View Full Version : You Are Not The Father!!

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 06:57 AM
I know this is kind of silly but it's late and i'm virtually alone here. Okay it's 3 in the morning and they're giving re runs of the munsters. Something just doesn't add up and i was hoping that someone with intricate knowledge of the series can clear something up for me:

If Herman is a frankenstein and lilly is a vampire then how the hell is eddie a freakin' werewolf!?! :confused: I think she was messing around. They need to go on maury and get a paternity test. What a freak show that would be. I mean, the kid obviously isn't his. Have you ever seen herman go into one of his rages? I would not want to be lilly when the results are read, that's all i gotta say. Any insights?

21-Jun-2007, 07:29 AM
I know this is kind of silly but it's late and i'm virtually alone here. Okay it's 3 in the morning and they're giving re runs of the munsters. Something just doesn't add up and i was hoping that someone with intricate knowledge of the series can clear something up for me:

If Herman is a frankenstein and lilly is a vampire then how the hell is eddie a freakin' werewolf!?! :confused: I think she was messing around. They need to go on maury and get a paternity test. What a freak show that would be. I mean, the kid obviously isn't his. Have you ever seen herman go into one of his rages? I would not want to be lilly when the results are read, that's all i gotta say. Any insights?

used to watch alot of the munsters and you raise a good point. she had to of been shaging a werewolf on the side since eddie looks nothing like herman at all.
maybe herman shacked up with her after she already gave birth to eddie, or maybe she was knocked up when she first meet herman and didnt tell him. either way herman is as naive as jim carrys character "charlie" from, me,myself, and irene to not notice.:lol:

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 07:33 AM
That's another good possibility. maybe they rescued him from being euthanized at the pound. But i still think that she cheated. vampire women are very kniving you know. Herman isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the draw you know. I'm not surprised he never questioned it.

21-Jun-2007, 07:36 AM
That's another good possibility. maybe they rescued him from being euthanized at the pound. But i still think that she cheated. vampire women are very kniving you know. Herman isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the draw you know. I'm not surprised he never questioned it.

the pound theory is a long shot . you pronly hit the nail on the head with the cheating theory, vampire women are loose and yes poor herman is rather slow.

21-Jun-2007, 12:39 PM
Come on guys....isn't it obvious? It doesn't matter.

It's just a family of classic monsters. They had a Dragon living under the stairs named Spot.....you worried about his origins too? What about their "ugly" relative Marilyn?:p

Actually....there is an episode where Grandpa(Dracula) transforms into a werewolf. He mentions being a wolf "in the old country"......maybe he passed it on to his grandson?

As you can tell.....I love "The Munsters".

21-Jun-2007, 12:49 PM
Bah. The Adams Family is much better.

21-Jun-2007, 01:20 PM
Bah. The Adams Family is much better.

It's a split game. Some like one or the other, while some like both. They're on a fair playing field considering that they both ran at the exact same time and lasted the same amount of time.

It was just the studios fighting it out. I'll watch both but "The Munsters" has many more laughs, imo. "The Addams Family" seemed to recycle jokes and storylines.

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 04:58 PM
They had a Dragon living under the stairs named Spot.....you worried about his origins too?

Yes, now that you mention , it going to keep me up nights.:D

Actually....there is an episode where Grandpa(Dracula) transforms into a werewolf. He mentions being a wolf "in the old country"......maybe he passed it on to his grandson?

As you can tell.....I love "The Munsters".

Great explanation. It takes someone with close personal knowledge to know that. They say baldness skips a generation. Maybe lycanism does as well.

22-Jun-2007, 11:09 PM
Simple really... your dad can have blue eyes and your mom can have green eyes and you can end up with brown eyes. Nature works in mysterious ways so just imagine how strange it's gonna work in a world with vampires and frankensteins.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 11:40 PM
I totally dig that....however!!! We're not talking about male pattern baldness here. He's a completely different species for pete's sake!! If your mom has blonde hair and your father black, she doesn't in turn have a puppy!!

23-Jun-2007, 12:24 AM
Come on guys....isn't it obvious? It doesn't matter.

It's just a family of classic monsters. They had a Dragon living under the stairs named Spot.....you worried about his origins too? What about their "ugly" relative Marilyn?:p

Actually....there is an episode where Grandpa(Dracula) transforms into a werewolf. He mentions being a wolf "in the old country"......maybe he passed it on to his grandson?

As you can tell.....I love "The Munsters".

aaah bass you beat me to it!:p
It's in the genes!

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 12:38 AM
Thanks da. As someone who was actually alive when the showed premiered your opinion carries alot of wiegft with me. :p