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View Full Version : AM I the only one having doubts about the new "Die Hard" flick?

23-Jun-2007, 03:30 PM
The biggest concern for me is the PG-13 rating--which, as you'll notice, is never "announced" by the narrator of its television trailers for some strange reason. The makers obviously wanna put asses in seats, but they were doing that just fine with the previous installments, all of which were R-rated. Why try to dumb down one of the best action characters in cinema history? And why team Willis up with an inept actor like Justin Long? :confused: :(

23-Jun-2007, 05:48 PM
The previous thread covering the exact same topic would've covered it, but........you've at least got to understand that the film is going up against one of the most anticipated films of the summer, "Transformers". And just because it's PG13 doesn't mean it's going to be a bad film. McClane can still slip in the catch phrase that's needed.

Besides....you always have DVD with different ratings. Wait until you see the film before judgement. Willis loves it and it's produced by the creator of the series, McTiernan.......I think it will be entertaining at least.

23-Jun-2007, 06:08 PM
Willis loves it because he's paid to love it. He wants to put asses in the seats too, so of course he's going to hype it. Heck, he even claimed it was his favourite of the four. I call bs.

23-Jun-2007, 08:36 PM
Willis loves it because he's paid to love it. He wants to put asses in the seats too, so of course he's going to hype it. Heck, he even claimed it was his favourite of the four. I call bs.

True. Kinda....

He's definitely going to say that he loves it on late night shows and stuff, but i've seen some different, more laid back stuff on the net where he seems to have a boner over the film.

I guess we'll find out for sure next weekend. I'll be there, for sure.

23-Jun-2007, 08:45 PM
No, those "laid-back" things you've read are also part of his contract. You know when they caught Britney Spears drinking pepsi (or whatever) and Coca Cola got so pissed because she's supposed to be their sponsor? This is the same thing. It's in his contract to say good things about it.

Now, Bruce Willis might like the film a little. Let's say he thinks it's an OK film. In interviews, he simply embellishes this feeling a bit by saying it's kick ass, even if he himself only think it's decent and acceptable. Now if he hated it outright, he would still not be allowed to backtalk it.

24-Jun-2007, 03:38 AM
Although I'm not too hyped about this one, I have indeed read that the action is good.

So Kevin Smith is in this thing, too??




24-Jun-2007, 04:27 AM
Either way......I have faith in Willis(and McClane;) ).

Yippie-kay-yay mother f*cker!:thumbsup:

24-Jun-2007, 05:56 AM
Seems like another opening night disposable diaper to me. But, hey, if it makes the popcorn more palatable...

24-Jun-2007, 02:09 PM
I love how people around here talk bad about films without having seen them.


24-Jun-2007, 06:40 PM
Indeed Bassman, let's all see the thing first before we go destroying it. I've heard it's red hot, actually.

24-Jun-2007, 06:44 PM
Saw the advert for it on TV earlier, rated 15...now Die Hard 3 was 15, but that was from an "R" rated print, not PG-13, yeuch...that's my big let down, as well as the silly action, that's not tickling my dick much, but indeed bassman, if it ain't Day of the Bulgarian Zombie Career Destroying Remake, then let's all wait and see if it does turn out tasty, as it's got a pretty decent chance of being good...at least the DVD will be full-on, they'll surely do that...it's just a shame that you can't have an adult Die Hard flick anymore, all these bloody money-moochers in Hollywood jizzing their dough on too many crap films so they have to make the most out of the good ones, no matter what the cost. :rolleyes:

24-Jun-2007, 07:18 PM
I love how people around here talk bad about films without having seen them.


I guess LOTD burned me dude. Folks were optimistic about that film as well. The PG-13 rating does give one pause though.

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 08:08 PM
Saw the advert for it on TV earlier, rated 15...now Die Hard 3 was 15, but that was from an "R" rated print, not PG-13, yeuch...that's my big let down, as well as the silly action, that's not tickling my dick much, but indeed bassman, if it ain't Day of the Bulgarian Zombie Career Destroying Remake, then let's all wait and see if it does turn out tasty, as it's got a pretty decent chance of being good...at least the DVD will be full-on, they'll surely do that...it's just a shame that you can't have an adult Die Hard flick anymore, all these bloody money-moochers in Hollywood jizzing their dough on too many crap films so they have to make the most out of the good ones, no matter what the cost. :rolleyes:

I think that's the problem with films today. Trying to appeal to too wide an audience to make the most money possible.

24-Jun-2007, 08:46 PM
1 and 3 were great films. The title on this one gives me that feel of a night of drinking when you know you could make yourself vomit if you wanted to.(if that makes any sense)

Whats the deal with this one? somthing with the internet i hear, sounds weak from the get go. trailors look good, bunch of cgi action shots. I am half looking forward to this film.

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 08:57 PM
The title on this one gives me that feel of a night of drinking when you know you could make yourself vomit if you wanted to.(if that makes any sense)

Drink free and vommit hard. :barf:

25-Jun-2007, 12:10 AM
Like so many movie sequels in the past I see DHLFOD is going to suck ass. Like Lethal Weapon 3 and 4. Give me a break. Its an action movie its not supposed to be funny!

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 12:19 AM
Like so many movie sequels in the past I see DHLFOD is going to suck ass. Like Lethal Weapon 3 and 4. Give me a break. Its an action movie its not supposed to be funny!
I think if done correctly the best films have a combination of everything just life real life. Things aren't always one way all the time. Art reflects life and vice versa.

25-Jun-2007, 01:56 AM
Like so many movie sequels in the past I see DHLFOD is going to suck ass. Like Lethal Weapon 3 and 4. Give me a break. Its an action movie its not supposed to be funny!

I don't see where you think it's not supposed to be funny. "Die Hard"= Many funny/sarcastic moments from McCLane and Gruber. "Die Hard 2"= Funny moments from McClane. "Die Hard With a Vengence"= Many, many funny moments between McClane and Carver.

And on a side note.....I love ALL the "Lethal Weapon" flicks. The chemistry between Mel Gibson and Danny Glover is untouchable. It's a cornerstone of the buddy cop action film genre (kinda disappointed that it wasn't referenced more in "Hot Fuzz").

But back to my main point....If you didn't see the comedy within the other "Die Hard" films, then I'm sorry to say that you missed something.

There's no doubt in my mind that this new film could be crap, but I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt and looking for the good. Just earlier this evening I saw a TV spot that stated "In McClane we trust"......and that's very true to me. Bruce Willis can be Bruce Willis, but he's always maintained that certain sarcastic, charismatic character that is John McClane(badge # 7479--Yeah.....I love these films:D )

I'll know within 5 days, anyway. From what I've seen in the trailers/tv spots, he still has the character in his heart. I hope it's what a Die Hard film should be, but if it's not......I will definitely voice my opinion on the subject. But at this point....I'm excited. Not that I know the film is good, but just to know that one of my favorite characters from my younger years is back.

"Welcome to the party, pal!"

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 02:19 AM
And on a side note.....I love ALL the "Lethal Weapon" flicks. The chemistry between Mel Gibson and Danny Glover is untouchable. It's a cornerstone of the buddy cop action film genre (kinda disappointed that it wasn't referenced more in "Hot Fuzz").

That chemistry is definitely the standard for buddy cop movies but for some reason moviemakers haven't been able to duplicate it. this leads me to believe that it was the actors that made the relationship special and not the director or scriptwriters although there are some that are definitely capable of pulling it off.

25-Jun-2007, 02:26 AM
Deja Vu: PG-13
Live Free or Die Hard: PG-13
The Messengers: PG-13
That damn, 'Don't Answer the Phone or whatever' movie: PG-13.

It's getting really stupid.

Why not just rate everything G, so ALL the f**king kids can go see the same old tired Hollywood turds that they put out nowadays? :rockbrow:

Pathetic. Long live the SPLAT PACK!! :evil:

:dead: Dawg

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 02:30 AM
Deja Vu: PG-13
Live Free or Die Hard: PG-13
The Messengers: PG-13
That damn, 'Don't Answer the Phone or whatever' movie: PG-13.

It's getting really stupid.

Why not just rate everything G, so ALL the f**king kids can go see the same old tired Hollywood turds that they put out nowadays? :rockbrow:

Pathetic. Long live the SPLAT PACK!! :evil:

:dead: Dawg

I feel the same way. Unfortunately movies cost so much to make nowdays that without the kiddie friendly ratings the'll most likely hardly even turn a profit. Factor in how much the actors make and advertising campaigns and they're lucky to make any money at all. They're businessmen so they pretty much have to do it to see any money. That's business for ya.

25-Jun-2007, 03:30 AM
It's PG-13; I have nothing but doubts over it. Also, the fact that the commercials are chock full of lame CGI action sequences is a huge turn-off.

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 03:35 AM
There's really no other excuse for making this film pg-13 other than money. It's a blatant sell out.

03-Jul-2007, 10:42 PM
I just saw and it this past weekend and I'm sorry to say that my initial concerns were justified. A major letdown. but hey, three out of four ain't bad.

03-Jul-2007, 11:06 PM
Well I got up early to see DHLFODH... and yeah... waste of money... on the other hand I saw Transformers after and that movie rocked!

07-Jul-2007, 01:52 AM
Fantastic film, worth the money. It was high action and it delivered on the humor and snarky comments.

07-Jul-2007, 07:29 PM
i cant wait untill die hard 4 comes out on vhs or dvd,i personally dont own a dvd player so ill use my mummys!! if it dont come out on vhs.:cool: :cool:

07-Jul-2007, 07:42 PM
I'm not making any judgement calls till I see it.
I did say to myself when Rocky Balboa came out
that it was going to be crap. Yet when I saw it,
it was pretty good, much better than Rocky 5.