may be a slightly to strong a term, shall we say ethnically challanged to be PC... wander if thats gonna get a rise out of MZ

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 12:17 PM
I have to agree with that racist may be a slightly to strong a term, shall we say ethnically challanged to be PC... wander if thats gonna get a rise out of MZ

My money is on that he'll be on it soon. :D I think i can roll with your new definition. Compromise is a beautiful thing.

22-Jun-2007, 04:40 PM
I'm going to agree with Domm... while you dont see a good deal of other groups being outwardly racist it doesn't mean it doesn't happen so much as it means they're keeping it to themselves and their comrades. I've experienced racism against myself on a variety of levels but I dont make a federal case out of it so much as I just figure they dont know me but they'll think that way about me no matter what I do.

I would love to live in a world without racism but unfortunately thats a reality that I never see coming into fruition. Its like hoping for min wage to rise with the cost of living. Its just something that you dream of and hope for but really its a pipe dream. And when some people fall under their own stereotypes it only further adds fuel to the fires of racism and any progress their race makes has to take two steps back due to a few bad apples. Perhaps someday when the pigmen roam free we can live in a world without race... (thats a seinfeld semi quote not a refrence to the belief that men are pigs because I dont buy into that... )


darth los
22-Jun-2007, 05:33 PM
It's like hoping that after enough viewings, land will become a good movie...:lol: :lol: