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20-Jun-2007, 12:18 PM
if so many people are getting ill through chefs not washing there hands after using the toilet, then how come i never get ill after rimming our lass??!!:lol:

20-Jun-2007, 06:43 PM
cos thats just one butt whereas a toilet has seen hundreds:lol:

20-Jun-2007, 07:09 PM
if so many people are getting ill through chefs not washing there hands after using the toilet, then how come i never get ill after rimming our lass??!!:lol:

:elol: thats a question i often asked myself as well, makes me think twice sometimes.:barf:
and what about porn stars do they get sick, cause their always exposed to arse germs.:lol:

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 07:27 PM
I can't stand tossed salads. :moon: :barf:

20-Jun-2007, 07:33 PM
I can't stand tossed salads. :moon: :barf:
not a big fan either, its just not proper behavior:confused: i once had a gilrfriend that was into it:barf: strange girl she was.

darth los
20-Jun-2007, 07:36 PM
Be careful if you do. Those crunchy things aren't croutons. :barf:

22-Jun-2007, 12:01 AM
When you get sick from a chef not washing his hands its because he wiped his rear end which contains germs that are most harmful... by not washing his hands he then spreads those germs... additionally there's things like hepatitis c that can be spread even easier through cooks and restaurant workers which are even more harmful...

But I think the majority of food poisoning cases are due to other things like from what i've witnessed ... my last restaurant had different colored cutting boards to say fish is cut on this, veggies on that... but the cooks didn't care... and they never washed their hands ever... something else they didn't wash was their knives... I saw cooks cut raw meats and then wipe off the knife to chop up a slice of dessert or salad fixins... sometimes they wore gloves but when the gloves ran out they stopped wearing them and didn't wash their hands between doing anything. For people allergic to shellfish this was an incredible problem (but what kind or moron is allergic to any seafood iteam and goes into a seafood place)... they also had a ton of bugs in the restaurant whenever someone left the back door open during a smoke break and then the flies would land on everything... they had rats for a long time... and whats so scary is that we had an "A" rating... still do actually...

In another location I was suprised anyone lived at all... every plate, soup cup, shelf was covered in rodent feces... eventually the health department shut them down for a few days but they were that disgusting for a LONG time... when I was sent there to whip them into shape I actually was so sickened I was ill in the loo... what was so strange was that the servers and everyone still ate food from there when it was dirty... I couldn't believe they had so little regard for their own health...

Oh but yeah I think you were talking about something more sexually oriented in terms of germ spreading and I wonder the same thing...

a word to the wise never brush your teeth before doing something with yer mate

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 12:11 AM
When you get sick from a chef not washing his hands its because he wiped his rear end which contains germs that are most harmful... by not washing his hands he then spreads those germs... additionally there's things like hepatitis c that can be spread even easier through cooks and restaurant workers which are even more harmful...

But I think the majority of food poisoning cases are due to other things like from what i've witnessed ... my last restaurant had different colored cutting boards to say fish is cut on this, veggies on that... but the cooks didn't care... and they never washed their hands ever... something else they didn't wash was their knives... I saw cooks cut raw meats and then wipe off the knife to chop up a slice of dessert or salad fixins... sometimes they wore gloves but when the gloves ran out they stopped wearing them and didn't wash their hands between doing anything. For people allergic to shellfish this was an incredible problem (but what kind or moron is allergic to any seafood iteam and goes into a seafood place)... they also had a ton of bugs in the restaurant whenever someone left the back door open during a smoke break and then the flies would land on everything... they had rats for a long time... and whats so scary is that we had an "A" rating... still do actually...

In another location I was suprised anyone lived at all... every plate, soup cup, shelf was covered in rodent feces... eventually the health department shut them down for a few days but they were that disgusting for a LONG time... when I was sent there to whip them into shape I actually was so sickened I was ill in the loo... what was so strange was that the servers and everyone still ate food from there when it was dirty... I couldn't believe they had so little regard for their own health...

Oh but yeah I think you were talking about something more sexually oriented in terms of germ spreading and I wonder the same thing...

a word to the wise never brush your teeth before doing something with yer mate

It's true, nasty things can get into the scrapes in your mouth created by the toothbrush. They're there people, even if you can't see them, trust me.

23-Jun-2007, 12:43 PM
When you get sick from a chef not washing his hands its because he wiped his rear end which contains germs that are most harmful... by not washing his hands he then spreads those germs... additionally there's things like hepatitis c that can be spread even easier through cooks and restaurant workers which are even more harmful...

But I think the majority of food poisoning cases are due to other things like from what i've witnessed ... my last restaurant had different colored cutting boards to say fish is cut on this, veggies on that... but the cooks didn't care... and they never washed their hands ever... something else they didn't wash was their knives... I saw cooks cut raw meats and then wipe off the knife to chop up a slice of dessert or salad fixins... sometimes they wore gloves but when the gloves ran out they stopped wearing them and didn't wash their hands between doing anything. For people allergic to shellfish this was an incredible problem (but what kind or moron is allergic to any seafood iteam and goes into a seafood place)... they also had a ton of bugs in the restaurant whenever someone left the back door open during a smoke break and then the flies would land on everything... they had rats for a long time... and whats so scary is that we had an "A" rating... still do actually...

In another location I was suprised anyone lived at all... every plate, soup cup, shelf was covered in rodent feces... eventually the health department shut them down for a few days but they were that disgusting for a LONG time... when I was sent there to whip them into shape I actually was so sickened I was ill in the loo... what was so strange was that the servers and everyone still ate food from there when it was dirty... I couldn't believe they had so little regard for their own health...

Oh but yeah I think you were talking about something more sexually oriented in terms of germ spreading and I wonder the same thing...

a word to the wise never brush your teeth before doing something with yer mate

i once did a stint(4days)in a chicken processing plant,hooking dead featherless chickens on to hooks.now ALL the time i saw dead flys/live flys,settling on the chicken corpses.or sometimes dropped on the dirty floor. they were just picked up and re-hooked ready to get packed.yuk...:barf:

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 05:56 PM
That doesn't surprise me. If most people actually saw their food getting made they'd turn to vegans.

24-Jun-2007, 06:44 PM
if so many people are getting ill through chefs not washing there hands after using the toilet, then how come i never get ill after rimming our lass??!!:lol:
Classic! :D

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 07:45 PM
That's definitely something to think about cap. I think my days of salad tossing are over. :barf:

24-Jun-2007, 09:30 PM
You wouldn't become a vegan or a vegetarian you would just quit going out to eat, and grow your own food. Even the fruits and veggies you buy at the store can be harmful to you depending greatly on where they store the fruits and stuff before they display it so lovely for you as well as how clean they keep the store.

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 10:17 PM
Obviously the most prudent thing to do is grow your own food and prepare your own meals but in today's world it's just not practical. People just have to much to do nowdays. The amount of food you would need to sustain just a 3 person family would take a good while.

24-Jun-2007, 10:20 PM
Obviously the most prudent thing to do is grow your own food and prepare your own meals but in today's world it's just not practical. People just have to much to do nowdays. The amount of food you would need to sustain just a 3 person family would take a good while.

i would starve if i had to grow my own food:lol:

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 10:22 PM
It's for the same reason that people use cell phones and the internet...convienience. If not don't you think there would be plenty more farmers around with the cost of living as high as it is?