View Full Version : first review off aint it cool of zombies halloween remake

21-Jun-2007, 10:54 AM
I attended a test screening of Rob Zombie's "Halloween" remake in New York, and thought I would through in my two cents.

I'll be straight with you up front because I honestly loathe the idea of just remaking every major horror movie that may be special to any viewer without any style or class.

I did, however, feel that the Halloween franchise was in major need or a relaunch or reboot of some type, though I am utterly depressed that the original continuity ended on "Resurrection," with Laurie dying and Michael getting kung-fued. I get furious just thinking about the best horror franchise of all time being reduced to that. I think I'll just pretend "H20," utterly flawed as it is, was the last movie, and tell myself that "Resurrection" never existed.

As I stated, "Halloween" is my favorite horror franchise of all time. It hits you emotionally like no other because it has stronger heroines and a better concept than "Friday" or "Nightmare." It doesn't have to be about blood like the others, it can be about shadows and suspense and the nature of true evil at its best. The concept is so simple and beautiful...

And now it's been remade. I purposely avoided any spoilers or trivia on the movie in order to go into it fresh.

The good news is that it doesn't completely suck. The bad news is that it isn't really good either.

As the movie commenced, it appeared my worst fears were confirmed as Zombie begins to delve into the background of Michael Myers, going into detail about how he became what he eventually becomes. Uh, the allure of the character is that we know nothing about his background save that he killed his sister that fateful night for no apparent reason because his soul is black as pitch! We don't need to know that he takes pictures of animals he killed, or that his sister is the only thing he really cares about in the world.

We just need to know that he is evil. And will never stop.

I understand what Zombie was going for with the flashbacks, I really do. Adding something to the mythology to just not make the movie another pointless remake is a really good way to reboot the franchise, but this is the wrong way to approach it. Zombie does it with style, does nothing to make fanboys scream in revolt, and yet it it utterly unnecessary and makes the subsequent two thirds of the movie lose a great deal of tension because Michael is not a monster. He's a man. And a callback to these earlier sequences at the finale of the film ruins much of the tension that was built at the climax.

It's also rather disconcerting because Zombie spends so much time with Michael and so little with Laurie. Before the horrors of Halloween night descend on the film. The writing and characterization do nothing to separate any of the teens from all those other token dead teenagers in slasher films, which is a darn shame.

However, thankfully, the movie is amazingly-well cast, and they go above and beyond where the script falls short. McDowell utterly becomes Loomis for the audience, and by the end I had accepted him and didn't even think of Pleasance in the role. But honestly, I think we all knew that was going to be the case, didn't we? But I was shocked (SHOCKED!) at how well Scout Taylor-Compton slid into Jamie Lee Curtis' shoes, and how much charisma she has, and how effortlessly she carries the latter half of the movie. I shouldn't have cared about her, Zombie didn't give me a real reason to, but because of Taylor-Compton I did.

Let's talk about the good first, shall we? Though there isn't a great deal of suspense untilt he final meeting of Laurie and Michael because we know inherently, because we have seen all the movies before and all their imitators, when to expect the scares and when to get the popcorn, Zombie does a phenomenal job of building atmosphere and a sense of location and mood to any given scene. The final showdown between Laurie and Michael is phenomenally done, pitch perfectly choreographed and the tension exploded in the audience, myself included. My ass slid to the edge of my seat and my fingernails began to put indentations in my palm. Zombie got it right. The first time Michael puts on his mask also sent shivers up my spine...however, looking back at this moment now along with other smaller moments I liked, I have to wonder...

...did I shiver and scream because Zombie did a good job creating his own version of Halloween, or because I just love the franchise so much? Having seen all the movies numerous times, perhaps I'm not the right person to be evaluating it, because I'm too close to the material? Maybe. Probably not though.

Remember how I said Zombie did an excellent job with the suspense in the final faceoff? Well, that suspense is nowhere to be found in earlier suspense scenes and killings. And when Zombie kills off certain characters, his style of direction changes from atmosphere building to what I can only describe as him with a handheld camcorder trying to pee with one hand and shoot the scene with the other. Hold the damn camera steady, man!

And there are certain things I can't go into without ruining major plot developments in the film, but there is a certain plot development that involves the rape of a character that should have never gotten out of Zombie's mind and onto the script page. It infuriated me. It was cheap and done for no other reason than to disgust. And it needs to be removed immediately.

The cut I saw was rough, with the old score instead of the new. The good news is that at least half of the film's major problems can be fixed in editing.

The first thing Zombie should do is begin snipping the character of Michael way down, and adding scenes with Laurie. Michael is supposed to be a presence more than a character. A shape. The shape. Suspense and tension is created by how characters we care about, like Laurie, react to that presence instead of just showing us why they should be reacting.

Is "Halloween" a good movie? It can be. But right now, it's a fair movie that doesn't deserve to be as good as it is.

hmmm, not sure what to make of this, seems to me that its gonna be armeake which wont really improve on anything at all or be worse but more on par, labiet in a rob zombie way, to the carpenter orgional.
still gonna see it but this has put me off a little.

21-Jun-2007, 11:58 AM
I never thought the original was as "legendary" as alot of people made it out to be(and I love almost all Carpenter flicks), so I'm looking forward to what Zombie can improve.

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 05:50 PM
I like zombies work and think he's very capable of pulling it off. He definitely has a signiture style to his films. The series definitely needs to be brought into the 21st century. Let's keep our fingers crossed. :shifty:

21-Jun-2007, 05:59 PM
Well, if Harry Knowles is trying to convince people that the movie is only fair then he's doing a bad job because that half-assed preview only makes me want to see it even more. I have 100% faith in Rob Zombie and I know that Halloween will be an amazing ride whatever.

darth los
21-Jun-2007, 07:19 PM
Well, if Harry Knowles is trying to convince people that the movie is only fair then he's doing a bad job because that half-assed preview only makes me want to see it even more. I have 100% faith in Rob Zombie and I know that Halloween will be an amazing ride whatever.

Like withevery film you have to see it for yourself. I can't tell you the number of times that i heard a critis totally sh8t on a movie only to see it and think it was pretty good. Critics are pre madonnas. They swear they know it all.

22-Jun-2007, 11:08 AM
Hopefully Zombie will read the review and do some tweaks. I'll wait till I see it before I go putting my final thoughts out there though.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 12:04 PM
Hopefully Zombie will read the review and do some tweaks. I'll wait till I see it before I go putting my final thoughts out there though.

It's not like you don't have an edit button to make your comments disappear..:shifty:

22-Jun-2007, 02:30 PM
It's not like you don't have an edit button to make your comments disappear..:shifty:
Yeah but I'm lazy and I don't do self-censorship like that. :lol:

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 05:06 PM
Yeah but I'm lazy and I don't do self-censorship like that. :lol:

I admire that. Stand by your statement!! Not the lazy part. :p

22-Jun-2007, 06:57 PM
loved the original but cant wait to see this...

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 07:23 PM
Being a remake it's sure to do some things in an attempt to appeal to today's audience. As long as it doesn't stray too far from the original it should be fine though.

22-Jun-2007, 08:45 PM
seen the trailer a little while back over at deadpit and i was somewhat impressed. it looks as though this movie might be worth seeing not like other turds like tcm beginning or hills have eyes remakes

22-Jun-2007, 11:24 PM
I just generally hate rob zombies movies... when ya have seen one y've seen 'em all... of course that didn't keep me from seeing any of his flicks but I swear it was out of sheer boredom!

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 11:55 PM
Sure that's what they all say. One thing about zombie is that he has a distictive style to his films. You could be watching one and be like, wait a minute zombie directed this right? Tarentino is like that as well. His style is unmistakable.

22-Jun-2007, 11:56 PM
yeah unmistakeable cos he uses all the same actors and theyre alll bad

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 11:59 PM
You dare mock sid haig !?! :eek: Blaspheemer!!!

23-Jun-2007, 12:03 AM
oh yea? well yo mamma! :lol:

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 12:35 AM
Which one? I'm puerto rican, I call all the women mami. :D

24-Jun-2007, 03:52 AM
I never thought the original was as "legendary" as alot of people made it out to be(and I love almost all Carpenter flicks), so I'm looking forward to what Zombie can improve.

I agree. Although I respect the original (also a fan of Carpenter), it is rather dated and tame, compared to other horror films I've grown up watching. I need a version for my generation...at least a better one than what we've been getting so far, lol. And Rob's version could be it.

24-Jun-2007, 06:24 PM
You dare mock sid haig!oh yea? well yo mamma! :lol:

"Haha! No, yo mamma!"

24-Jun-2007, 06:36 PM
"Haha! No, yo mamma!"
Yeah, well saddle up the mule, ma. Slide me some grits, I's got to get me some edu-cation, uh hu hu hu.

Goddamn, motherf*cker got blood all over my best clown suit.

But MOST of all... f*ck YOU!

Well, I'll tell you what, Ski King. Why don't you just take your Mama home some chicken and then I won't have to stuff my boot all up in your ass!

Face it, the dude's all class. :D:cool:

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 08:02 PM
That's all i'm saying MZ. :D