View Full Version : whats your favourite crap adult swim cartoons?

19-Jun-2007, 08:31 PM
i dont mean the ones like naruto or afro samurai but the ones that look like, adn probably are, done in macromedia flash, like sealab tom goes to the mayor, assy magee ect.
thanks to the glory of the 'tube you can show them ,since uk and us adult swims different with diffeent shows.

first up for me is squidbillies, white trash redncks are funny enough but this takes it one step furthe.


then theres tom goes to the mayor, theres somethign incredibly juvenile beyond the point of calling it retarded with this but its done in an adult way so its just unusal.


and my third choice is the bitchin' metalocalypse!:D


those are my favs whats yours?, share your passion for crappy sub par 1 am programming!:D

19-Jun-2007, 08:52 PM
"Tom Goes To The Mayor" is a huge one for me. Although, I haven't seen it on lately.:(

Does "Robot Chicken" count ass a crap shot? I would think so.....so that one gets a vote for me. Speaking of....did you see the special Star Wars episode of "Robot Chicken"?:lol:

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 09:08 PM
i like aqua teen hunger force simply because of the terrorist scare the advertising campaign put into the city of boston. Made me wanna go see the movie.

19-Jun-2007, 09:32 PM
oh damn how could i forget them.

"teh moon rulez no#1!!1!!":lol:

darth los
19-Jun-2007, 09:59 PM
adult swim is pretty much the only cartoons i watch nowdays. They never cease to amaze me with how far they push the envelope.

19-Jun-2007, 10:01 PM
I always was fond of SeaLab

19-Jun-2007, 10:53 PM
You guys remember "The Brak Show"? WTF happened to that? I loved it...


darth los
19-Jun-2007, 11:07 PM
Damn, i forgot about that one. Wasn't it like a space ghost spin off or something? And wasn't his father cuban or something? lol

20-Jun-2007, 03:50 AM
I like Aqua Teen Hunger Force... saddam funny

20-Jun-2007, 07:26 PM
^ Same here, ATHF rocks! :cool:

20-Jun-2007, 07:28 PM
i didnt like it at first but now i really like the venture bros.:)

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 07:33 PM
They should really release a collector's dvd for this stuff. I'd buy it. :D

20-Jun-2007, 07:45 PM
i know id much rather buy an adult swim box set than haveing to buy each show seperatly.

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 07:53 PM
There suppossed to be coming out with an ATHF movie. I'm sure they're release something to coincide with that.

20-Jun-2007, 08:51 PM
Sealab because of its bizzare storylines although with adult swim that is quite a boast! Favourite episodes have to be either BIZARRO! episode or the episode where for some reason a predator gets into sealab and goes on a killing spree..Heh although the timewarp with the french guy is legendary "Ze ozen ztokehs me like mah muthers woooomb" "....No we dont want any french fries, shut the fuk up!"

Also the voice of the old guy from squidbillies is shake?!

20-Jun-2007, 08:57 PM
There suppossed to be coming out with an ATHF movie. I'm sure they're release something to coincide with that.

i was sure the aqua teen movie was released a few months back but only had a limited release and didnt do very well.

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 09:49 PM
i was sure the aqua teen movie was released a few months back but only had a limited release and didnt do very well.

Yup you're totally right, here's the link to imdb.


21-Jun-2007, 02:03 PM
i was sure the aqua teen movie was released a few months back but only had a limited release and didnt do very well.

It sure was funny, though. Imagine Neil Pert with a drum set attached to him, walking through a flying watermelon, with a slice of watermelon commanding the flying watermelon ship.:lol:

Sounds crazy, right? Pretty much what I expected from ATHF. The movie was pretty much just a long episode....so that's a good thing. It shouldn't be very long before it's released on DVD. I'm sure it's....ahem....obtainable right now.

21-Jun-2007, 04:06 PM

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 05:43 PM
Sounds crazy, right? Pretty much what I expected from ATHF. The movie was pretty much just a long episode....so that's a good thing. It shouldn't be very long before it's released on DVD. I'm sure it's....ahem....obtainable right now.

It's good that they stayed true to the source material. Too many time they have cartoon movies like this go on some grandiose adventure.