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21-Jun-2007, 12:32 AM
Just like Cubans to Florida, but worse:


You know, I'm sorry that these people are stuck there and they come from a country that is unsafe, but don't you think that this sort of thing is getting out of hand?!!

You would think somebody would rise up against their oppressors in their own countries and try and make it a better place, but then again they may not have the tools to do so.

Then, Europe or the United States takes them in and taxes those people already living there.

:dead: Dawg

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 01:12 AM
Just like Cubans to Florida, but worse:


You know, I'm sorry that these people are stuck there and they come from a country that is unsafe, but don't you think that this sort of thing is getting out of hand?!!

You would think somebody would rise up against their oppressors in their own countries and try and make it a better place, but then again they may not have the tools to do so.

Then, Europe or the United States takes them in and taxes those people already living there.

:dead: Dawg

Of course it's getting out of hand. In humanitarian terms helping refugees and immigrants is definitely the right thing to do. In realistc terms it's just not possible. I'm speaking in terms of the United States because i live here and we have our own immigration/refugee problems. The fact is, though you may want to, we can't help everybody. Some people are just going to fall by the wayside. We are not the world's police or orphanage. Another thing. Why does it seem that illegal immigrants feel they have a "right" to be here? Being in this country is a privilege not a right. I'm all for immigration, if it's done legally and you can benefit our great country. Why should we take the dregs of someone else's society? We need their best and brightest. Not people who are going to be a burden to the tax payers of this country and decrease wages merely by their presence. We have enough of those already.

21-Jun-2007, 04:41 AM
I dont know why I keep trying to move to Europe legally when I could prolly get along well as an illegal

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 04:51 AM
I dont know why I keep trying to move to Europe legally when I could prolly get along well as an illegal

there's more truth in that than you know. You'd probably get an assload of benefits and subsedized housing.

22-Jun-2007, 11:34 AM
Just like Cubans to Florida, but worse:


You know, I'm sorry that these people are stuck there and they come from a country that is unsafe, but don't you think that this sort of thing is getting out of hand?!!

You would think somebody would rise up against their oppressors in their own countries and try and make it a better place, but then again they may not have the tools to do so.

Then, Europe or the United States takes them in and taxes those people already living there.

:dead: Dawg

in my country, england,the immigration is way,way out of control,poles,lithuanians,etc are coming to britain and taking all the british mans jobs albeit for less money.bas$£"%*!

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 11:57 AM
in my country, england,the immigration is way,way out of control,poles,lithuanians,etc are coming to britain and taking all the british mans jobs albeit for less money.bas$£"%*!

Alot of people are so worried about the poor immigrants that they don't realize that thieir presence in their country is depressing wages for the working man. People say in this country that they do the jobs americans won't do. I think that americans will do them if paid a decent wage. Also, all this politically correct stuff prevent s people from telling it how it is. We're too worried about protecting the immigrants feelings.

22-Jun-2007, 04:47 PM
Okay but Darth people in our country working average jobs that pay min wage aren't making reasonable wages.

While I feel for illegal immigrants and the plight of their homeland I still feel if you want to crack down on them the way to do so isn't to deport them or put them in jail but to help them in their country acheive the kind of life they'd stay there for. We're spending billions (or is it trillions yet?) of money on what I like ot think of as Vietnam: the Sequel... when we could be spending that money on worthy causes like keeping Mexicans in their own country... ousting Fidel Castro... and sending aid to countries deeply in need. But instead here we are... troops dying, getting disfigured, reporters being beheaded, ... when will it end? We need to pick our battles better if we ever hope to improve our country and maintain our status as a superpower. And to my way of thinking a superpower isn't a country that devotes its time to bullying other countries into joining them (they shouldn't need the extra manpower they're superheroes right?) and they dont fight losing battles to save face. A mon avis... a superpower is a country that demonstrates its strength and wisdom and concern for the world by improoving not only itself but the quality of life for those around them. If no man is an isle no country should be either...

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 05:39 PM
Okay but Darth people in our country working average jobs that pay min wage aren't making reasonable wages.

While I feel for illegal immigrants and the plight of their homeland I still feel if you want to crack down on them the way to do so isn't to deport them or put them in jail but to help them in their country acheive the kind of life they'd stay there for.

First off the reason why minimum wage is what it is is BECAUSE of the immigrants. I walked into a McDonald's in brooklyn the other day and the only people who spoke english there were the cashiers and their's was even suspect. These people are getting minimum wage and no more. If they could legally pay them less they would. Why would they hire an american who wanted 8 bucks an hour when jose' will do it for $6.25? Also, there will never be coprehensive reform in this country because big business doesn't want it. Illegals are a consistent stream of cheap labor. And we all know the pols are beholden to them, so there you have it.

22-Jun-2007, 07:07 PM
Okay well pointing out that someone speaks another language and that its their prefferred language does not automatically indicate that they are illegal citizens. But even if McD's was hiring illegals the government would crack down on them wouldn't they? And I dont blame the illegals for the crap min wage we have I blame the companies that rape their employees by screwing them out of honest wages and the government that's run by people with their names on oil tankers so what the hell do they care about making a living wage? They've got millions and they're only getting more wealthy by screwing the working class people. They only stand to lose by paying better wages. And I personally believe half of them employ illegals anyway.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 07:30 PM
You have to remember that these are privately owned businesses. Most get their jobs with fake social security numbers and fake names so that they seem legit. If gov't regulated this sort of thing then illegals would never get jobs. Everybody just turns a blind eye.

22-Jun-2007, 07:40 PM
They may use fake names and social security numbers but eventually the SSA would get back to the business and say hey thats a bogus number... I know that because I had words with them after I got my first job a few years ago here in the states and they said my number came back as someone elses number and I had to say wtf? Apparently they re-used some lady who died in 1928 or was born in 1928 and I got her number but yeah... they'll find ya... and when they do they ask you questions like whats your moms maiden name and boy you better have the right answer (though oddly I didn't) but yeah... the ssa keeps tabs on ssns

22-Jun-2007, 07:42 PM
Just like Cubans to Florida, but worse:

It's not the Cubans ya gotta worry about, most if not all speak English and are reputable businesspeople. It's the Mexicans who demand we speak Spanish and teach their kids in Spanish..... Sorry if this is offensive but it's a sore spot with me. IMO the cheap labor ain't worth it.


22-Jun-2007, 07:47 PM
Funny that you should mention Mexicans speak Spanish and demand we teach their children Spanish and speak it... since the U.S. goes to every country in the world demanding to hear English and have American food where ever we go... Because of course the true way to experience the culture of another place is by meeting only people who speak your language and being able to eat the crap food you get back home...

I for one have only worked with Mexicans who not only spoke English but begged me to teach them French. They were dishwashers so it wasn't like they could utilize any French but they had a zest for learning that was inspiring in a country where most people dont speak a second language and most people have a hard time speaking plain English.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 07:57 PM
Alot of americans are just not as apt to pick up languages as people from other countries. You meet someone from africa for instance, they speak two or three languages minimum. Americans make fun of people's accents all the time, but how would they sound if they had to speak a foriegn language. Just as bad if not worse, imo.

22-Jun-2007, 08:05 PM
Its not that they're not apt to pick up a language. Around 1997 the school district I lived in in Ohio happened to be beginning a program in the elementary schools that taught the children Spanish and French. By the time 2000 came about they were speaking it with fluency for a child. By continuing to learn it throughout high school it was like they were born knowing it. Of course thats an example of the easiest way to pick up a language.

But again... we're not apt to not pick it up... our problem is we dont see the need for it because odds are most Americans aren't traveling abroad and if they do they're not speaking the language of the country they visit because they're expecting to hear English. Its ridiculous. We're one of the most ignorant groups of people on the planet imo. People who say its hard to learn are just being lazy about it and they ought to respect people who go to a foreign land (legalls or illegally) where they dont speak the language and they dont know anyone and they learn to speak the local language and they build a life for themselves. We dont know how hard that is because someone came here hundreds of years ago killed off the locals and forced the others out for us. So we could have a life here. The cycle is just repeating with a new group of people. We're getting what we deserve we're just lucky we're not getting smallpox and that they're not poisoning off our food supply.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 08:12 PM
You have to remember that children's minds are developing at an astronomical rate. They're like sponges. They can learn two or three different languages. something happens to the brain at some point that it is not able to absorb info. that easily.

22-Jun-2007, 08:24 PM
Yeah but even before they began to teach children other languages people have been learning second and third and fourth and fifth languages for ages. There's no excuse for not being able to speak one or learn one. We're humans... we learn. But we choose what we learn and how much time we devote to it.

22-Jun-2007, 09:41 PM
[QUOTE=MissJacksonCA;94798]Funny that you should mention Mexicans speak Spanish and demand we teach their children Spanish and speak it... since the U.S. goes to every country in the world demanding to hear English and have American food where ever we go...QUOTE]

Well, the only country I've been able to visit so far is Mexico, and I speak Spanish. From there it gave me a basis for learning Mexican, which is another thing almost entirely.

I'm planning a trip to England, think I can speak the language there?


22-Jun-2007, 11:27 PM
well i'd say that's more geographical depending on what part you visit would then determine how difficult it would be to decipher what they were saying but you're at an advantage because here most everyone is from the UK somewhere aboots and they are in on all the hip lingo the kids these days are using...

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 11:41 PM
Well, the only country I've been able to visit so far is Mexico, and I speak Spanish. From there it gave me a basis for learning Mexican, which is another thing almost entirely.

I'm planning a trip to England, think I can speak the language there?


it's so true, the spanish they teach you in school is totally different from what is actually spoken by the natives in various latin countries.