View Full Version : Because cell phones aren't annoying enough...

20-Jun-2007, 07:22 AM

So cell phones are ok'd for the Boeing Airbus... grrrrreat...

I can barely stand the time between boarding and takeoff/takeoff and landing when people can still use their phones and abuse even that privilege. This is only going to further create friction on airplanes.

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 07:29 AM

So cell phones are ok'd for the Boeing Airbus... grrrrreat...

I can barely stand the time between boarding and takeoff/takeoff and landing when people can still use their phones and abuse even that privilege. This is only going to further create friction on airplanes.

It's getting so that people are connected wherever they go. I think it's a horrible idea. They might have to designate cell free zones like they do will smokers. People are just plain rude with them. And why do they talk so loud on their phones all the time. Last week i was on the train and i swear i could hear the whole conversation from the other side of the car. Plus when your on a cell phone your not paying attention to your surrounding like you should be. That could be dangerous under the right circumstances.

20-Jun-2007, 07:33 AM
I think cell phones are generally for people who need to hold someones hand all the freaking time. Its not enough to go to the grocery but women are there on their phones going... gee hunny what do you want? Cereal? What kind? Ohhh you always want that... I just want to say ma'am you've abused your cell phone privilege and you're a moron please turn in your phone and bend over for a public lashing...

What I hate the most are people on walkie-talkie phones that make that horrible noise every time a transmission goes through... I just want to say shut it up if you want to know where your son is how about spending time with him and taking him round the store or is that too much exercise for ya?

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 08:11 AM
What I hate the most are people on walkie-talkie phones that make that horrible noise every time a transmission goes through... I just want to say shut it up if you want to know where your son is how about spending time with him and taking him round the store or is that too much exercise for ya?

God do i hate those things. lol I don't know how people can stand it. There's no privacy with that thing. What's funny is that my buddy has one of those phones and got chirped by another woman while he was with his girlfriend. :elol: It wasn't pretty let me tell you. Those phones are definitely not for cheaters. Serves him right though, dumb bastard. He should have never given his mistress girl the number to that phone.

20-Jun-2007, 08:35 AM
I think its Freud who believed there are no real accidents. Maybe he just didn't know how to break it off with her so he decided to go for the obvious to make her break up with him so he wouldn't have to do the dirty work. I know I keep trying to make my boyfriend break up with me but its damn hard. He can look at my cell phone records all he wants and see a billion calls to everyone who isn't him but he isn't even remotely suspicious. If I wasn't afraid he'd kill me or the guy i'd make out with in front of him i'd make out with someone else in front of him just to get him to say its over. Lets face it no one likes to break up. Except JLO but thats just because everytime she dumps someone she thinks shes moving onto someone wealthier and better. Stupid woman. Where was I? Cell phones... public beatings... breakups... its all the annoying crap in life...

i'm totally sarcastic in case someones worried :elol:

20-Jun-2007, 08:38 AM
i f###ing hate cell phones. peaple are always playing with them in public and **** and it bugs the crap out of me.

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 05:51 PM
I know what you mean. I hate it when people are texting on them and aren't watching where they're going. they're all bumping into stuff. I'm like." Can you put it down for a second!?!" People really act like they couldn't survive without their phones. Pathetic.

20-Jun-2007, 06:28 PM
What used to really bug me was, when at uni travelling on the bus for an early lecture (i.e. morning :D) there'd always be some Japanese girl squawking REALLY LOUDLY IN JAPANESE AND SQUEAKING WITH LAUGHTER - F*CK OFFFFFF!!!! :lol:

Nothing against the Japanese, but damn, SHADDUP GIRL!!! Mind you, anyway nobbin' on a bloody phone is annoying.

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 06:40 PM
And it's not like they're talking about anything but consequence. They talk about the most trivial things. If you're bored get an mp3 player and STFU!! :mad:

20-Jun-2007, 07:08 PM
What used to really bug me was, when at uni travelling on the bus for an early lecture (i.e. morning :D) there'd always be some Japanese girl squawking REALLY LOUDLY IN JAPANESE AND SQUEAKING WITH LAUGHTER - F*CK OFFFFFF!!!! :lol:

Nothing against the Japanese, but damn, SHADDUP GIRL!!! Mind you, anyway nobbin' on a bloody phone is annoying.

do uni's have morning lectures then MZ, thats a bit of a liberty:lol: :lol:

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 07:15 PM
I think its Freud who believed there are no real accidents. Maybe he just didn't know how to break it off with her so he decided to go for the obvious to make her break up with him so he wouldn't have to do the dirty work. I know I keep trying to make my boyfriend break up with me but its damn hard. He can look at my cell phone records all he wants and see a billion calls to everyone who isn't him but he isn't even remotely suspicious. If I wasn't afraid he'd kill me or the guy i'd make out with in front of him i'd make out with someone else in front of him just to get him to say its over. Lets face it no one likes to break up. Except JLO but thats just because everytime she dumps someone she thinks shes moving onto someone wealthier and better. Stupid woman. Where was I? Cell phones... public beatings... breakups... its all the annoying crap in life...

i'm totally sarcastic in case someones worried :elol:

Why do women make things so complicated. Just break up with the dude!!

20-Jun-2007, 07:57 PM
I like my cell phone, but people need to use them responsibly and also gain a personal sense of volume control. I was just talking about this over the weekend. I had seen some guy, yet again, in a public place squawking so everyone could hear him (I don't mean people 5 ft away, I mean people 50 ft. away) and all he had to was step out the door next to him, the one he kept pacing by, and go into the atrium...or walk outside into the beautiful weather.

Really, I'm not someone who gets pissed off by silly little crap, but the guy just had to take his volume down and/or step outside and he wouldn't have been bothering anyone. Sad thing is, he seemed oblivious to it.

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 08:07 PM
I like my cell phone, but people need to use them responsibly and also gain a personal sense of volume control. I was just talking about this over the weekend. I had seen some guy, yet again, in a public place squawking so everyone could hear him (I don't mean people 5 ft away, I mean people 50 ft. away) and all he had to was step out the door next to him, the one he kept pacing by, and go into the atrium...or walk outside into the beautiful weather.

Really, I'm not someone who gets pissed off by silly little crap, but the guy just had to take his volume down and/or step outside and he wouldn't have been bothering anyone. Sad thing is, he seemed oblivious to it.

Lol. that's funny . I don't know why people talk so loud. It's not at all nescessary. And everybody does it. I could see if it was just old people or kids. The thing is that they do it in places where it's very rude to do so.

21-Jun-2007, 06:10 PM
do uni's have morning lectures then MZ, thats a bit of a liberty:lol: :lol:
You're damn straight! Lectures/seminars ... and the dreaded DOUBLE SEMINAR, in the MORNING, now that's just not nice. Ah mate, they were well hard to get up for. :D

Ahhh...for the days of being a student...

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 07:27 PM
You're damn straight! Lectures/seminars ... and the dreaded DOUBLE SEMINAR, in the MORNING, now that's just not nice. Ah mate, they were well hard to get up for. :D

Ahhh...for the days of being a student...

It's hard when you're in there but when you look back on it those college days are some really great times. I'm in no rush to get out. i think i'm gonna pull a VAN WILDER. :sneaky:

22-Jun-2007, 10:59 AM
Woooo to Van Wilder!

Hell yes, appreciate every damn day, I didn't appreciate it enough, but I did appreciate it quite a lot anyway. I had an absolute blast, even if at times it got hard (be it cos of classes, or with friends), it was still a great experience.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 12:06 PM
Woooo to Van Wilder!

Hell yes, appreciate every damn day, I didn't appreciate it enough, but I did appreciate it quite a lot anyway. I had an absolute blast, even if at times it got hard (be it cos of classes, or with friends), it was still a great experience.

Do yourself a favor and stay away from the sequel, The rise of taj as it is utterly garbage. I'd rather have my nuts twisted than watch it again.:dead:

22-Jun-2007, 02:31 PM
Do yourself a favor and stay away from the sequel, The rise of taj as it is utterly garbage. I'd rather have my nuts twisted than watch it again.:dead:
Roger Wilko, tango over. :D

I knew it'd suck, I'd not heard of it until I saw a pokey little picture in the back of Total Film on an advert for Region 1 DVDs. I flat out knew it was gonna be penis.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 05:08 PM
Roger Wilko, tango over. :D

I knew it'd suck, I'd not heard of it until I saw a pokey little picture in the back of Total Film on an advert for Region 1 DVDs. I flat out knew it was gonna be penis.

It was without a doubt the most unfunny thing i've seen...EVER. Yet another example of a film that capitalizing off of another's name recognition. It had nothing to do with the first one. It was a sequel in name only.

22-Jun-2007, 06:12 PM
How do I manage to live without one!

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 06:17 PM
I had that same discussion with a classmate this past semester. He was adamant tha he absolutely NEEDED a cell phone. Sure it's convienient, there's no debating that. But no one absolutely need one. IMO it's annoying to have you're girlfriend call you every hour asking what you're doing, where you are and then get mad if you don't pick up. Who needs that stuff?

22-Jun-2007, 08:08 PM
I had that same discussion with a classmate this past semester. He was adamant tha he absolutely NEEDED a cell phone. Sure it's convienient, there's no debating that. But no one absolutely need one. IMO it's annoying to have you're girlfriend call you every hour asking what you're doing, where you are and then get mad if you don't pick up. Who needs that stuff?

It's hard... But somehow I just about manage to survive day to day without one... :rolleyes:

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 08:14 PM
lol. I have my cell phone with me all the time, but i'm not dependant on it. There's a big difference. I've seen people practically cry because they lost theirs or got their service cut off. That's pathetic.

22-Jun-2007, 08:23 PM
The MATRIX has us all, whether we like it or not. :lol: :moon: :evil:

Cell phones don't bother me, even during boarding. I just plug my headphones into my MP3 plays and zone those fcuk nuts out.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 11:51 PM
The MATRIX has us all, whether we like it or not. :lol: :moon: :evil:

Cell phones don't bother me, even during boarding. I just plug my headphones into my MP3 plays and zone those fcuk nuts out.

The only question left is, red or blue pill. ( no not viagra) :p