View Full Version : nintendo, sony and MS diss manhunt

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 03:36 AM
As was reported on g4 today that in addition to being banned in the u.k. and recieving a preliminary AO rating from the esrb here in the states:

Nintendo and Sony have stated that they will not release an adults only title. This means that rockstar games will have to obtain an M rating which means that they will have to alter the games content in order for it to get distributed. Releasing it on the x box 360 isn't an option either as Microsoft also prohibits AO titles on their platform.

Here's the article.


22-Jun-2007, 11:07 AM
That's stupid that they prohibit AO titles...although speaking of Manhunt 2, Rockstar might port it to PC, where there are less classification issues, so maybe it'll be on PC, eh? :lol: DOWNLOAD! :lol:

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 11:43 AM
That's stupid that they prohibit AO titles...although speaking of Manhunt 2, Rockstar might port it to PC, where there are less classification issues, so maybe it'll be on PC, eh? :lol: DOWNLOAD! :lol:

yet another advantage of pc gaming you can throw in console fanboys faces when debating the merits of each. You would think that big business would be all about the money.

22-Jun-2007, 12:36 PM
Yeah well while the government are fighting with companies about how PC (thats politically correct not personal computer) games are theres another kid who cant afford a console or PC, buying a gun mmmm....

22-Jun-2007, 02:26 PM
But fighting about a videogame is easy, the gubments just put fingers in their ears, close their eyes, go "la la la, I'm not listening" while intermittently spouting tabloid-pleasing garbage.

It's far easier than solving the real problems that society faces, the real problems that are hurting and even killing people across the world (and no, I'm not twittering on about climate change) - poverty, disease, crime and so on.

But a videogame is easy to bleater on about, there's no work involved. Gubments really can't be arsed to govern these days, and when they do they don't pay enough attention or put the effort in, so half the legislation gets thrown out for being retarded, and the stuff that does make it through is still retarded and then doesn't work...now guess which gubment I'm talking about more than others? :lol:

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 04:45 PM
But fighting about a videogame is easy, the gubments just put fingers in their ears, close their eyes, go "la la la, I'm not listening" while intermittently spouting tabloid-pleasing garbage.

It's far easier than solving the real problems that society faces, the real problems that are hurting and even killing people across the world (and no, I'm not twittering on about climate change) - poverty, disease, crime and so on.

But a videogame is easy to bleater on about, there's no work involved. Gubments really can't be arsed to govern these days, and when they do they don't pay enough attention or put the effort in, so half the legislation gets thrown out for being retarded, and the stuff that does make it through is still retarded and then doesn't work...now guess which gubment I'm talking about more than others? :lol:

You speak gospel my friend. I can't remember the last time that meaningful legislation was passed in this country. The last time i said"wow, it's about time they did something about that." Pols are too busy pandering to voters to pass anything meaningful. Everything is a political calculation. The don't want to alianate any voters by making the tough descisions.

22-Jun-2007, 07:23 PM
And of course the big thing about running the country is:


Like "Yo Blair" himself, he thinks he's a rockstar, this world "farewell" tour of his, jesus christ, what a joke! And at the end of it, we may get rid of him, but Labour are still there and then run by someone even WORSE!! :eek:

They're as bad as English footballers now, all about the money, not bothered about winning a game, because they get paid anyway. It's sick.

darth los
22-Jun-2007, 07:47 PM
There's an old saying : it's better to deal with the devil you know than the devil you don't know.