View Full Version : waste water....

24-Jun-2007, 07:41 PM
i was recently ear bashed by my mum for leaving the tap running,as it wastes water.in the next breath she explained that because of global warming, everywhere will eventually be flooded. if this is the case, surely the best thing to do is to leave the tap on so all of this water goes down the drains!!! :cool: :p

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 08:22 PM
Sounds good if thought about for less than 5 seconds but not actually practical.

24-Jun-2007, 10:45 PM
Exactly what time were you born yesterday? :p

Its a waste of potable water to leave the faucet running while you're not actually using it. Like if you're brushing your teeth and rinse the brush and begin scrubbing... turn it off. Not enough areas are reclamining water and instead just wasting it. While the effects of global warming are literally melting down the Earth you'll never live to see the day that Waterworld actually happens for numerous reasons most of which center around if the world became covered entirely with water most everyone would drown, and there'd be no vegetation, no animals and thus anyone who didn't drown would die off anyway.

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 11:03 PM
I used to have a friend who threw a fit everytime i would flush his toilet and it was only pee. I think he was doing it more to save money on his water bill than to save the enviroment.

24-Jun-2007, 11:06 PM
There's a lot of enviromentally progressive people who refuse to flush provided there's nothing solid in the toilet. While it does save money on the ol water bill its also a means of saving water which can be done in conjunction with buyng a low-flow toilet that's more water efficient. A good deal of the things that people can do for the enviroment can also save people money and often give people back money.

I used to make about $300 a month in California just by recycling the bottled and canned goods that my biz used... it was sweet =)

24-Jun-2007, 11:08 PM
I used to have a friend who threw a fit everytime i would flush his toilet and it was only pee. I think he was doing it more to save money on his water bill than to save the enviroment.

:lol: i waste so much water and dont even notice it. i waster the grass 24/7 and am always housing down things:lol:

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 11:16 PM
There's a lot of enviromentally progressive people who refuse to flush provided there's nothing solid in the toilet. While it does save money on the ol water bill its also a means of saving water which can be done in conjunction with buyng a low-flow toilet that's more water efficient. A good deal of the things that people can do for the enviroment can also save people money and often give people back money.

I used to make about $300 a month in California just by recycling the bottled and canned goods that my biz used... it was sweet =)

There's enviromentally conscious then there's whackos like sheryll crow who want us to use just one suare of toilet paper everytime we use the toilet!!! :eek: No wonder lance armstrong left her ass. That chick is crazy.

24-Jun-2007, 11:23 PM
Lance Armstrong left her ass because he's a cheating SOB who deserves no testicles and no man apparatus either! Moving right along...

I think i'm entirely enviromentally conscious. The mayor of San Fran banned the city from buying bottled water for its employees to save money and to protect the enviroment because of the impact buying, shipping, and making bottled water has on the enviroment. And on a personal note I bought Gila Film and applied it to my apartments windows to save on heating and cooling costs. And I dont reccomend anyone doing it because its a real bitch to apply took me an hour to do one window. But... its important to lessen your impact in every way you can. Unfortunately its either not convenient or whatever and most people dont do it.

I love the commericals where there's a bunch of peope around a running faucet in a public restroom and they're all talking about how awful it is and then one person walks in and turns it off and leaves. Theres another one showing a person throw something into a trash recepticle and misses and a bunch of people again are standing around talking about how awful it is to litter but only one person comes by and takes the initiative to pick it up and put it in the can. I pick up trash I see on the ground to throw out regularly. Of course I also have to use Purell like a maniac because of it but I can't help it. I dont want to live like some filthy pig like most people seem content to do.

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 11:26 PM
Lance Armstrong left her ass because he's a cheating SOB who deserves no testicles and no man apparatus either! Moving right along...

here we go with the genitalia again. You know that's the only reason women like hillary clinton. The band together in the common cause of hating filthy men. When you say things like that mj, it just makes people think you're bitter from you're own personal experiences.

24-Jun-2007, 11:53 PM
I am bitter from my own personal experiences but i've never been married and had my husband cheat on me blatantly with a celebrity. My dislike for Lance only comes from how everyone sees him as some kind of hero for beating testicular cancer and winning the tour de france so many times but at home he cheated on his wife ... apparently he lacked the balls to divorce her pre-affair. I have no respect for people who can't honor the simplest of vows they make to someone it speaks loads for their character and true colors and quite frankly i'm going to add Clinton and Martin Luther King to that list of men to be loathed despite the great things they've done.

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 12:17 AM
Martin Luther King to that list of men to be loathed despite the great things they've done.

We're cool but i can't roll with you on that one. Everybody has done dirt. We prop up historical fifgures to legendary status and it's like they're perfect. No human is perfect, things are just hidden from us. I'm sure my parents have done stuff i'd rather not know about. If i did know about them i'd see them in a much different light. The sad truth is, people need heroes and hope. if the press had covered jfk the way they did clonton he'd beat them all hands down. It's really none of our business what goes on inside a marriage.

25-Jun-2007, 12:24 AM
its none of our business? nah... I like to have an objective view on people instead of seeing them all one-sided like... its like history... you should want to know all sides of a situation...

as for a persons marriage... how a man treats his wife and vice versa speaks volumes about who they are... how you behave behind closed doors can be entirely different from how you behave out in public... i like to know who people are... that is... who they really are... if i can look past their scumminess great, if not oh well but at least i dont blind myself to whats going on or pretend something isn't happening...

i spose we will have to agree to disagree :)

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 12:28 AM
its none of our business? nah... I like to have an objective view on people instead of seeing them all one-sided like... its like history... you should want to know all sides of a situation...

as for a persons marriage... how a man treats his wife and vice versa speaks volumes about who they are... how you behave behind closed doors can be entirely different from how you behave out in public... i like to know who people are... that is... who they really are... if i can look past their scumminess great, if not oh well but at least i dont blind myself to whats going on or pretend something isn't happening...

i spose we will have to agree to disagree :)

Very well. However, we have no idea about what goes on inside a marriage. What kind of arrangements and what kind of problems. On that token you'd have to despise hillary just as much for abandoning her feminist principles and staying with her cheating husband just to advance her political carer. Don't you find that just as dispicable or are you pleading "double standard", the woman's version of the 5th?

25-Jun-2007, 12:52 AM
We really know how to completely change the topic of a thread dont we?

I dont really know if Hillary would have lost her supporters had she dumped her husband and filed for divorce. I also dont believe in feminist principles because I find the majority of feminists want to be like men and not like women. Personally if she chose to divorce him i'd support that but if she chose to stay with him and work out their marriage I support that. I dont know why she made the choice she made. However on supporting Hillary she can't stand by her decisions politically and that makes her a flip flopper. She never cheated on her spouse she has nothing to apologise for. By staying with him she only reaffirms her devotion to a man who has cheated on her and her willingness to work out their problems together. People who abandon ship without working them out are obvioulsy not that committed to their relationships and what a damn shame that is. Further by standing by her husband during his trial, his illness, and presently she demonstrates strength of character. It is and always has been my firm belief that no matter what a person has done to you that you should always stick by family and your spouses whether divorced or not because at some point you cared enough about them to promise to love them forever and you should recognise that they are the father/mother of your children (or something similar) and therefore should maintain some kind of positive rapport with them no matter what for the sake of that.

I dont feel thats a double standard or dispicable in any way because they didn't do anything wrong by staying. They're simply saying i'm committed to making this work. Saying that its for the sake of her political career is simply a guess and in a country where 52% of people get divorced and being a member of a more progressive political party I dont see it as something that would wreck her chance at a political future. If anything more women would vote for her because she would have pressed onward despite what happened.

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 12:57 AM
I dont feel thats a double standard or dispicable in any way because they didn't do anything wrong by staying. They're simply saying i'm committed to making this work. Saying that its for the sake of her political career is simply a guess and in a country where 52% of people get divorced and being a member of a more progressive political party I dont see it as something that would wreck her chance at a political future. If anything more women would vote for her because she would have pressed onward despite what happened.

I heard a great line once that's totally true: " no one in the history of politics has benefitted more from sexual favors that they themselves did not administer." It was wrong for her to stay. Betraying your principles makes you a hypocrite. a principle is something you stand for, just like wedding vows.

25-Jun-2007, 01:00 AM
She didn't betray her wedding vows she kept them by staying in her marriage. She made a promise to him like he did to her. He broke them but they moved on, together.

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 01:06 AM
She didn't betray her wedding vows she kept them by staying in her marriage. She made a promise to him like he did to her. He broke them but they moved on, together.

I meant that a principle is just as important as a vow and she went against hers.

25-Jun-2007, 01:09 AM
what did she do? because i'm confused... do you believe its the feminist principle to dump your cheating husband? because I could say it would be more likely they would want to humiliate their husband and boy did he get a heaping helpful of that...

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 01:16 AM
what did she do? because i'm confused... do you believe its the feminist principle to dump your cheating husband? because I could say it would be more likely they would want to humiliate their husband and boy did he get a heaping helpful of that...

No it's the feminist principle not to subjugate yourself and take crap from a man. Funny how all that went out the window when it was either that or a senate seat.

25-Jun-2007, 01:23 AM
ahhh its funny how you see it as a political choice...

It reminds me of people who make a living off de-bunking peoples stories of ghost hauntings and saying they're making up a haunting just to make money... when in reality they're making money off saying its not real...

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 01:27 AM
ahhh its funny how you see it as a political choice...

I'm a political junkie and clinton happens to be my senator so know her better than most. Trust me the woman is cold and calculating.

25-Jun-2007, 01:31 AM
I've been a Hillary Clinton junkie since 1995 :p

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 01:41 AM
I've been a Hillary Clinton junkie since 1995 :p

You're aware that she existed before then right? :p

25-Jun-2007, 01:44 AM
Yeah but i'm a kid and nothing exists until I find it... like the boogie monster

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 06:38 AM
And on a personal note I bought Gila Film and applied it to my apartments windows to save on heating and cooling costs. And I dont reccomend anyone doing it because its a real bitch to apply took me an hour to do one window. But... its important to lessen your impact in every way you can. Unfortunately its either not convenient or whatever and most people dont do it.

As is the case with everything that's good for us that takes a little effort, people won't do it because they're lazy. Everybody talks about going green but what they fail to realize is that we have to give up many things that we've grown accustomed to having. Bill maher made a funny comment, he said "that if global warming could be reversed just by everybody giving up their remote controls and go back to manually changing the tv, people would be like f**k it they're going to have to do it without me." Sad but true. :(

25-Jun-2007, 06:40 AM
Its not about reversing global warming its about decreasing our impact on the Earth. But most people are lazy and it can be costly. The film I put on my windows prolly cost me around $60 dollars... and I'm moving soon so its gonna have to come down when I move... but still... its actually cooled the place a wee bit and reduced the glare from the sun...

Recycling is free though... and in some states it pays...

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 06:41 AM
Its not about reversing global warming its about decreasing our impact on the Earth. But most people are lazy and it can be costly. The film I put on my windows prolly cost me around $60 dollars... and I'm moving soon so its gonna have to come down when I move... but still... its actually cooled the place a wee bit and reduced the glare from the sun...

Recycling is free though... and in some states it pays...
I know. Where do you think i got my arcade money when i was a kid? :D

25-Jun-2007, 06:51 AM
lol i didnt know you hung out at the arcade

25-Jun-2007, 08:39 PM
errr we are all off the subject here!